1200字范文 > 进退洪闸 inlet and outlet flood storage英语短句 例句大全

进退洪闸 inlet and outlet flood storage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-12 20:39:23


进退洪闸 inlet and outlet flood storage英语短句 例句大全

进退洪闸,inlet and outlet flood storage

1)inlet and outlet flood storage进退洪闸

1.On design for foundation treatment ofinlet and outlet flood storage in Qiujiahu of Yingshang county in Anhui安徽省颍上县邱家湖进退洪闸地基处理设计


1.On design for foundation treatment of inlet and outlet flood storage in Qiujiahu of Yingshang county in Anhui安徽省颍上县邱家湖进退洪闸地基处理设计

2.Study on Stress of Intake Head in Ski-jump Spillway of Arch Dam拱坝滑雪道式溢洪道进口闸首的应力研究

3.Piers and Bottom Board Temperature Control Design of Gate Piers and Bottom Board of Spillway Water Gates for Yanshan Reservoir燕山水库溢洪道水闸闸墩和闸底板温控设计

4.3D FEM methods Analysis on Plate of Flood-Relief Sluice泄洪闸有底坎折线型闸底板三维有限元研究

5.Study on model test for a large scale prestressed pier of a flood releasing and scouring sluice大型泄洪排沙闸预应力闸墩结构模型试验研究

6.Design of Pre-stressed Pier for Sluice Gate in Third Cascade of Baishuijiang Power Station白水江三级水电站泄洪闸预应力闸墩设计

7.Abstract: The outflow through gate controlled multi-opening spillway of Yinhe Reservoir was analyzed. The analysis results were checked by the site observed data.文摘:分析了音河水库多孔有闸门控制的溢洪道出流,并用出流的实测资料进行了检验。

8.The outflow through gate controlled multi-opening spillway of Yinhe Reservoir was analyzed.The analysis results were checked by the site observed data.分析了音河水库多孔有闸门控制的溢洪道出流,并用出流的实测资料进行了检验。

9.Layout and storage-routing method of the weir-gateway combination of the spillway溢洪道闸堰结合的布置与洪水调节方法

10.downbound entry下行(水)进闸时间

11.The floodgate was closed to control the flow of water.为了控制水流,防洪闸门关闭了。

12.The floodgate is closed to control the flow of water为了控制水流,防洪闸门关闭了

13.A gate used to control the flow of a body of water.防洪闸门控制水体流量的门

14.Another sluice gate keeps floodwater out of the lake.另一闸门使洪水致流入湖内。

15.The sluices had already been opened, and with every day the floods were spreading.水闸已经打开,洪水逐日奔流。

16.On Flood Forecast of Tidal Barrage of East Side of Dafengjiang Basin during Construction大风江流域东场挡潮闸施工洪水预报

17.Construction of Prestressed Anchorage Cable on Sluice Chamber of Zhangfeng Reservoir’s Spillway张峰水库溢洪道闸室预应力锚索施工

18.Construction Scheme of Blast Engineering of a Flood Spillway Gate Urge某溢洪道闸墩爆破拆除工程施工方案


flood-discharge reservoir gate滞洪水库退水闸

1.After the construction of theflood-discharge reservoir gate on YongDing River in Beijing,the soil backfill behind the wing-wall caused continual cracks in flood-gate soleplate For predicting the process of cracks,used FLAC 3D doing the relative numerical simulation,acquirement preferable resul永定河滞洪水库退水闸建成后,在边墩、翼墙后回填土不久,出现了和翼墙外边缘基本平行的贯穿铺盖、消力池和护坦的连续裂缝。

3)flood fall退洪


1.The situation of leak infloodgate of Lushi water project is introduced, cause and the urgency of it is analyzed.介绍了陆水枢纽泄洪闸门漏水情况,分析了原因和危害性,总结了对其中5号闸门漏水的研究和处理,提出了继续处理的必要性和基本条件。


1.The application of plywood/squared timber formwork insluice concreting of Suzhi hydropower project;胶合板配方木模板工艺在苏只泄洪闸混凝土浇筑中的应用

2.Multi-objective and multiple fuzzy optimization ofsluice scheme in north conveyance canal head北引渠首泄洪闸方案的多目标多级模糊优选

3.Therefore, after detailed studies of the above influence factors,the paper establishes the index eval uation system,and applies many models to thesluice optimum scheme of BeiyinQushou project.泄洪闸是引嫩骨干工程北引渠首最为关键的建筑物,其规模大小将直接决定整个工程的投资、淹没占地及未来防洪成本,更会对嫩江河势产生深远影响,因此本文在详细研究了上述影响因素后,建立了指标评价体系,并应用多个模型对北引渠首泄洪闸各方案进行了优选。

6)flood strobe溢洪闸门

1.The control and management system offlood strobe;溢洪闸门自动控制及管理系统


水库调节防凌(见水库调度)水库调节防凌(见水库调度)shuiku tiaoiie fangling水库调节防凌见水库调度。
