1200字范文 > 技术转移 technology transfer英语短句 例句大全

技术转移 technology transfer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-08 21:15:08


技术转移 technology transfer英语短句 例句大全

技术转移,technology transfer

1)technology transfer技术转移

1.Promotion of biocatalysistechnology transfer with technology integration;以技术集成促进生物催化技术转移

2.Research oftechnology transfer questions about new drug research in our country;我国新药研发领域中技术转移问题的研究

3.Regional technology innovation system based ontechnology transfer center;基于技术转移中心的区域技术创新体系


1.Spin-off Technology Transfer Mechanism;Spin-off技术转移机制研究

2.The Competitive Structure of High-tech Transfer and Traditional Technology Transfer;传统技术转移与高技术转移的竞争结构

3.A Probe into International Industry Transfer Platform and Technology Transfer--Concurrent Discussion of the Countermeasures for China to Promote Technology Transfer;国际产业转移平台与技术转移探析——兼论中国促进技术转移的对策

4.The Impact of International Technological Transfer on the Technological Progress of China;国际技术转移对我国技术进步的影响

5.Analysis of Technology Transfer Process in Enterprises Technology Integration;企业技术整合过程中的技术转移分析

6.About "NRA" Technology Transfer Theory Based on Technology Commercialization;基于技术商品化的“NRA”技术转移理论

7.Impact of Foreign Technology Transfer on Technology Innovation in China外商技术转移对我国技术创新的影响

8.Technological Transfer,Independent Innovation and the Transformation of Technological Catching-up Modes;技术转移、自主创新与技术追赶方式转变

9.The Research on Barrier of Tacit Knowledge Converting in Technology Transfer;技术转移中的隐性知识转化障碍研究

10.Push forward the Transfer of International Technique to Meet the Trend of Technology Development;顺应科技发展趋势 推进国际技术转移

11.The Relationship among Technology Capability, Technology Transfer Mode and Performance: An Empirical Study of the Pearl River Delta技术能力、技术转移模式与转移绩效的关系:珠三角地区的实证研究

12.Foreign Relations of Tech-Culture in the History of Technology Transfer Between the US and ROK美、韩两国技术转移史中的对外“技术-文化”观

13.Research on the Effect of Technology Transfer on Technology Innovation in China Based on FDI;基于FDI的技术转移对我国技术创新的影响研究

14.Research on the Relationship between MNC s Technology Transfer and China s Technological Progresses;跨国公司技术转移与中国技术进步研究

15.Research on Multinational Technology and Absorption for Example BOE;跨国企业技术转移和技术吸收问题探讨

16.The Influence of Technology Transfer from MNCs to Chinese Enterprises on Their Ability of Technology Innovation;跨国公司技术转移对中国企业技术创新的影响

17.Regional technology innovation system based on technology transfer center;基于技术转移中心的区域技术创新体系

18.Model of dual-use technology transfer based on technology-market two-dimension matrix;两用技术转移的技术-市场二维矩阵模型研究


technique transfer技术转移

1.Study on the status and countermeasure oftechnique transfer of Chinese defence industry;我国国防军工技术转移现状及对策研究

2.Research on the Performance Evaluation Method of Technique Transfer of National Defence and Military国防军工技术转移效益评价方法研究

3.By applying nationaltechnique transfer theorem,it discusses the effect of Multi national corporation(MNC) investment andtechnique transfer on our industrial technique level,which involves three aspects of problems——technique input,production transfer and setting up R&D institution.从国际技术转移理论出发,就跨国公司对华技术投入、跨国公司对华生产转移与技术转移和跨国公司在华设立研发机构三个方面,分析与思考跨国公司对华投资和技术转移对我国工业技术水平的影响。

3)technical transfer技术转移

1.Starting from the service and functions oftechnical transfer platform, this paper divides the data oftechnical transfer platform of Shanxi Province.从技术转移平台服务角度和功能角度出发,对山西省技术转移平台的数据进行了划分。

2.The quickening of the technical application and transfer between east China and west China calls for the Government s support to form an efficient mechanism for suchtechnical transfer.在东西部地区进行技术扩散和技术转移,是缩小东西部技术差距、促进我国整体科技水平提高、推动区域协调发展的重要途径。

3.It gives full play to the dominant position of the density in intelligence, the focus on research achievement, the abundance in talent resources and has become an important channel of the rapid transfer and development in science and technology industries in universities, an effective means to achievetechnical transfer.高校科技产业是我国高校技术创新体系中最有活力的部分,它们发挥了大学智力密集、科技成果集中、人才资源丰富的优势,是我国高校技术创新成果快速转化发展的一条重要途径,是高校实现技术转移的有效手段。

4)technology transformation技术转移

1.This paper mainly discussed the connotation, regulation and relationship of technology innovation andtechnology transformation, and its funct.技术转移是技术创新成果的推广应用,是技术创新功能的延伸和扩展,是当今技术进步和经济发展的重要途径。

2.Along with the development of the knowledge-based economy and Sci-tech globalization,the internationaltechnology transformation is more and more active day by day.随着知识经济和科技全球化的发展,国际间技术转移活动日趋活跃。

3.The article discusses the practice oftechnology transformation in Guangxi and the service ways of Industry-University -Academy,for the reference to the work ontechnology transformation in Guangxi.文章根据技术转移工作的实践与体会,对广西技术转移及产学研服务方式进行探讨,旨在为广西的技术转移工作建言献策。

5)Technological transformation技术转移

1.Technological transformation is a very important concept in current technological innovation theory.技术转移是当今技术创新理论中一个非常重要的概念。

2.Traditional culture in the region and technological transformation are in close relations,the national traditional culture in the region is not merely a kind of important culture resources,still there is great facilitation to technological transformation at the same time,but will also hinder the further implementation of technological transformation and realize sometimes.地域民族传统文化与技术转移的关系密切,地域民族传统文化不仅是一种重要的文化资源,同时还对技术转移存在极大的促进作用,但有时还会阻碍技术转移的进一步实施与实现。

6)diversionary technology转移技术


技术转移分子式:CAS号:性质:泛指各类专门技术之间或某项专门技术与其他技术领域相互渗透、相互结合的横向水平流动过程。如军工技术向民用转移、宇航技术向其他专业转移。也包括科研院所和大学向企业和生产转移。是扩大和提高研究、研制效率与水平的重要手段。也有人将此类活动称为技术扩散(technical diffusion)。具体项目的技术转移多采用经济、法律方式进行,由转出方与接受方签订正式协议,即构成技术转让行为。
