1200字范文 > 铁路平交道口 railway level crossing英语短句 例句大全

铁路平交道口 railway level crossing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-16 23:54:28


铁路平交道口 railway level crossing英语短句 例句大全

铁路平交道口,railway level crossing

1)railway level crossing铁路平交道口

1.Design and implementation of Remote Video Surveillance System forrailway level crossing;铁路平交道口远程图像监控系统的设计与实现


1.Discuss the Application of a Measuringtechnique to the Sliding-door-Construction in Railwaylevel-crossing浅谈测量技术在铁路平交道口移门基础施工中的应用

2.Pedestrians and vehicles must, when passing a railway level crossing or a pedestrian cross-walk, observe the relevant regulations governing passage over crossings.行人和车辆通过铁路平交道口和人行过道时,必须遵守有关通行的规定。

3.gate ,level-crossing of iron or steel平交道口道栅,铁或钢制

4.A place at which roads, lines, or tracks intersect;an intersection.交叉路口公路、铁路或道路交叉的地点;交叉路口

5.Article 47 It shall be prohibited to install a level crossing or a pedestrian cross-walk without proper authorization.第四十七条禁止擅自在铁路线路上铺设平交道口和人行过道。

6.How to improve the signaling equipment s ability of safety and anti-interference on level crossing;铁路与公路平交道口信号设备的故障与安全措施

7.ungated level crossing无道口栏木的公路与铁路交叉

8.Notes:1." Straightaway" includes some curves and tunnels.2." Other" includes railroad crossings.注:1.一般道路包括弯道、道和隧道等;2.其它包括道路与铁路交叉口。

9.Traffic Safety Research of Non-signal Intersection in City Road城市道路无信号平交口交通安全研究

10.Transportation design of urban highway plane crossing transformation城市道路平面交叉口改造的交通设计

11.The road branches after the level-crossing.这条路在经过平面交叉道口後岔开了.

12.The road branches after the level crossing.这条路在经过平面交叉道口后岔开了。

13.The Application in the Intersection at Grade of Urban Road of VISSIMVISSIM在城市道路平面交叉口的应用

14.Design of Provincial and National Main Roads Grade Crossing国省干线道路平面交叉口设计的探讨

15.Research on Data Exchanging Interface Based on SDO of Railway Information Sharing Platform;铁路信息共享平台基于SDO的数据交换接口研究

16.Study on Traffic Safety Evaluation in the Urban Intersection;城市道路平面交叉口交通安全评价研究

17.Urban logistics delivery and traffic signal control at plane crossroads;城市物流配送与平面道路交叉口交通信号控制

18.The Traffic Flow Microcosmic Simulation Example of the Urban Road Intersection城市道路平面交叉口交通流微观仿真实例


railroad grade crossing(道路与铁路平面交叉的) 道口

3)railroad crossing angle铁路道口交叉角

4)plane crossroads平面道路交叉口

1.Urban logistics delivery and traffic signal control atplane crossroads;城市物流配送与平面道路交叉口交通信号控制

5)level crossing平交道路(铁路与公路)

6)railroad crossing铁路公路交叉道口


