1200字范文 > 越冬害虫 Overwintering pest英语短句 例句大全

越冬害虫 Overwintering pest英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-26 22:13:34


越冬害虫 Overwintering pest英语短句 例句大全

越冬害虫,Overwintering pest

1)Overwintering pest越冬害虫


1.Investigation on Species of Overwintering Maize Pests and Parasitoids of Over wintering Asian Corn Borer Larvae in Shandong Province山东省玉米越冬害虫种类及亚洲玉米螟越冬幼虫寄生性天敌调查

2.Artificial Conservation Technology of Adult Synonycha grandis During Overwintering Stage大突肩瓢虫成虫越冬期人工保种技术

3.Studies on the Cold Hardiness and Mechanism of over Wintering Larva of Chilo Supperssalis (Walker);二化螟越冬幼虫耐寒性及其机理研究

4.The female adult overwinters in the crack of willows` bark.该虫以受精的雌成虫在柳树的树皮裂缝中越冬。

5.Change of fat contents in the non-diapause and over-winter adult of Kallima inachus枯叶蛱蝶非滞育成虫和越冬成虫脂肪含量变化

parison of water contents between non-diapause and over-winter adult f of Kallima inachus枯叶蛱蝶非滞育成虫和越冬成虫水份含量比较

7.Furthermore, the sequential sampling method for its density estimation was proposed.提出了越冬成虫密度估计的序贯抽样方案。

8.A Observation of Orcadian Rhyme of Peach Leaf Miner Overwintering Adult桃潜叶蛾越冬成虫出蛰及昼夜节律观察

9.Physiological and Biochemical Mechanisms of Adult Overwintering and Diapause of Chrysoperla Sinica (Tjeder);中华通草蛉成虫越冬与滞育的生理生化机制

10.Studies on the Cold-hardiness and Effective Accumulation Temperature of the Over-wintering Larvae of Diaphania Pyloalis Walker;桑螟越冬幼虫抗寒性及有效积温的研究

11.Studies on Cold-Resistance and Winter-Hardness Mechanism of Over-Wintering Larva of Acantholyda Posticalis Matsumura;松阿扁叶蜂越冬幼虫抗寒性及其机理研究

12.Cold hardiness of overwintering larvae of Chilo suppressalis at different ages二化螟不同年龄段越冬幼虫的耐寒性比较

13.Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plants Pests and Diseases越境动植物病虫害紧急防治系统

14.It develops3 generations each year in Fuzhou suburbs and overwinters mainly with nymphae and afew adults.在福州郊区一年发生3代,主要以若虫和少数成虫越冬。

15.Larva of the wasp f with 4instars.幼虫共4龄,咀食寄主组织,只残留头壳,老熟幼虫作茧越冬。

16.It has 2 generations in a year and overwinters as adult in Alar County, Xinjiang.该虫在新疆阿拉尔 1年发生 2代 ,主要以成虫在树干蛀盲孔越冬。

17.Change of carbohydrate contents in the non-diapause and overwinter adult of Kallima inachus枯叶蛱蝶非滞育成虫和越冬成虫体内糖类物质含量变化

18.The Effects of Overwintering Pest Control on the Population Dynamics of the Tea Pests and Their Natural Enemies in Tea Gardens茶园冬防对茶树主要害益虫种群动态的影响


Winter injuries越冬伤害

3)over-wintering larva越冬幼虫

1.Determination and analysis of body′s amino acid contents ofover-wintering larva of Acantholyda posticalis;松阿扁叶蜂越冬幼虫体内氨基酸含量的测定分析

2.Cold-hardiness analysis ofover-wintering larva of Acantholyda posticalis~;松阿扁叶蜂越冬幼虫体内抗寒物质分析

3.Theover-wintering larva of Trogoderma variabile were treated for 3~5 days at-25 ℃,1~2 days at-30 ℃,3~4 hours at 50 ℃ and 1hour at 60 ℃,the death rate reached 100%.实验表明,花斑皮蠹的越冬幼虫在-25℃的条件下处理3~5 d,-30℃条件下处理1~2 d,50℃条件下处理3~4 h,60℃条件下处理1 h,其死亡率均达到100%。

4)overwintering larvae越冬幼虫

1.The cold hardiness ofoverwintering larvae of Acantholyda posticalis matsumura(Hymenoptera: Pamphiliidae)in Taian;泰安地区松阿扁叶蜂越冬幼虫抗寒性

2.Biology ofoverwintering larvae of the Asiatic rice borer, Chilo suppressalis, in paddy fields of Northeast China;东北稻区二化螟越冬幼虫的生物学研究

3.Cold hardiness ofoverwintering larvae of Chilo suppressalis at different ages二化螟不同年龄段越冬幼虫的耐寒性比较

5)over-wintering adult越冬成虫

1.Cold hardiness of pupae andover-wintering adults from natural populations of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera:Tephritidae) in China;桔小实蝇自然种群蛹和越冬成虫的耐寒性

6)overwintering stage越冬虫态

1.Theoverwintering stage of Parocneria furva (Leech) in Hengyang, Hunan Province, is reported and itsoverwintering stages in other areas of China are discussed.记述了侧柏毒蛾在湖南省衡阳地区的越冬虫态 ,并对该虫在我国其他地区的越冬虫态进行了探讨。


