1200字范文 > 西文书目数据库 western language bibliographic database英语短句 例句大全

西文书目数据库 western language bibliographic database英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-16 17:23:04


西文书目数据库 western language bibliographic database英语短句 例句大全

西文书目数据库,western language bibliographic database

1)western language bibliographic database西文书目数据库


1.The Demands Set on the Cataliguers in Building a Database ofthe Western Languages Cataligues;西文书目数据库建设对编目人员的要求

parison and Utilizing of Three Western Language Bibliographic Database Online网上三大西文书目数据库的比较和利用

3.Problems of Retrospect Construction of Bibliographic Data Base of Foreign Languages in Specialty Library;专业图书馆回溯建立西文书目数据库的若干问题

4.Discussions on the Standardization ofCatalog Databases Construction for Western Books;西文图书书目数据库标准化问题探微

5.ICOLD (Bibligraphic)Abstract Database: Its Development and Uses国际大坝(书目)文摘数据库的开发利用

6.Talking about the Collection Weeding in the Retrospective Construction of Chinese Bibliographic Database Chinese Bibliographic Database浅谈回溯中文书目数据库建设中的图书剔旧

7.Discussion on Building of Library s Resource Database with Characteristic of Northwest of Guangxi;构建桂西北图书馆特色文献资源数据库的探讨

8.The Development in Bibliographical Databases of Japanese Literature at the Academic Libraries in China我国高校图书馆日文文献书目数据库建设研究现状

9.United Nations CTC Database for Management of Bibliographic Data联合国跨国公司中心书目数据管理数据库(书目数据库)

10.Research on Construction of Database of Chinese Joint Sports Catalogue (CJSC);全国体育系统中文体育图书联合书目数据库建设研究

11.Probe into the Establishment of Ethnologic Documents Bibliographic Database in the Library of South-Central University for Nationalities对中南民族大学图书馆建立民族文献书目数据库的思索

12.This database of book reviews, magazines, and articles includes fax article delivery .这个关于书籍评论、杂志和文章 的数据库还备有传真文章服务项目。

13.The Construction of the Web-based Record of a Journey to the West Database in Our Library--the Characteristic Database Construction in Small or Medium-sized Library;基于WEB的西游记文化研究数据库的建设——中小型图书馆特色数据库建设刍议

14.Practice and Thoughts on the Construction of Characteristic Database in Western Local College Libraries--aking the "Special Bibliographic Database of Liu San Jie" as an Example西部地方高校图书馆特色数据库建设的实践与思考——以《刘三姐专题文献数据库》为例

15.Integration of Bibliotheca Database Based on Isomerization Taxonomy基于异构分类体系的书目数据库合并

16.The building for bibliotheca date base in the amalgamation of the university;略谈合并院校馆藏书目数据库的建设

17.Tentative Discussion of the Quality of the Data Bank of Booklists;关于当前书目数据库质量问题的思考

puter data storage eventually will completely replace boxed card catalogs and book storage.计算器数据库将完全取代目录片盒与书库。


Japanese bibliography database日文书目数据库

3)western languages bibliographic records西文书目数据

4)books and documents catalogue database图书文献书目数据库

5)bibliographic database书目数据库

1.Reasons and Countermeasures of Duplicated Data in Bibliographic Database of Library;馆藏书目数据库中重复数据的产生及其对策

2.Practice and thought onbibliographic database construction in our library;我馆书目数据库建设的实践与认识

3.This paper analyzes the necessity of the retrospectivebibliographic database construction of foreign books and periodicals, introduces the present situation of foreignbibliographic database in the library of Jianghan University, and advances some opinions on retrospectivebibliographic database construction of foreign books and periodicals in the library of Jianghan University.分析了外文书刊书目回溯建库的必要性,介绍了江汉大学图书馆外文书目数据库建设现状,对其外文书刊书目回溯建库提出了几点建议。

6)Catalog database书目数据库

1.This paper elaborates the idea of using information resources such as online catalog database,free catalog database on Internet as well as other specialized web resources to provide assistance for cataloging of western-language literature under web-environment.阐述了在网络环境下,通过联机书目数据库、网上免费书目数据库以及互联网上资源等信息来源,为西文编目工作服务的观点。


书目之书目收录各种书目、索引等二次文献的目录,又称书目指南。是掌握和利用书目、索引、文摘的重要工具。在中国,《隋书·经籍志》在史部下设有"簿录"类,专收书目文献。历代多有沿袭。清代周星诏编《书目考》,始把书目文献汇编成书。现存较早的书目之书目是周贞亮、李之鼎编的《书目举要》(1920)。此后,邵瑞彭、阎树善等编《书目长编》(1928),汇录书目1300多种。肖璋编《北平图书馆书目──目录类》(1934),是一部记录馆藏的书目之书目。台湾省梁子涵编《中国历代书目总录》(1953),收录现存书目1600多种。冯秉文编《全国图书馆书目汇编》(1958),著录1949~1957年间各类型图书馆编制的书目索引2300多种。在西方,1664年法国F.拉贝编的《图书馆文库》(《书目之书目》)在巴黎出版,这是世界上较早的书目之书目。由于书目事业的发展和书目控制的需要,世界上很多国家较重视书目之书目的编制,如美国有《书目索引:书目之累积书目》(1938年创刊),苏联有《苏联书目之书目》 (年刊,1941年创刊),日本有天野敬太郎编的 《日本书目之书目》(1977)等。国际文献联合会主编的《书目索引》(第4版,1959年开始出版) 是一部世界范围的书目与文献刊物的分类目录。T.贝斯特曼编的《世界书目之书目》(第4版,1965~1966),也是一部世界范围的书目之书目。
