1200字范文 > 室内模拟灌浆 laboratory simulating test on grouting英语短句 例句大全

室内模拟灌浆 laboratory simulating test on grouting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-16 19:50:52


室内模拟灌浆 laboratory simulating test on grouting英语短句 例句大全

室内模拟灌浆,laboratory simulating test on grouting

1)laboratory simulating test on grouting室内模拟灌浆

2)simulation grouting模拟灌浆

3)laboratory simulation室内模拟

1.In view of the existing defects in anaerobic landfills, especially the difficulty of their leachate treatment,laboratory simulation and mathematics modal of semi-aerobic landfills are introduced to investigate the leachate quality, factors influencing it and its degradation rules.本文基于当前我国厌氧填埋场的不足,尤其是渗滤液难于处理的现状,采用室内模拟试验和数学模型对准好氧填埋场的渗滤液水质、影响因素和衰减变化规律进行研究。

2.Throughlaboratory simulation study,the feasibility and reasonableness of leachate treatment with semi-aerobic aged refuse bio-bed are developed.针对目前垃圾渗滤液处理难的情况,本研究将循环式准好氧技术与矿化垃圾相结合,通过室内模拟试验,探索准好氧矿化垃圾生物反应床处理垃圾渗滤液的可行性与合理性。


1.Simulation of the Mechanism of Blue-green Algal Bloom Formation and Disappearing;蓝藻水华生消机制室内模拟试验研究

2.Indoor Simulation Study on Nutrient Release of Fishponds Sediment池塘底泥营养盐释放的室内模拟研究

3.Laboratory Simulation to Random Vibration Environment of Tractor Cab拖拉机驾驶室随机振动环境室内模拟的研究

4.The Influence of Nutrient on M.Aeruginosa Growth in Simulative Equipment of Experiment;不同营养盐对铜绿微囊藻生长的室内模拟研究

5.Laboratory Simulation Study on Leacheate from Semi-Aerobic Landfill;准好氧填埋场垃圾渗滤液的室内模拟研究

6.Optimal Wind Speed and CFD Simulation in Sunlight Greenhouse;日光温室内最佳风速指标与CFD模拟

7.Study on Simulation of Comfortable Natural Wind for Indoor Air Conditioner;室内空调设备舒适性自然风模拟研究

8.Study on Simulate of Diffuse of Indoor Formaldehyde Pollution Induced by Residential Decoration Based on Airpak;室内装修甲醛散发的Airpak模拟研究

9.Simulation Research of the Indoor Thermal and Humidity Environment in the Energy Saving Residential Buildings;节能居住建筑室内热湿环境模拟研究

10.Numerical Simulation of Indoor Air Environment with Heat and Pollutant Sources;热污染源对室内环境影响的数值模拟

11.Numerical Simulation of Indoor Air Distribution in a VAV Air Conditioned Room;变风量空调室内气流组织的数值模拟

12.The research on indoor simulation method of gas circulation drilling in a similar way气体循环钻井室内相似模拟方法研究

13.Large eddy simulation of fire spread behavior in an under-ventilated room通风不良室内火蔓延行为的大涡模拟

14.Lab model tests and PFC~(2D) modeling of pile groups in sands砂土中群桩室内模型试验及颗粒流模拟研究

15.It achieves three-dimension field simulation of compartment fire process.实现了对室内火灾发展过程的三维场模拟研究。

16.Numerical simulation of the fire smoke flow in a building corridor-room建筑物通道-单室内火灾烟气运动的数值模拟

17.Numerical Simulation of Influence of Step Changed Heat Source on Indoor Environment in a Heating Room供热工况阶跃变化对室内环境影响的数值模拟

18.HVAC System Simulation and Analysis Based on Uncertain Inner Heat Gains;随机室内发热量下空气调节系统模拟分析


simulation grouting模拟灌浆

3)laboratory simulation室内模拟

1.In view of the existing defects in anaerobic landfills, especially the difficulty of their leachate treatment,laboratory simulation and mathematics modal of semi-aerobic landfills are introduced to investigate the leachate quality, factors influencing it and its degradation rules.本文基于当前我国厌氧填埋场的不足,尤其是渗滤液难于处理的现状,采用室内模拟试验和数学模型对准好氧填埋场的渗滤液水质、影响因素和衰减变化规律进行研究。

2.Throughlaboratory simulation study,the feasibility and reasonableness of leachate treatment with semi-aerobic aged refuse bio-bed are developed.针对目前垃圾渗滤液处理难的情况,本研究将循环式准好氧技术与矿化垃圾相结合,通过室内模拟试验,探索准好氧矿化垃圾生物反应床处理垃圾渗滤液的可行性与合理性。

4)lab simulation室内模拟

5)simulated grouting experiment模拟灌浆试验

1.Thesimulated grouting experiment of alkali activated carbonatites-slag grouting material (AACSGM) pastes was carried out in laboratory, and grouting process parameters under laboratory conditions are obtained as follows: the grouting pressure being 2.通过对碱激发碳酸盐矿-矿渣复合灌浆材料进行实验室模拟灌浆试验研究,获得实验室条件下灌浆工艺参数是:灌浆压力2。

6)laboratory experiment室内模拟试验

1.Determination of longitudinal dispersion coefficient of rivers throughlaboratory experiment;室内模拟试验确定河流纵向扩散系数研究

2.Research onlaboratory experiment of natural convection mechanism of embankment ballast;路堤块石自然对流机理的室内模拟试验研究


室内1.谓祖庙之内。室,指太室。 2.家中。
