1200字范文 > 信号变换 signal conversion英语短句 例句大全

信号变换 signal conversion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-16 12:58:02


信号变换 signal conversion英语短句 例句大全

信号变换,signal conversion

1)signal conversion信号变换

1.To meet the demand of the conversion of DC voltage ratio signals to ARINC 429 data signals,based on the simple analysis of I/O signal properties,signal conversion modules and implementation concepts of the functional modules are discussed.在某大型系统中需要将直流电压比率信号变换为ARINC429数据信号,本文在简单分析输入输出信号特性的基础上,对信号变换的组成模块以及各功能模块的实现方案进行了论述。


1.Signal Transformation of PCM-FSK/DTMF on DSP;在DSP上实现PCM-FSK/DTMF信号变换

2.I wait for the light to change .我等候信号灯变换。

3.Research on detecting abrupt changes of signals via S transform and wavelet transform;S变换与小波变换检测信号突变性研究

4.The analog signals must be converted to voltage signals suitable for conversion to digital form.模拟信号须转换成适合于变换到数字形式的电压信号。

5.The EEG Signal Analysis Based on Wavelet Transform基于小波变换的脑电信号分析(英文)

6.The QRS Detection Based on Wavelet Transform;基于小波变换的心电信号QRS波群检测

7.Feature Extraction of Periodic Signal Based on Wavelet Transform;基于小波变换的周期信号的特征提取

8.Theoretical and Experimental Study on Wavelength Converters of All Optical Signals;全光信号波长变换的理论与实验研究

9.The Research on Transform Algorithm of 2-D Hybrid Signal and System;二维混合信号与系统的变换算法研究

10.Hilbert-Huang Transform and Its Application in Signal Processing;Hilbert-Huang变换及其在信号处理中的应用

11.Analyze the Ignition Signal of Engine Based on Wavelet Transformation;基于小波变换的发动机点火信号分析

12.Application of Physics Wavelet Transform on Acoustic Signal Processing;物理小波变换在声信号处理中的应用

13.Wavelet Transform and Its Application in HPLC Signal Processing;小波变换在HPLC信号处理中的应用

14.A Method Based On Wavelet Transform For Detecting Partial Discharging Singal;基于小波变换的局放信号检测与提取

15.The Time-frequency Analysis of Speech Signal Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform基于Hilbert-Huang变换的语音信号时频分析

16.The Second Generation Wavelet Transform in ECG Signal of the Application and Research第二代小波变换在ECG信号的应用研究

17.Research on the Modulation Identification of OFDM Based on the Wavelet Transform基于小波变换的OFDM信号识别技术研究

18.Contraction Signal"s De-Noising Based on the Biorthogonal Wavelet Transform基于双正交小波变换的宫缩信号消噪


signal transform信号变换

1.Application ofsignal transform method to highway observation;信号变换处理方法在公路观测中的应用

3)signal transformation信号变换

1.Using space vector pulse-width modulation(SVPWM)signal transformation method,speed regulation of induction motor is implemented by controlling the duty ratio of every converter switch.利用电压空间矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)信号变换控制功率变换器各开关器件的导通占空比,实现异步电动机的速度调节。

4)signal converter信号变换器

1.The system is composed of the field control unit andsignal converter and operator station.该系统由具有强有力的过程控制功能的现场控制单元和信号变换器、操作站组成,对熔炼过程中的温度、压力、流量进行有效监测与控制,从而改善了现场工作人员的劳动条件,提高了产品产量和质量,提高了经济效益,应用效果良好。

5)signal transform box信号变换盒

1.Thesignal transform box is an important states measurement and signal transform facility for Electronic safety and arming system (ESA) in telemeteringtest.信号变换盒就是实现引信状态测量和信号变换功能的重要设备。

6)signal transformer信号变压器,信号变换器


