1200字范文 > 山羊豆 Galega officinalis L英语短句 例句大全

山羊豆 Galega officinalis L英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-10 17:05:00


山羊豆 Galega officinalis L英语短句 例句大全

山羊豆,Galega officinalis L

1)Galega officinalis L山羊豆

1.Morphological Diversity Analysis ofGalega officinalis L. Germplasm Resources;山羊豆种质资源形态多样性分析


1.The Cell Biological Research of Galega L.;豆科山羊豆属牧草的细胞生物学特性研究

2.Research Progress and Development Prospect on Galega Orientalis Lam.优良豆科牧草东方山羊豆研究现状与趋势分析

3.Analysis on karyotype of Galega orientalis cv. Xinyin No.1新引1号东方山羊豆染色体核型分析

4.Galega Introduction in Shanxi and its Breeding of Rhizobium山羊豆在山西引种试验及其优良根瘤菌的选育

5.Ecological and Biological Characteristics and Utilization of Galega orientalis Lam.cv.Xinyin No.1新引1号东方山羊豆生态生物学特性及利用

6.Identification and Characterzation of ERF and RAV Transcription Factors from Galega Orientalis东方山羊豆抗逆相关转录因子基因的克隆和相关研究

7.Effect of irrigation methods on seedling emergence of Galega orientalis cv.Xinyin No.1灌溉方法对新引1号东方山羊豆新品系出苗的影响

8.Cloning and Analysis of a Vacuolar Na+/H+ Antiporter Gene in Galega orientalis东方山羊豆液泡膜Na~+/H~+逆向转运蛋白基因的克隆与分析

9.Studies on the Effect of Soy Isoflavones on Ruminal Metabolism in Goat;大豆异黄酮对山羊瘤胃代谢影响的研究

10.Study on the Protective Effect of Protein Diets on Goat;山羊体内大豆粕过瘤胃保护效果的研究

11.A calf/lamb/goat bleats.小牛/小羊/山羊叫。

12.The Effects of Daidzein and Combination of Daidzeinand Cysteamine on Digest and Metabolism and Cashmere Characteristics in Cashmere Goats;大豆黄酮及其复合制剂对绒山羊消化代谢和产绒性能的影响

13.Effects of Cysteamine and Daidzein on Rumen Metabolism of Goats and in Vitro Fermentation of Rumen Microbes;半胱胺、大豆黄酮对山羊瘤胃代谢及瘤胃微生物体外发酵的影响

14.Preparation of Serum Against Swainsonine and Its Effects on Goats Poisoned by O.Kansuensis Bunge;苦马豆素抗血清的制备及其治疗山羊疯草中毒的研究

15.Soil Seed Bank of Melilotoides Ruthenicus var.Inschanicus Community on the Arid Grassland in the Upstream Area of Shiyang River石羊河上游干旱草原阴山扁蓿豆群落土壤种子库

16.Effects of extruded soybean multinutrient block on production performances of captive goats膨化大豆复合营养舔砖对舍饲圈养山羊生产性能的影响

17.a goatskin bag, purse, etc山羊皮包、 山羊皮钱包.

18.of or pertaining to or suggestive of a goat (especially in strong odor).属于山羊、与山羊有关或暗指山羊(尤指羊臊味重)。



1.Observations on the Pollen Morphology and Meiosis of Pollen Mother Cell inGalega;两种山羊豆属植物花粉形态与花粉母细胞减数分裂行为观察


4)Galega Orientalis L东方山羊豆

1.Effects of Salt Stress on Physiological Process ofGalega Orientalis L.;盐胁迫对东方山羊豆生理特性的影响

2.Preliminary Introduction Study on Galega orientalis L.;东方山羊豆引种研究初报

5)Galega orientalis东方山羊豆

1.Suitability ofGalega orientalis to eastern Gansu province in semi-arid regions;东方山羊豆在陇东半干旱雨养农区的引种适应性

2.Effects of Different Treatments on vitality of Galega Orientalis L grass seeds;不同处理对东方山羊豆种子活力的影响

3.The research ofGalega orientalis’s drought physiological characteristics in the stress of PEG;PEG胁迫下东方山羊豆抗旱生理特性的研究

6)medicinal Galegas药用山羊豆


双香豆素乙酯 , 新双香豆素,新香豆素乙酯,香豆乙酯药物名称:双香豆素乙酯英文名:Ethyl Biscoumacetate别名: 双香豆素乙酯 , 新双香豆素,新香豆素乙酯,香豆乙酯外文名:Ethyl Biscoumacetate 适应症: 1.防治血栓栓塞性疾病,可防止血栓形成与发展,如治疗血栓栓塞性静脉炎,降低肺栓塞的发病率和死亡率,减少外科大手术,风湿性心脏病、髋关节固定术、人工置换心脏瓣膜手术等的静脉血栓发生率。 2.心肌梗塞的辅助用药。 用量用法: 口服:开始24小时内,以0.6~0.9g,分2~3次服。以后每日服0.3~0.6g,2~3次分服。或根据凝血酶原波动而调整剂量。 注意事项: 同双香豆素。 规格: 片剂:50mg。 类别:抗凝血药
