1200字范文 > 西文期刊 Foreign language periodical英语短句 例句大全

西文期刊 Foreign language periodical英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-07 13:45:42


西文期刊 Foreign language periodical英语短句 例句大全

西文期刊,Foreign language periodical

1)Foreign language periodical西文期刊

1.This paper deals with bibliographic database development of foreign language periodicals in the Northwest Sci_Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, and puts forward proposals to resolve the problems methods and introduced experiences in five aspects.以西北农林科技大学图书馆西文期刊馆藏书目数据库建设的实践为例 ,提出建立西文期刊馆藏书目数据库的一些做法和注意的几个问题 ,并有五点深刻体会。


1.Western Periodical Navigation System Based on Struts and Hibernate Framework基于Struts和Hibernate框架的西文期刊导航系统

2.Tibetan Studies has become one of the 100 leading Chinese periodicals on the social sciences.《西藏研究》已成为全国中文期刊社科类百种优秀期刊之一。

3.EPA is a Key Journal in China and embodied by CA.本刊是中文核心期刊、A收录期刊。

4.The study is to establish the biomedical bibliographic database in western journals taking the western periodicals from the PLA Medical Library as the target.该研究以解放军医学图书馆外文期刊为对象,建立馆藏西文医学期刊文献文摘数据库。

5.Lots of periodicals in foreign languages have been subscribed to, not to mention those in Chinese.且不说中文期刊, 外文期刊也订了不少。

6.Measures to Improve Foreign Language Periodicals Database Utilization Rate in the Universities of West China:EBSCO Foreign Language Periodicals Database Analysis提高西部高校外文期刊数据库利用率的对策——EBSCO外文期刊数据库分析

7.The Platform of Document Delivery Services of the Foreign Medical Journal Full-text Service西文生物医学期刊文献服务系统全文传递服务平台

8.On the Journal Culture Building and Its Competitive Ability Raising;塑造期刊企业文化 提高期刊竞争力

parative Analysis of the Core Journals of China and Chinese Journals Formation;中国期刊方阵与中文核心期刊的比较

10.non - periodical literature非刊文献, 不属于期刊上发表的文章

11.Monograph and Periodical Article Database专论和期刊文章数据库

12.Reader"s digest is a periodical.《读者文摘》是一种期刊。

13.(This is an excerpt of an article published in the July issue of The Alumnus)(原文刊于国大7月出版的《毕业生》期刊)

14.Chinese Journals Circulation Area is located on the first floor of Audio-visual building, which is to the south east of the main building.、中文期刊外借处位于图书馆主楼外西南处的视听楼一楼。

15.Reflections on the Work of Foreign Languages Periodicalsin the Libraries of Colleges and Universitiesin Western Areas of China;挑战与对策——对搞好西部普通高校图书馆外文期刊工作的思考

16.Confrontation of the Clashes between the Chinese Culture and the Western Culture-An Unavoidable Academic Question Raised by the Academic Journal;正视中西方文化冲突——学术期刊提升学术性无法回避的问题

17.Practical Summary of Establishing a Retrospective Database of Chinese Periodicals in the UNICORN system--Taking the Shaanxi Public Library As an exampleUNICORN系统中中文期刊回溯建库实践总结——以陕西省图书馆为例

18.Problems of citation forms of English journal titles in bibliographic references of Chinese sci-tech journals科技期刊文后参考文献英文刊名著录问题


western language periodical西文期刊

1.Starting from the trend of cataloging work,this paper has expounded on the tools in computer cataloging,explored problems appeared inwestern language periodical cataloging and put forward solutions.文章从编目工作的发展入手,概述了计算机编目的条例及标引工具,并探讨了西文期刊在计算机编目的过程中出现的一些问题及其解决的方法。

3)cataloging of western journals西文期刊编目


1.Response to the Development ofPeriodicals in Shanxi;山西期刊的发展状况和对策

5)Shaanxi"s journal陕西期刊

6)foreign periodicals外文期刊

1.The countermeasures to raise the utilization rate of date-bases offoreign periodicals;提高外文期刊数据库利用率的对策

2.Based on the low using rate of the paper ones in medical library in Jilin University,the cause of the low using rate offoreign periodicals in the library of medical college was analyzed,and the countermeasures were put forward to raise the using rate of them pertinently.从吉林大学医学图书馆纸质外文期刊利用率低的实际情况分析了医学院校图书馆外文期刊利用率低的原因并针对性提出了提高外文期刊利用率的对策。

3.Foreign periodicals are the most important information sources for scientific research activities of university teachers.外文期刊是高校科研活动中重要信息来源,本文着重介绍了利用清华同方TPI系统对馆藏纸本外文期刊数字化建立数据库的实践,并提出建立TPI数据库与OPAC的链接的方法。


