1200字范文 > 运量 Traffic volume英语短句 例句大全

运量 Traffic volume英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-01 08:31:16


运量 Traffic volume英语短句 例句大全

运量,Traffic volume

1)Traffic volume运量

work Numeration of National Economic Benefits for Transportation Construction Projection Based on Traffic Volume Analysis;基于运量的国民经济效益网络计算法

2.This article forecasts the traffic volume of the Beijing -Shanghai High-speed Railway by means of advanced forecasting methods, and analyzes the forecasting results so as to point out such statement as " over-estimating traffic volume of the Beijing - Shanghai High-speed Railway" is not existed.阐述了通过采用先进的预测方法,对京沪高速铁路运量进行了预测,并对预测结果进行了分析,指出不存在“京沪高速铁路高估了运量”。

3.The practice of Zhengzhou Railway Administration in resolving the contradiction between the traffic volume and carrying capacity is cited to prove that a efficient way to enhance the railway carrying capacity is to promote electric traction.对电力机车和内燃机车牵引性能进行比较,并以郑州铁路局解决运能与运量矛盾的具体实践为例进行说明,从而提出提高铁路运输能力的主要措施是大力发展电力牵引。


1.Research on the Capacity Forecast&Assignment for W Shipping Co.Ltd;W航运公司运量预测及运力需求研究

2.downbound commerce (=downbound traffic)下行(下水, 南下)运量

3.loss of traffic客货运量转移到其他运输方式的损失

4.Analysis on Passenger Flow Forecast of MianYang-ChenDu-EMei Intercity Passenger-Dedicated Line;成绵峨城际客运专线客运量预测研究

5.an increase in freight/goods/passenger traffic货运[货运/客运]量的增加

6.The amount of something, such as dirt, that a cart can carry.运载量一辆车可运载某物,如矿渣的量

7.The amount of cargo or number of passengers conveyed.运输量运载货物的数量或运载乘客的数目

8.The force or energy associated with a moving body.运动量一个运动的物体具有的能量或力量

9.sedentary people get little physical exercise久坐的人运动量会过少

10.To exert force or pressure.挤,压运用力量或压力

11.hardware supported vector operation硬件支持的向量运算

12.We would pour in supplies.我们将大量运送补给品。

13.Carriage of Dangerous Goods in Limited Quantities限量内的危险货物运输

14.a quantity upon which a mathematical operation is performed.用于数学运算的数量。

15.OVM (Orbiting Velocity Meter)沿轨道运行速度测量器

16.The energy of motion is called kinetic energy.运动的能量称为动能。

17.Something that serves as the object of an operation.量作为运算对象的物体

18.freight on final outturn按最后卸量计算运费


transport volume运量

1.Based on illustrating the model of system dynamics, the paper establishestransport volume model, transferringtransport volume model, triggertransport volume model and transport price model by means of its principle and method.在论述系统动力学模型的基础上,运用其原理和方法建立了运量模型、转移运量模型、诱发运量模型和运价模型。

2.The changes ofbaggage and parcel handling station in terms of quantity and market shareand the changes oftransport volume show that the concentration of baggageand parceltransport volume has become a tendency.近年来,我国行包运输发展很快,但是行包运量分布不均衡,逐渐呈现出集中化的趋势。

3.This paper analyzes the relationship between the railway refrigeratedtransport volume and the scale of different kinds of cars being used on the basis of the totaltransport volume of railway perishable goods in recent years.根据近年来铁路易腐货物运输运量总体情况 ,详细分析了铁路易腐货物冷藏运输中各车种的运量以及运量与车种的匹配情况 ,提出了发展铁路易腐货物运输的相关建议 。

3)freight volume运量

1.According to the vehicles arrangement for an open-pit mine production,the mathematic model of the minimum of totalfreight volume is firstly established.针对露天矿生产的车辆安排,首先建立并求解总运量最小的数学模型,在得到最优解的情况下,选择一个合适的算法得到相应的最少卡车数。

2.The concept of long term forecasting quality of highwayfreight volume is introduced.阐述了长期预测质量的概念 ,分析了影响公路运量长期预测质量的因素 ,探讨了用类别分析方法建立增长模式 (转折点 )的预测模型 ,结合广西河池地区的实际情况将模型加以运用。

4)transport capacity运量

1.This paper studied the actuality of coastal container shipping, analyzed the actuality and developing currency of transport volume and capacity, put forward the model of coastal container shipping and hope it can give some reference for the putting in oftransport capacity of coastal container shipping company.研究了我国沿海集装箱班轮运输现状 ,分析了运量、运力的现状和发展趋势 ,提出了沿海集装箱运力平衡数学模型和发展沿海集装箱运输对象和运输模式 ,为沿海集装箱运输公司投放运力提供参

5)Transport Distance and Amount运距运量

6)water-borne traffic水运运量

1.This paper presentsan actual example of applying the Delphi Approachin a company Swater-borne traffic forecasting,which proves that this approach, with minor modifi-cations,is fit forwater-borne traffic forecasting.定量预测方法在我国水运运量预测的应用中,存在着数据质量及模型适应性差的问题,致使这种方法的应用受到了很大的限制。


