1200字范文 > 两立 Two Roles of Japanese Women both in Jobs and Family Care英语短句 例句大全

两立 Two Roles of Japanese Women both in Jobs and Family Care英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-07 08:42:04


两立 Two Roles of Japanese Women both in Jobs and Family Care英语短句 例句大全

两立,Two Roles of Japanese Women both in Jobs and Family Care

1)Two Roles of Japanese Women both in Jobs and Family Care两立


1.at daggers drawn with sb.剑拔弩张,势不两立

2.He stood with his hands on his hips.他两手叉腰站立着.

posed of two legislative bodies.由两个立法机关组成。

4.vertical double-purpose cold light operating lamp立式冷光两用手术灯

5.a reconciliation of opposite points of view两种对立见解的调和

6.In an instant both boys were rolling and tumbling in the dirt,立刻两个人像两只争食的猫一样,

7.in semi-detached or detached two-story houses,半独立或独立的两层楼里,

8.an incompatibility of dates or events.在日期上对立,或两个事件之间有对立。

9.Two men stand facing each other, holding two wooden sticks in their hands;两名男子相对而立,两手各持一根木棍的两端,

10.Partnership: A form of organization that joins two or more individuals together as co-owners.合伙企业:两个或两个以上独立个人组织成立的企业。

11.These vast buildings stand on each side of Tian An Men Square.这两大建筑分别矗立在天安门广场的两侧。

12.Were there perhaps two independent kingdoms or two go-it-alone firms, and not an alliance?"或者不是联盟,而是两个独立国,两个单干户?

13.Main Street with its two-story brick shops.大街的两旁立着一些两层楼高的砖砌的商店。

14.If you have two, put them in the middle of opposing walls.如果你有两台,把它们放置在对立的两堵墙中间。

15.Two Types of Outlooks on Justice and Two Types of Legislative Spirits--Talking from Cicero;两种正义观与两种立法精神——从西塞罗谈起

16.Without the loss of an instant, the carriage was placed on board and the two travellers embarked without delay.马车立刻被拉上甲板,两位旅客也立即登船。

17.Two Kinds of Legislative Structures for the Type of Ownership and China’s Legislation of Ownership;所有权类型两种立法模式与我国所有权立法

18.Principle and Truth--Main Factors for Raising the Level and Quality of History Study从“立心”到“立信”:提升史家研究品质的两大要素


pairwise independent两两独立

1.x∈R ~+,(sup)n|X_n|≥x≤P|X|≥x, we prove their strong law of large numbers of type M-Z under independent,pairwise independent or φ-mixing situations respectively, i.分别考虑不同分布随机变量序列Xn,n≥1为独立,两两独立和φ-混合情形,在其尾概率被随机变量X∈Lp一致控制(即对x∈R+,supnP|Xn|≥x≤P|X|≥x,成立)的条件下,证明了Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund型强大数律,即Sn-ESn/n1/p0n∞a。

2.Let {X,Xn,n≥0} be a sequence ofpairwise independent identically distributed random variables, 1<p<2.设{X,Xn,n≥0}是两两独立同分布的随机变量序列,1

3.The strong law of large numbers for double arrays of pairwise independ ent random variables was investigated and the following results obtained: Let b e double arrays ofpairwise independent random variables and, when arbitrary ,a nd .设为两参数两两独立的随机变量序列,若对任意的,且,,则。

3)pairwisely independent两两独立性

4)Two Rights Seperation两权分立

1.On Background of the Appearance ofTwo Rights Seperation;浅析晋商两权分立制度产生背景

5)Two Footholds两个立足

1.To develop philosophy and social science prosperously,it is a must to stick to One Unified Guidance Marxism;it is a must to focus onTwo Footholds based on the national conditions and the present times;it is a must to deepen Three Understandings to better u.繁荣发展哲学社会科学,必须坚持“一元指导”——马克思主义;必须注重“两个立足”——立足国情、立足当代;必须深化“三个认识”——深刻认识哲学社会科学具有不可低估的战略地位、具有不可替代的重要作用及肩负新的历史任务。

6)two-antagonistic poles对立两极


两两1.成双成对。 2.犹言稀稀落落。
