1200字范文 > 基础力学教学 elementary mechanics teaching英语短句 例句大全

基础力学教学 elementary mechanics teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-24 08:07:01


基础力学教学 elementary mechanics teaching英语短句 例句大全

基础力学教学,elementary mechanics teaching

1)elementary mechanics teaching基础力学教学

2)basic teaching基础教学

1.Fostering numerical control talents of higher vocational education should center on adjustment of curriculum structure of the major, practically enhance thebasic teaching and prominently strengthen the operative practice.高职院校数控人才的培养要围绕专业大胆调整课程结构,切合实际加强专业基础教学,突出重点 强化专业操作训练。

2.The paper analyses the present problems in higher college computerbasic teaching from ideological knowledge, ability training, teaching content, teaching means and the teachers construction etc.从思想认识、能力培养、教学内容、教学手段和师资建设等方面分析了目前高等院校计算机基础教学中存在的主要问题 ,并提出了针对性的教改措

3.There were some questions in thebasic teaching of computer at present, which was the attention of the department of concerned was not enough, the selection of teaching materials was not reasonable and the contingent of teachers was not stable and so on.本文针对当前计算机基础教学中存在的有关部门重视不够,教材选择不理想,教师队伍不稳定等问题,提出了组织专门机构,列入教学计划,改善教师条件的解决办法。


1.Brief Talk On the Feasibility of Leading Basic Teaching of Design into Basic Mould-making Course;浅论设计基础教学引入基础造形学的可行性

2.Colleges Basic Computer Teaching Practice and Reform Ideas;大学计算机基础教学实践及教改思路

3.Integrating Emotion into the Teaching of Basic Computer Knowledge;计算机基础教学中融入情感教学初探

4.Case-Teacjing s Application in The BASIC Teaching of The Computer;案例教学在计算机基础教学中的应用

5.The Ideologies of Research Teaching and the Basic Law Courses Teachings in Colleges;研究性教学理念与高校法律基础教学

6.Survey on Elementary Education and its Chinese Course From Basic Academic Achievement;从“基础学力”看基础教育和语文课程

7.Basic Chinese Course Should Lay Stress on "Basic" Traits;基础汉语课教学要突出“基础”特点


9.Future Education: the Science and Value Basis of Education;未来的教育:教育的科学基础和价值基础

10.On the Teaching strategies Under the Background of Basic Education s New Teaching Material;论基础教育新教材背景下的教学策略

11.Brief analysis to the culture guide in the teaching of comprehensive English;浅谈在基础英语教学中导入文化教学

12.The Practice Instruction:the Elementary Approach for the Instruction Reform of the“Two Courses”;实践教学:“两课”教学改革的基础性途径

13.Student s innovation education in teaching of 《Machine design foundation》;《机械设计基础》教学中学生的创新教育

14.Morpheme teaching, the basis of vocabulary teaching in TCFL;语素教学是对外汉语词汇教学的基础

15.Developing Mathematical Modeling and Promote the Reform of Elementary;开展数学建模教学 促进基础教育改革

16.Science Quality Education And the Modernization of Foundation Physics Teaching;科学素质教育与基础物理教学现代化

17.Mastering the Psychology of the Students ,Improvingthe Teaching Quality of Foundation Course;把握教学特点 提高基础课教学质量

18.Application of the Case Teaching Methods in the "Basic Course of Law;案例教学在“法律基础”课教学中的应用


basic teaching基础教学

1.Fostering numerical control talents of higher vocational education should center on adjustment of curriculum structure of the major, practically enhance thebasic teaching and prominently strengthen the operative practice.高职院校数控人才的培养要围绕专业大胆调整课程结构,切合实际加强专业基础教学,突出重点 强化专业操作训练。

2.The paper analyses the present problems in higher college computerbasic teaching from ideological knowledge, ability training, teaching content, teaching means and the teachers construction etc.从思想认识、能力培养、教学内容、教学手段和师资建设等方面分析了目前高等院校计算机基础教学中存在的主要问题 ,并提出了针对性的教改措

3.There were some questions in thebasic teaching of computer at present, which was the attention of the department of concerned was not enough, the selection of teaching materials was not reasonable and the contingent of teachers was not stable and so on.本文针对当前计算机基础教学中存在的有关部门重视不够,教材选择不理想,教师队伍不稳定等问题,提出了组织专门机构,列入教学计划,改善教师条件的解决办法。

3)fundamental teaching基础教学

1.From the angle of thefundamental teaching, the present article makes a further study on the contents of teaching and research on decorative coloring and some related problems.从装饰色彩基础教学的角度 ,就教学研究内容与其直接相关的问题进行了探讨。

4)basis of teaching教学基础

5)basic mechanics基础力学

1.How to strengthen quality education and foster creative consciousness in teaching ofbasic mechanics;基础力学教学中如何加强素质教育和培养创新意识

2.Application of multimedia technology in experiment teaching ofbasic mechanics;多媒体技术在基础力学实验教学中的应用

3.Design and Development of Multimedia Courseware in Basic Mechanics Teaching;多媒体课件在《基础力学》教学中的设计与制作

6)basic academic achievement基础学力

1.This foundation is an fundamental cultivation based onbasic academic achievement.这一基础可以确认为以“基础学力”为发展基点的“基础教养”。


模具基础教学--模具的生产一、模具生产的特点模具生部制造技术几乎集中了机械加工的业精体,有时是机电结合加工,也离不开钳工手工技巧的操作。〈1〉 模具生产方式的选择A.零件批量小的模具生产,采用单件及配制的方式B.零件件批量较大,采用成套性生产C.如果同一种零件件制品需多个模具完成,加工和调整模具时应保持前后的连续性〈2〉 模具制造的特点:A. 同一工序的加工,内容较多,故生产效率较低。B. 要求工人的技术等级较高。C. 模具某些工作部分的尺寸及位置,必须经过试验后来确定。D. 装配后远均需试模,调整,及修模。E. 模具生产周期一般较长,成本较高。F. 模具生产是典型的单件生产,故生产工艺,管理方式制造工艺都具有独特的规律和适应性。二、模具生产的步骤:〈1〉 模具图样设计,包括模具总装图,零件图。〈2〉 制订工艺规程,即 出整个模具或零部件的加工艺及操作方法,填写工艺卡。〈3〉 零部件的生产,即按工艺卡上制订的工艺规模加工零部件。〈4〉 装配。〈5〉 试填与调整,在压力机上边试边调整,校正,直到生产出合格的零件。〈6〉 检验和包装,检验外观,打好刻记,将试出的另件制品随同模具一起打包。三、模具加工的工艺方法:〈1〉 铸造加工:锌合金铸造,低熔点合意铸造,铍铜合意铸造及合成树脂浇注。〈2〉 切削加工:普通机床加工,仿形铣加工,成形磨加工雕刻,数控机床加工。〈3〉 特种加工:电加工(电火花,线切割,电解)腐蚀加工超声波加工。〈4〉 粗加工:以去除大部分余量为目的。〈5〉 精加工:使工件达到较高的加工精度及表面质量〈6〉 整修加工:抛光,导柱,导套的研磨。四、模具制造过程的基本要求:〈1〉 保证加工质量。〈2〉 保证制造周期。〈3〉 保证较低的成本。〈4〉 不但提高工艺水平。〈5〉 保证良好的工作条件。
