1200字范文 > 高光谱曲线 Hyperspectral curve英语短句 例句大全

高光谱曲线 Hyperspectral curve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-20 16:20:27


高光谱曲线 Hyperspectral curve英语短句 例句大全

高光谱曲线,Hyperspectral curve

1)Hyperspectral curve高光谱曲线


1.Hyperspectral Features of Crop Affected by Frostbite and Monitoring with Remote Sensing;作物冻害高光谱曲线特征及其遥感监测

2.Research on vegetation chlorophyll concentration retrieval model based on kurtosis and skewness of hyperspectral curve基于高光谱曲线峰度、偏度的植被叶绿素含量反演模型研究

3.spectral response curve of photocathode光阴极的光谱响应曲线

4.spectro-photoelectrical sensitivity curve光谱光电灵敏度曲线

5.spectral response curve of photomultiplier tube光电倍增管的光谱响应曲线

6.The Light Curves and the Spectral Harness Ratios of Gamma-Ray Bursts;Gamma射线暴的光变曲线和谱硬度比

7.blackbody radiation curve绝对黑体辐射光谱分布曲线

8.Study of the Potential Energy Curve and Spectrum of the Kr-Xe DimerKr-Xe体系势能曲线和光谱研究

9.Effect of spectral curvature on signal acquisition of imaging spectrometer with prism dispersion in VNIR谱线弯曲对成像光谱仪辐射信号采集的影响

10.As demonstrated by theexperiment, absorbance spectrum with high S/ N ratio can be obtained in the entirevisible light region by using the improved light source in the measurement ofabsorbance.实验证实用此光源易在整个可见光区得到高信噪比的吸收光谱曲线。

11.The Studies of Single Pulse Light Curves and Energy Spectra of Gamma-ray Bursts;伽玛射线暴单脉冲光变曲线和能谱的研究

12.Study of Feature Extraction and Classification of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Based on Projection Pursuit and Nonlinear Principal Curves;基于投影寻踪和非线性主曲线的高光谱遥感图像特征提取及分类研究

13.Evaluating factor: This is a figure indicating the match condition between the calculated and real time measured spectral.评价函数:是评价实际镀制中光谱曲线与理论曲线吻合程度的数值。

14.Urban Material Identification Based on Linear Mixture Model Using Hyperspectral Data基于高光谱线性混合光谱分解识别人工地物

15.The differential curve of spectral reflectance assumes a hypsochromic shift.在光谱反射率曲线的微分图上显示出蓝移。

16.Statistical Distinctions of the Spectrum and Light Curves between Two Classes of Gamma-Ray Bursts;两类γ暴的谱形和光变曲线的统计差异

17.Study of Structure and Potential Energy Curve for Ground State of ScF;ScF分子结构、(X~1∑~+)态势能曲线和光谱常数研究

18.A Comparative Research Based of Spectrum feature extraction In Information Resource Science基于信源学的光谱曲线特征提取技术比较研究


spectrum curve光谱曲线

1.The earth surface investigation and the measures about the reflectivityspectrum curve for the main vegetation and all kinds of the earth surface object were made by applying the portable outdoor spectrum radiometer.本研究以深处内陆盆地、典型的干旱区于田绿洲作为研究区,利用便携式野外光谱仪,对研究区内主要植被地物进行了地面调查及反射光谱曲线测量;分析了植被的反射光谱曲线,并对植被光谱进行了导数、"红边"效应等研究,对比了健康植被和非健康植被光谱特征的差别,对研究区内的其他典型地物光谱特征也进行了分析。

3)spectral curve光谱曲线

1.By reducing decision table to cut off redundant condition attribute,the rules between mineralization information andspectral curve features were extracted.以野外勘察和光谱测量数据为数据源,以光谱曲线的16个特征和矿化蚀变程度分别为条件属性和决策属性,应用粗糙集理论和方法离散化数据构建决策系统和实现属性约简,获取识别矿化信息最佳变量组合及区间值,将其作为参量建立矿化信息识别模型,并以矿区其他数据进行了检验,结果与实地勘查资料基本吻合,表明该方法可以作为高光谱矿化信息识别模型,为成矿预测提供依据。

4)spectral profile光谱曲线

1.Different land coversspectral profiles and NDVI indexes were analyzed before and after FLAASH atmospheric correction.主要介绍FLAASH大气校正原理及算法,并运用FLAASH大气校正模型对美国旧金山地区ETM+卫星影像进行大气校正,再对校正前后的影像进行地物光谱曲线分析和NDVI分析评价。

2.Based onspectral profiles sampling from EOS MODIS data, the spectral characteristics of water, cloud, snow, surface features and fog are analyzed; Channels suitable for fog detection are discovered.利用MODIS卫星数据,对雾与目标物(水、云、雪、地物)分别进行采样,得到光谱曲线并进行光谱分 析,提出了有利于白天和夜间平流雾检测的波段,利用该波段选择结果,采用阈值法对平流雾进行检测并得到 地面数据验证。


1.In the course of spectrum reconstruction of Fourier-Transform spectrometer,there will be large error of the spectrum if the interferogram is transformed directly without any other process,because there is machining error as well as some other errors in the system.介绍了Sagnac型干涉成像光谱仪基本原理,针对上述问题得到一套对采集得到的干涉图进行光谱重构的方法,通过对所采集干涉图进行消趋势项、切趾、相位校正、共轭对称化等步骤的处理,再进行重构,即可有效避免直接重构所带来的误差,使用所研制的原理样机对氦灯等单色光源进行光谱曲线重构实验,得到的光谱强度分布曲线与标称曲线基本吻合,光谱复原精度达到了4nm,具有较好的重构效果。

2.Wavelet Analysis and Its Application in Denoising theSpectrum of Hyperspectral Image为了消除高光谱遥感图像中光谱曲线的锯齿型噪声,提高利用光谱曲线进行信息提取研究时的精度,文章使用USGS(united states geological survey)光谱库中的植被光谱进行模拟,添加了信噪比为30的噪声后采用小波阈值法进行噪声去除,并利用信噪比、均方误差和光谱角三项指标以及综合评估系数η来对去噪效果进行评估,寻找出最佳的参数组合。

6)spectral line Curvature光谱线弯曲


高光1.汉宫殿名。 2.汉高祖和汉光武帝的并称。 3.极为明亮的光。
