1200字范文 > 规范构成要件要素 normative elements英语短句 例句大全

规范构成要件要素 normative elements英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-16 21:57:34


规范构成要件要素 normative elements英语短句 例句大全

规范构成要件要素,normative elements

1)normative elements规范构成要件要素

1.Relationship betweennormative elements and open constitution of crime规范构成要件要素与开放构成要件关系之辩证

2.At the same time,the theoretical limitation of rationalism and positivism provide the chance and space for the existence of thenormative elements.理性至上与科学实证主义为刑法中记述性构成要件要素的创建及其普遍化提供了原动力,而同时它们的历史局限性也为规范构成要件要素的产生与存在敞开了大门。


1.Relationship between normative elements and open constitution of crime规范构成要件要素与开放构成要件关系之辩证

2.On the Entity and Procedure Means of the Key Element Assertion of the Norm Form from the Angle of Obscene Nature;由“淫秽性”谈规范构成要件要素认定的实体及程序路径

3.The Thinking of Type:The Legal Philosophy Base for the Existing of Normative Elements in the Criminal Law类型思维:刑法中规范构成要件要素存在的法理根据

4.Analysis About Regulations Of Blank Penal Law:Between Elastic Normalization And The Definitiveness Of Constitutive Requirements空白刑法的规范诠释:在规范弹性与构成要件明确性之间

5.The culture of administrative self-accusation consists of two kinds of key elements: the subjectivity with special connotation and the regulatory.行政自责文化由具有特殊内涵的主观性和规范性两类要素构成。

6.Rules of Writing Informative Elements in Pharmaceutical Machinery Standards制药机械标准结构的规范性要素编写规则

7.specification:document stating requirements规范: 阐明要求的文件

8.On the Independent Regulatory Agency:Systematic Cause and Conditions of Legal Principle;论独立规制机构:制度成因与法理要件

9.System Structure and Key Successful Factors of Mass Customization;大规模定制系统结构与成功要素研究

position Elements of Talents Cultivation Standard of Higher Vocational Education and Its Design;高职人才培养规格构成要素及其设计

11.essential ingredients.See Synonyms atindispensable必要的构成要素参见

12.With the aggrandizement scale of software system, system architecture is increasingly becomes one of the most important factors to influence the performance of software.随着软件系统规模的不断增大,系统架构日益成为影响软件系统性能的重要因素。

13.documents stating requirements; such documents are referred to as specifications;阐明要求的文件,这类文件称为规范;

14.Legitimacy is an important factor that must be considered to judge the legal effect of die general norm documents.合法性是判断一般规范性文件的法律效力所必须考虑的重要因素。

15.The Values and Norms in Merton s Theory of the Norms of Science;默顿科学规范论的价值要素与行为规范

16.Public Security Languages Standardization on 3 Essentials of Language;从语言三要素浅析公安语言的规范化

17.Standards and Requirements of a Talented Sportsman s Humane Quality;“体育文化人”人文素质的规范和要求

18.Science, Reason and Standardization are the Key Elements of Assigning Test Papers;科学、合理、规范是命题工作的关键要素


norms in constitutive requirements规范的构成要件要素

3)the normal element of crime规范的构成要件

1.He considered that there arethe normal element of crime and the subjective element of violation in the element of crime,which is the cognitional bas.一方面他继承了贝林(Beling)开创的构成要件理论,认为构成要件与违法性是相互分离的两个评价层面;另一方面他又超越了贝林的理论,认为在构成要件中存在规范的构成要件和主观的违法要素,因此构成要件是违法性的认识根据。

4)effects from entered WTO要素规范

5)Informative elements规范性要素


1.The BasicElements and Techniques of Cooperative Learning合作学习构成要素及其动力机制

2.This paper analyzed three constituent elements of early-warning mechanism,including the information-gathering mechanisms,the information-analysis mechanisms,the information-communicating、information-feedback mechanisms.文章主要分析了高校预警机制的三个构成要素即思想政治教育信息收集机制,分析机制和思想政治教育沟通、反馈机制,对预警机制的建设有重要的现实和理论指导意义。


