1200字范文 > 不和谐赛场 disharmony games英语短句 例句大全

不和谐赛场 disharmony games英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-16 23:01:55


不和谐赛场 disharmony games英语短句 例句大全

不和谐赛场,disharmony games

1)disharmony games不和谐赛场


1.Environmental Factors CBA Games Disharmony Analysis and CountermeasuresCBA不和谐赛场环境因素的分析与对策研究

2.The game changed in the second half for two reasons.下半场比赛和上半场完全不同,原因有两个。

3."It is trials of speed between two or more horses, and involves races among harnessed horses with different gaits, saddled thoroughbreds along a flat track, and saddled horses over an obstacle course."它是对两匹或多匹马速度的检验,包括不同盛装舞步赛,有鞍纯种马赛场赛和障碍赛。

4.This is a friendly game,that one is not.这是一场友好的比赛,那场比赛不友好。

5.have been a disappointment both on the court and on stores shelves.在赛场上的表现和货架上的成绩都不尽人意,

6.Would you like to go with me this weekend? There is a match at the stadium.您这个周末想不想和我一起去?在体育场有一场比赛。

7.If a team has four players they: They forfeit the team game1001, two singles games and one doubles game.如果只有四人出场,这个队的1001集体赛,和二个单人赛与一个双人赛不比就算输掉了。

8.If a team plays the match with five players: They forfeit one single game and one double game.如果一个队在比赛时只有五人出场,这个队的一个单人赛和一个双人赛不比就算输掉了。

9.I think I"ll opt out of this game.我不想参加这场比赛.

10.This has been a grand game.这是一场了不起的比赛。

11.Well, it was a good match.嗯,这是场不错的球赛。

12."But there were three races, were there not?"“一共有三场赛马,是不是?”

13.The game ended in a tie.这场比赛结果不分胜负。

14.The game is played in two periods of 45 minutes each with an interval Between them of not more than fifteen minutes.比赛分上半场和下半

15.It was an incongruous situation. The air was resonant with the music and songs mourning for the countless lives lost in the war.多不和谐的场面,歌声缭绕,却在为无数的战争冤魂哀戚。

16.Thinking of Appearance and Solving Strategies for Disharmony in Medicine Selling Markets;医药销售市场中不和谐问题产生及解决对策的思考

17.Cycling races racing include track events and road events.自行车赛包括场地自行车赛和公路自行车赛。

18.On the Relationship between the Construction of a Harmonious Society and the Harmonization of National Education;建设和谐社会离不开和谐的民族教育


stock market of out of harmony证券市场的不和谐

3)Scene harmony场景和谐

4)harmonious forest farm和谐林场

1.Setting up theharmonious forest farm is the inherent demand of forest management.论述了建立和谐林场是森林经理的内在要求。

5)market harmony市场和谐

1.Social harmony and economic harmony must be demonstrated by the state of market in the light of market economy,andmarket harmony is the fundamental for the construction of harmonious society.和谐社会的基础是经济和谐,而市场经济下的社会和谐、经济和谐必然要通过市场状态表现出来,市场和谐是构建和谐社会的重要基础。


1.Disharmony:Currency Turbulence and Economy in Modern China;不和谐音:货币紊乱与近代中国经济、社会民生


不和1.不和睦。 2.不调和;不和谐。 3.不和悦。 4.身体不舒服。
