1200字范文 > 环枢关节错位 atlantoaxial joint malposition英语短句 例句大全

环枢关节错位 atlantoaxial joint malposition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-10 00:38:05


环枢关节错位 atlantoaxial joint malposition英语短句 例句大全

环枢关节错位,atlantoaxial joint malposition

1)atlantoaxial joint malposition环枢关节错位

1.ObjectiveTo explore the clinical therapeutic effect of treating cervical vertigo induced byatlantoaxial joint malposition with manipulation.目的观察手法治疗环枢关节错位所致颈性眩晕的疗效。


1.Clinical Research of Manipulation Restoration forAtlantoepistrophica Malposition;手法整复环枢关节错位的临床研究

3)I have a dislocated joint.我关节错位。

4)atlanto-axial subluxation寰枢关节半脱位

1.Modern diagnosis and therapy of childrenatlanto-axial subluxation;关于儿童自发性寰枢关节半脱位的现代诊断和治疗探讨


1.The clinical value and comparison of conventional radiography and MDCT reconstruction in atlantoaxial subluxation in children儿童寰枢关节半脱位X线及多层螺旋CT诊断价值及对比分析

2.Analysis of Factors Related to Atlantoaxial Subluxation of Children Patients and the Interventions小儿寰枢椎半脱位相关因素分析及干预

3.Radiological and Clinical Study of Atlantoaxial Rotatory Dislocation;寰枢关节旋转脱位的影像学和临床研究

4.Clinical value of spiral CT 3D reconstruction in diagnosing atlantoaxial subluxation螺旋CT3D重建对寰枢关节不全脱位的诊断价值

5.Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Traumatic Atlanto-axial Rotatory Dislocation(Analysis of 32 Cases)创伤性寰枢关节旋转脱位的诊断与外科治疗(附32例报告)

6.The influence of occipitoaxial alignment on subaxial cervical spine in patients with atlantoxial dislocation and instability寰枢关节不稳或脱位患者上颈椎曲度改变对下颈椎的影响

7.Clinical application of atlantoaxial pedicle screw internal fixation for treatment of atlantoaxial dislocation寰枢椎椎弓根钉治疗寰枢椎脱位的临床应用

8.Inner Fixation with Lateral Mass Epistropheus Pedicle Screws plus Titanium Cable for Treatment of Atlantoaxial Dislocation寰椎侧块枢椎椎弓根螺钉加钛缆内固定治疗寰枢椎脱位3例

9.Surgical Treatment with Atlantoaxial Pedicle Screws for Old irreducible Anterior Atlantoaxial Dislocation寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉固定技术治疗陈旧性难复性寰枢椎前脱位

10.Treatment of Atlantoaxial Instability with C_2 Translaminar Screw and C_1 Pedicle Screw Fixation枢椎椎板螺钉联合寰椎椎弓根螺钉固定治疗寰枢椎脱位

11.Study of C1-2 Transarticular Screw Fixation and Intraoperative Reduction Device;寰枢椎经关节螺钉固定的相关研究及术中复位装置研制

12.Clinical Diagnostic Researches for Dislocation Syndrome of Atlanto-axial Joint;寰枢关节紊乱综合征的临床诊断研究

13.Posterior Atlantoaxial and Occipitocervical Fixation with Screw-plate System后路钉板寰枢关节、枕颈固定融合术

14.A Finite Element Investigation of Bilateral Atlantoaxial Transarticular Screws and Atlas Laminar Hooks Instrumentation;双侧经寰枢关节螺钉及寰椎椎板钩内固定系统的三维有限元研究

15.Fundamental Research of Bilateral C1-2 Transarticular Screw Combined with C1 Laminar Hook Fixation and Evaluation of Its Clinical Application双侧经寰枢关节螺钉及寰椎椎板钩内固定的基础研究和临床评价

16.Safety factors analysis for atlas-axis components screw tunnel of artificial atlanto-odontoid joint人工寰齿关节寰枢椎部件固定钉道的安全因素分析

17.Three-dimensional CTA Study on the Interrelations between Vertebral Artery and Atlantoaxial Joint三维CTA研究椎动脉与寰枢关节的相互关系

18.The Investigation of the Lateral Atlanto-Dental Space of Atlanto-dental Joint by Multi-slice CT;寰枢关节齿突侧块间隙的多层螺旋CT研究



1.Clinical Research of Manipulation Restoration forAtlantoepistrophica Malposition;手法整复环枢关节错位的临床研究

3)I have a dislocated joint.我关节错位。

4)atlanto-axial subluxation寰枢关节半脱位

1.Modern diagnosis and therapy of childrenatlanto-axial subluxation;关于儿童自发性寰枢关节半脱位的现代诊断和治疗探讨

5)atlanto-axial joint dislocation寰枢关节脱位

6)atlantoaxial subluxation寰枢关节半脱位

1.Clinical analysis of 98 patients withatlantoaxial subluxation;寰枢关节半脱位98例临床分析

2.Objective:To evaluate the effect of manipulative reduction combined with isometric exercise with resistance on theatlantoaxial subluxation.目的:观察手法整复结合等长抗阻训练治疗寰枢关节半脱位的效果。


环枢1.古星名。摄提的别名。 2.泛指天象,天道。 3.比喻枢密使。唐宋时执掌军政要务。
