1200字范文 > 医学独立院校 the independent college of medical university英语短句 例句大全

医学独立院校 the independent college of medical university英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-06 23:28:39


医学独立院校 the independent college of medical university英语短句 例句大全

医学独立院校,the independent college of medical university

1)the independent college of medical university医学独立院校


1.The Psychological Characteristics of the Students in the Independent Colleges and the Measures to the Feature医学独立院校学生心理特点及应对措施

2.The Initial Exploration of Innovating the Students Work in Medical Independent College;创新医学院校独立学院学生工作初探

3.Orienting Independent Local medical colleges from the Perspective of Scientific Development;以科学发展观指导独立设置地方医学院校定位

4.Core competitive strength and development strategy for independent local medical college;核心竞争力与独立设置地方医学院校发展战略

5.Survey on college students" psychological factors concerning choice between further study and employment独立医学院在校大学生考研与就业的心理调查分析

6.Initial Research on Students Party Construction of Universities Independent Institute;高等院校独立学院学生党建工作初探

7.The Problems and Solution of Talent Training in Medical College;医科独立学院人才培养的问题与对策

8.Probing into second language learning strategies used by students in independent colleges;高校独立学院学生二语学习策略探析

9.How to Build a Harmonious Campus with the Students own Characteristics of Independent Colleges;把握独立学院学生特点,构建和谐校园

10.On the Party Building Work in Independent Colleges;普通高等学校独立学院党建工作研究

11.Investigation on the Ideology Education of Students in Secondary College高校独立二级学院学生思想状态研究

12.A Rational Reflection on Independent Colleges in China-Changing Independent College into Public College is Unreasonable;对我国高校独立学院的理性思考——独立学院全部转为“公办”不可取

13.A Study on University Independent College Talent-training Model;我国高校独立学院人才培养模式研究

14.Research on the Share of Educational Cost in Chinese Community Colleges;高校独立学院教育成本分担问题研究

15.Study on Governance Structure of Independent Colleges in China s Ordinary University;我国普通高校独立学院治理结构研究

16.On Characteristics and Strategies of Campus Cultural Construction in Independent College;独立学院校园文化建设的特性与策略

17.On the negative external effects of colleges and its countermeasures for colleges as independent institutes;高校独立学院的负外部效应及其矫正

18.Independent college is a new type of private college with Chinese characteristics独立学院是中国特色的新型民办高校


independent local medical college独立设置地方医学院校

1.Core competitive strength and development strategy forindependent local medical college;核心竞争力与独立设置地方医学院校发展战略

3)Independent College高校独立学院

1.The Revelation of the American Private College Directorate s Building for theIndependent College;美国私立高校董事会建设给我国高校独立学院的启示

4)Independent college student独立院校学生

5)independent college独立院校

1.Exploring how to meet the market demand and enhance employment competitiveness of graduates becomes an important subject of educational reform for accounting major inindependent colleges(branch schools).探索如何适应市场需求、提高会计专业毕业生就业核心竞争力已成为独立院校(分校)会计专业教学改革的重大课题。

6)independent college独立学院

1.On management of the P.E teaching staff in theindependent college of fujian province;福建省独立学院体育教师队伍建设探析

2.Exploration on Employment Advice for Students in Independent College;对独立学院学生就业指导工作的几点探索

3.Problems and countermeasures forindependent colleges in their student enrollment;独立学院招生中存在的问题及发展对策


地方部队(见地方军)地方部队(见地方军)regional forcesdifang budui地方部队(regional forces)见地方军。
