1200字范文 > 肠道复苏 Enteral resuscitation英语短句 例句大全

肠道复苏 Enteral resuscitation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-24 05:46:08


肠道复苏 Enteral resuscitation英语短句 例句大全

肠道复苏,Enteral resuscitation

1)Enteral resuscitation肠道复苏

1.Enteral resuscitation: New concepts and clinical practice肠道复苏:新概念及其临床应用

2)enteral resuscitation肠内复苏

1.Objective:To investigate the effects of glucose on electrolyte absorbance duringenteral resuscitation in scald rats,and evaluate the effects of glucose on the enteral absorption of electrolyte and water.结论:35%TBSAⅢ°烫伤大鼠肠内补液时,小肠对葡萄糖电解质溶液的吸收率明显下降;葡萄糖可以提高烫伤休克肠内复苏时小肠的吸收率,并且与提高肠黏膜血流量和Na+-K+-ATP酶活性有关。

3)complex intestinal health agent of konjac glucomannan and stachyose魔芋葡苷聚糖-水苏糖复合肠道制剂

4)intestinal regeneration肠道修复

5)the recovery of gastrointestinal function胃肠道功能恢复


1.Application of orange peels and gingers porridge in promotion of gastrointestinal functional recovery for parturient after undergoing cesarean section陈皮生姜粥在促进剖宫产产妇胃肠道功能恢复中的应用

2.Impact of Lidocaine Infusion on the Recovery of Bowel Function in Patients Undergoing Colorectal Surgery利多卡因对肠道手术病人术后胃肠功能恢复的影响

3.Effect of Pediluvium and Foot Massage on Gastrointestinal Recovery After Abdominal Surgery足浴联合足部按摩对胃肠道术后患者肠功能恢复的影响

4.Therapeutic efficacy of combination of mosapride and Kaiselu on gastrointestinal function recovery after non-gastrointestinal operation莫沙比利与开塞露合用对恢复非消化道术后胃肠功能的疗效

5.Clinical study on acupuncture combined with medication in restoration of gastrointestinal functions for postoperative patients with gastric cancer针药结合恢复胃癌术后患者胃肠功能的研究

6.Analysis of Therapeutic Effect on Functional Recovery after Gastric Operation Promoted by Gastrointestinal Motility Capsule胃肠动力胶囊促进胃部术后功能恢复疗效分析

7.The Clinical Research on Tongchang Decoction Promoting the Restoration of Gastrointestinal Function after Partial Gastrectomy;通肠饮促进胃部分切除术后胃肠功能恢复的临床研究

8.Accelerating effect of early enteral feeding for restoration of liver function早期胃肠内营养对肝功能恢复的促进作用

9.Observation of Reating Effects of Compound Da Cheng Qi Tang on the Gasintestinal Function after Abdominal Operation;复方大承气汤灌肠促进腹部手术后胃肠功能恢复的疗效观察

10.Clinical Study on Traditional Chinese Medicine Combined with Acupuncture of Promoting the Recovery of Gastrointestinal Function in the Treatment of Postoperative Patients with Gastric Cancer针药结合恢复胃癌患者术后胃肠功能的临床研究

11.The Clinical Study of Effect of Fuyuan Decoction to Promote the Restoration of Gastrointestinal Function after Gynecological Operation;复元汤促进妇科腹部术后胃肠功能恢复的临床研究

12.To observe the effects of Houpo Sanwu decoction(厚朴三物汤) administrated via jejunum to recuperate the gastrointestinal function after gastroduodenal operation.观察厚朴三物汤空肠给药对胃、十二指肠术后胃肠功能恢复的促进作用。

13.Restricted Intraoperative Fluid Management Impacts Bowel Function Recovery术中限制输液管理对肠道功能恢复的影响

14.Cinical Observation and Nursing Care of Sodium Phosphate Enema in Intestinal Funelson Acute PancreatitisPS液对急性胰腺炎肠道功能恢复的观察及护理

15.The Clinical Research of Yunpiyin on the Recovery of Gastroenteric Function after Abdominal Operations of Gynecology;运脾饮对妇科腹部术后胃肠功能恢复的临床研究

16.The Clinical Effect Observation on Pinprick and Chinese Herbal Medicine to Cure the Recovery of the Digestive Function after the Abdominal Panhysterectomy;针药干预对腹式全子宫切除术后胃肠功能恢复的疗效观察

17.The Clinical Study on Gastrointestinal Function Recovery after Abdomenal Operation Using Electro-Acupuncture on "Zusanli" and "Shangjuxu";电针足三里、上巨虚促进腹部术后胃肠功能恢复的临床研究

18.Clinical Research of Granule Moxibustion on Gastrointestinal Function after Abdominal Operation;直接灸促进腹部术后肠胃动力功能恢复的临床研究


enteral resuscitation肠内复苏

1.Objective:To investigate the effects of glucose on electrolyte absorbance duringenteral resuscitation in scald rats,and evaluate the effects of glucose on the enteral absorption of electrolyte and water.结论:35%TBSAⅢ°烫伤大鼠肠内补液时,小肠对葡萄糖电解质溶液的吸收率明显下降;葡萄糖可以提高烫伤休克肠内复苏时小肠的吸收率,并且与提高肠黏膜血流量和Na+-K+-ATP酶活性有关。

3)complex intestinal health agent of konjac glucomannan and stachyose魔芋葡苷聚糖-水苏糖复合肠道制剂

4)intestinal regeneration肠道修复

5)the recovery of gastrointestinal function胃肠道功能恢复

6)intestinal function recovery肠道功能恢复


肠道肠道 肠道 经外穴别名。出《腧穴学概论》。即肠遗。参见该条。
