1200字范文 > 刑法哲学 philosophy of criminal law英语短句 例句大全

刑法哲学 philosophy of criminal law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-06 15:17:46


刑法哲学 philosophy of criminal law英语短句 例句大全

刑法哲学,philosophy of criminal law

1)philosophy of criminal law刑法哲学

1.A paraphrase ofphilosophy of criminal law in the sense of natural law:With comments on the humanity basis of criminal law by prof. Chen Xingliang;解读自然法意义上的刑法哲学——兼评陈兴良著《刑法的人性基础》


1.Philosophy Implication of Criminal Law of "Ordinary Truth,Common Feeling,General Reason";“常理、常识、常情”的刑法哲学蕴涵

2.A paraphrase of philosophy of criminal law in the sense of natural law:With comments on the humanity basis of criminal law by prof. Chen Xingliang;解读自然法意义上的刑法哲学——兼评陈兴良著《刑法的人性基础》

3.Re - consideration of the object in criminal law in light of philosophical principles;以哲学基本原理再认识刑法上的客体

4.On the causality of criminal law theory from an angle of philosophy;从哲学角度谈刑法理论中的因果关系

5.Does a Transcultural Criminal Law Really Exist? --A Philosophical Attempt;存在跨文化刑法吗?——一种哲学尝试

6.Theoretical Contrast between Restorative Justice and Traditional Criminal Justice;恢复性司法与传统刑事司法的法哲学比较

7.Rethinking the Legal Principles of Crimes and the Formal Factors of Law from the Philosophical Perspective;法的形式要素与罪刑法定原则的法哲学思考

paraison des instruments pénaux de la France et de la Chine;贪污、贿赂罪:中、法刑事政策的法哲学比较

9.On Efficiency of Criminal Procedure--Legal Philosophical Analysis with Economic View;论刑事诉讼的效率——经济学视角的法哲学分析

10.The Change of Political Philosophy View and the Modification of Criminal Litigation Law;政治哲学观的转变与刑事诉讼法的再修改

11.On the Law Philosophy Basis of the Criminal Responsibility in Punishing Acts Of Impairing Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases;论刑惩妨害传染病防治行为的法哲学依据

12.Legal and Philosophical Thinking on Criminal Duty on Violating Citizen s Right of Being Educated;侵犯公民受教育权行为刑事责任的法哲学思考

13.Philosophical Thinking on Strengthening Police by Science and Technology--Chapter 5 on Criminal Investigation Dialectic;关于科技强警的哲学思考(下)——刑事侦查辩证法研究之五

14.Philosophical Thinking on Strengthening Police by Science and Technology(Middle) --Chapter 4 on Criminal Investigation Dialetics;关于科技强警的哲学思考(中)——刑事侦查辩证法研究之四

15.On the Philosophical Thinkingof Strengthening Police by Science and Technology--The Third Chapter on Criminal Investigation Dialectics;关于科技强警的哲学思考(上)——刑事侦查辩证法研究之三

16.Response and Countervailing:Reconsidering the Philosophical Nature and Function of China"s Criminal Procedure Law回应与应对:我国刑事诉讼法哲学属性与功能再认识

17.On Philosophy of Confinement of Death Penalty--Also on the Abolition of Death Penalty of Economic Crime;论死刑限制的刑罚哲学根据——兼论经济犯罪死刑的废除

18.It contains scientific philosophy and philosophical methodology.它包括学科哲学和哲学方法学(方法类应用哲学)。


philosophy of criminal procedure law刑事诉讼法哲学

1.The study of "philosophy of legal branches" need response,the problems in the study ofphilosophy of criminal procedure law need countermeasures."部门法哲学"研讨热潮需要回应,刑事诉讼法哲学研究中逐渐暴露的难题需要应对。

3)Criminal punishment philosophy刑罚哲学

1.On dual fulfillments of criminal punishment philosophy stated by Lampe;拉姆佩论刑罚哲学的双重任务

4)Legal Philosophical Thought on Torture Punishment酷刑的法哲学思考

5)Philosophy method哲学方法

1.As a kind of philosophy method,pragmatism had certain positive history role for the aspects such as academic research as well as the ideological advance of early Marxist.五四时期,实用主义经胡适介绍并将其与中国国情相结合,在我国思想文化界产生广泛而深刻的影响,作为一种哲学方法,实用主义对早期马克思主义者的思想进步以及学术研究等方面,都具有一定积极的历史作用。

6)philosophical method哲学方法

1.Quest for the centainty——Comparison between Descartes and Husserl sphilosophical method;寻找确定性——笛卡尔和胡塞尔的哲学方法比较

2.Application ofphilosophical method to the teaching of the course of Ideological and Moral Cultivation;论《思想道德修养》课教学中哲学方法的应用

3.The differences of semantic analysis as aphilosophical method from that studied in linguistics lie in its universal adaptability,idealization and guidance.作为哲学方法的语义分析与语言学研究的区别在于其普适性、理想性和指导性。


汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀
