1200字范文 > 灯泡贯流式 bulb tubular英语短句 例句大全

灯泡贯流式 bulb tubular英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-07 07:54:47


灯泡贯流式 bulb tubular英语短句 例句大全

灯泡贯流式,bulb tubular

1)bulb tubular灯泡贯流式

1.The equippedbulb tubular turbine set has been applied to two level waterpower station of Zhenziling for the first time on the basis of performance analysis of homemade midget waterpower station.榛子岭二级水电站 ,是利用我国研制的机组建成的第一座整装灯泡贯流式小型水电站 。

2.The paper presents the unstability of isolated operation ofbulb tubular unit in the local electric network at the city of Hechuan.本文总结了灯泡贯流式机组在合川市地方电网中单机孤网运行的不稳定性。

3.The installation of tube pedestal of large-capacitybulb tubular hydro-generating unit is always a difficult problem.大容量灯泡贯流式水轮发电机组管型座安装一直是一个难题。


1.Calculation and Analysis of the Structure of the Bulb Tubular Powerhouse;灯泡贯流式水电站厂房结构计算分析

2.The Research of Fuzzy-PID Control in Bulb Turbine Regulating System;灯泡贯流式机组调节系统Fuzzy-PID控制研究

3.Design and Engineering Case of Hydraulic Power Station Work Shop on Light Bulb Stubular Turbines;灯泡贯流式水电站厂房设计及工程实例

4.Three-Dimension Static and Dynamic Analysis of the Factory of Bulb Tubular Power Station;灯泡贯流式水电站厂房三维静动力分析

5.Numerical Simulation of Ventilation and Heat Dispersion for the Flow-bulb Hydrogenerator;灯泡贯流式水轮发电机通风散热系统数值模拟

6.Reason Analysis and Its Prevention of Carbon Brush Light in Bulb Tubular Turbine Generator灯泡贯流式机组碳刷火花原因分析与防范措施

7.The Stability Analysis of the AGC-Inputted Bulb UnitAGC对大型灯泡贯流式机组稳定运行影响分析

8.Reasons of low frequency deexcitation in bulb turbine generating unit灯泡贯流式机组低频灭磁原因及其处理方法

9.Overview on Bulb Tubular Turbine Generator Design for Jinjitan Hydropower Station金鸡滩水电站灯泡贯流式水轮发电机设计综述

10.Research on Calculation Ventilation Cooling of Generator of Bulb-stator Turbine灯泡贯流式水轮发电机通风冷却的计算研究

11.Study on the Water Seal Layout at the Bulb Tubular Powe Station灯泡贯流式水电站厂房水平止水布置研究

12.Significance of vibration measurement for bulb tubular hydraulic generating unit operation振动测量值对灯泡贯流式机组运行的指导

13.Numcrical Simulation of Flow Field on Ventilation System of Flow-bulb Hydrogenerator;灯泡贯流式水轮发电机通风冷却系统的数值计算及模拟

14.Static and Dynamic Finite Elements Analysis of Main Shaft of Bulb Tubular Turbine-Generator;灯泡贯流式水轮发电机组主轴的静动态有限元分析

15.Research and Application of Bulb Tubular-turbine Generator FEM Analyze System;灯泡贯流式水轮发电机有限元分析系统的研究及应用

16.Design of Double-Directions Bulb Type for Water Pump Hydro-Generator/Motor of Jiangxia NO.6 Unit Tentative Tidal Power Station江厦潮汐试验电站6~#机双向灯泡贯流式水泵水轮发电/电动机设计

17.Installation Technique of Tube Pedestal of Large-capacity Bulb Tubular Hydro-generating Unit大容量灯泡贯流式水轮发电机组管型座安装工法

18.The paper presents the unstability of isolated operation of bulb tubular unit in the local electric network at the city of Hechuan.本文总结了灯泡贯流式机组在合川市地方电网中单机孤网运行的不稳定性。


Bulb turbine灯泡贯流式

1.The frame of bulb turbine hydropower station plants are complex 3D frame to provide powerful gist for the struc.灯泡贯流式水电站就有着工程量小、建设周期短、淹没损失少、便于集资等优点,因此越来越受到人们的关注。

3)bulb turbine units灯泡贯流式机组

1.The installation process ofbulb turbine units for Dadingzishan Navigation-Power Station,together with some problems existed during installation and relevant solutions are provided,hoping to provide a reference for similar projects.主要介绍大顶子山水电站灯泡贯流式机组的机电设备安装过程,同时也介绍了在安装过程中存在的一些问题及解决办法,希望能对相似机组的机电设备安装有所借鉴。

4)bulb tubular unit灯泡贯流式机组

1.Some issues onbulb tubular unit operation;灯泡贯流式机组运行中的若干问题

2.By analyzing the inflow, geology condition and economic index of Luodong hydroplant, the author recommendedbulb tubular unit applied to enlarge the electricity generation sets, and also he discussed feasibility design.通过对洛东水电厂的来水量、地质和经济指标等技术资料的分析,认为采用灯泡贯流式机组扩大其装机的容量是可行的。

3.It recommends scheme of the electrical primary design which serves as a reference for design of hydropower stations with similarbulb tubular units.可供同类灯泡贯流式机组的水电站设计人员参考。

5)power station of bulb tubular type turbine灯泡贯流式电站

1.Aiming at the characteristics of low head and large discharge ofpower station of bulb tubular type turbine,the station unit s boundary equations and the boundary equations between draft tube outlet and downstream channel inlet are established in this paper.针对灯泡贯流式电站水头低、流量大的特点,作者建立了水轮机的边界方程和尾水管出口与下游河道入口的边界方程,对甩负荷后机组及下游河道的水力过渡过程做了联合计算,实现了电站水力过渡过程计算研究中将水力与机械、有压流与无压流统一分析。

6)40 MW Bulb-type40MW灯泡贯流式

1.Development of40 MW Bulb-type Hydraulic Generating Sets for Tongzihao Power Station;桐子壕电站40MW灯泡贯流式水轮发电机组的研制


贯流式水轮机贯流式水轮机tubular turbine;straflo turbine水头3m;水头最高的是百龙滩水电站的灯泡贯流式机组,最大水头18m,额定水头9.7m,最小水头3m,水轮机额定功率33MW,转轮直径6.4m;转轮直径最大的是大源渡水电站的灯泡贯流式机组,转轮直径7.sm,水轮机额定功率30.%MW,最大水头n.24m,额定水头7.Zm,最小水头3m。gUon4IUshl shLJ一IL一{111贯流式水轮机(tubular turbine;straflo tur-bine)过流通道呈直线(或S形)布置的轴流式水轮机。其引水室及尾水管与水轮机一般为卧轴布置。使用水头范围一般为3~25m。
