1200字范文 > 微生物非培养法鉴定技术 un-culture microorganisms identification technology英语短句 例句大全

微生物非培养法鉴定技术 un-culture microorganisms identification technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-04 12:40:59


微生物非培养法鉴定技术 un-culture microorganisms identification technology英语短句 例句大全

微生物非培养法鉴定技术,un-culture microorganisms identification technology

1)un-culture microorganisms identification technology微生物非培养法鉴定技术

2)Culture-independent biological technology非培养生物技术


1.Research on Microbial Communities Based on Culture-independent Biological Technology and Lignocellulose Degradation during Composting基于非培养生物技术的堆肥微生物群落研究及木质纤维素降解

2.Applied Study of Methodological for Un-Culture Microorganisms Identification on the Clinical Samples微生物非培养鉴定技术在临床标本检查中的应用研究

3.Industrialization of Bio-technology and Cultivation Counterme asures of Qualified Personnel in Colleges and Universities;生物技术产业化与高校人才培养对策

4.Cultivation of Innovative Biotechnology Talents under Cooperative Training with Biotechnological Enterprises加强企业实训 培养生物技术创新人才

5.Profession,requirement,training and development of Biology teachers modern education technology;生物教师现代教育技术素养要求与培养

6.Research Progress of Cell Culture for Plant Secondary Metabolites;植物次生代谢物的细胞培养技术研究进展

7.The Discussion about the Cultivation of Innovative Ability for the Student of Biologic Technology;浅谈生物技术本科生创业创新能力的培养

8.A Study on the Technique System of Tissue Culture in Rhododendron Hybridn(Ⅱ) --Study on the Propagation and Rooting of Cultures西洋杜鹃组织培养技术体系研究(Ⅱ)——培养物的增殖和生根

9.Studies on Techniques for Secondary Metabolites Culture in Vitro of Aloe;芦荟次生代谢物质离体培养技术的研究

10.Studies on Biological Characteristics and Manual Cultivation Technology of Shiraia Bambusicola;竹黄菌(Shiraia bambusicola)生物学性状及其人工培养技术研究

11.The Investigation and Strategy of the Undergraduate Training Course of Biotechnology;生物技术专业本科培养方案的调查与对策

12.Development of New Pattern of Bioengineering Talents Training;构建生物工程特色的酿酒技术人才培养新模式

13.Exploring the Training Mode of Biological Creative Talent in 21st Century;21世纪生物技术创新人才培养模式的探讨

14.Fostering Mode Analysis of Higher Vocational Talents of Biological Technology Application Major;生物技术应用专业高职人才培养模式探析

15.Study of Rapid Propagation of Several Aquatic Plants几种水生植物人工培养快繁技术的研究

16.Study on the Personnel Training Program for Undergraduates Majoring in Biotechnology in Local Universities地方高校生物技术专业人才培养方案研究

17.Research progress on two-phase culture of microbiology两相培养技术在微生物学中的应用研究进展

18.Talking about the Cultivation of Innovative Talents of Biotechnology高职院校生物技术人才创新能力培养探讨


Culture-independent biological technology非培养生物技术

3)bio-assay technique生物鉴定技术

4)culture of microorganism微生物培养法

5)culture-independent methods非培养技术

1.Review of modernculture-independent methods used to study community structure and function of denitrifying microorganisms;现代非培养技术在反硝化微生物种群结构和功能研究中的应用

2.Culture-dependent methods for enhancement of microbial culturability andculture-independent methods for analyzing microbial communities are reviewed in an attempt to better understand the recent progress in .利用各种提高油藏微生物可培养性的方法和非培养技术解析不同油藏微生物的群落结构、功能和多样性,对定向调控油藏微生物群落、开发和应用有效微生物驱油技术具有重要的指导意义。

6)non-technical appraisement非技术鉴定


微生1.细小的生命;卑微的人生。 2.复姓。春秋时鲁有微生高(《汉书.古今人表》作尾生高)﹑微生亩。见《论语.公冶长》﹑《论语.宪问》。
