1200字范文 > 工商业经济 industrial and commercial economy英语短句 例句大全

工商业经济 industrial and commercial economy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-03 10:47:25


工商业经济 industrial and commercial economy英语短句 例句大全

工商业经济,industrial and commercial economy

1)industrial and commercial economy工商业经济

1.On the Flourish and Decline of Reich and Middle-European"s Industrial and Commercial Economy in the 14-17th Century论14-17世纪德意志和中欧工商业经济的繁荣与衰弱

pared with oriental civilization,the ancient Greek civilization was unique basing on flourishingindustrial and commercial economy,democratic politics and legal system tradition,and bright science-literature-art culture.与东方文明相比较,古希腊文明以它发达的工商业经济、民主政治和法制传统、灿烂的科学文艺为特色,显示出其与众不同的独特性,且此三者之间相辅相成。

3.It also analyzes his thought on agricultural economy and the protection of theindustrial and commercial economy in cities and towns.通过对毛泽东江西时期有关经济思想的探讨 ,从宏观上分析了毛泽东关于在国家政权建设中必须重视经济建设的思想 ,并且分析了毛泽东关于农业经济以及保护城镇工商业经济的思


1."Guangdong Economic Element" in Modern Guangxi s Industrial and Commercial Development in Towns;近代广西城镇工商业经济发展中的“广东经济因素”

2.It is in the city that businesses gather, which offer material basis for the prosperity of classical culture;发达的城市工商业经济,是文化繁荣的物质基础;

3.Developing Business and enlivening the economy is the first task for the present.发展商业,搞活经济,是当前的首要工作。

4.American business and industry outpaced the world for a long time.美国的工商业一直执世界经济之牛耳。

prehensive Business System of Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Deyang;德阳市工商局经济户口综合业务系统

6.The Influence of Chongqing Industrial Economy for Foreign Direct Investment;外商直接投资对重庆工业经济的影响

7.Economic Capital: the Core Tool of Commercial Bank Management;经济资本:商业银行管理的核心工具

8.studying on Countermeasures of Realizing Commerce Scale economy in the Old Industrial Base;老工业基地商业规模经济发展的对策研究

parison between Curriculums of Economic Law for BBA and for BL;工商管理类专业经济法课程与法学专业经济法课程比较研究

10.the joint operation of agriculture, industry and commerce on the Basis of agriculture, with the view of promoting the development of the urBan and rural commodity economy以农业为基础,农工商联合经营,促进城乡商品经济发展

11.and (3) the economy of small independent craftsmen and traders and the economy of small and middle private capital.(3)独立小工商业者的经济和小的、中等的私人资本经济。

12.Landlord and feudalistic capital is being smashed, but commercial, industrial and financial capital is being given preferential treatment.地主及封建经济被取缔,但工商业受到扶持。

13.The Econometric Analysis of Enterprise Credit System;工商企业信用制度模型的计量经济分析

14.Reconstruction of Capitalist Industry and Commerce and Development Of Private Economy are Consonant with Historical Process;论改造资本主义工商业和发展私营经济

15.The Influence of New Polices of Economic Reform at the End of Qing Dynasty on Chinese Industries and Commerce;论清末新政经济政策对近代中国工商业的影响

16.Research and Reform on the Practical Teaching of Economic Law Course in Business Administration Major工商管理专业“经济法”课程实践教学研究与改革

17.Business cycle; trade cycle商业周期,经济周期

18.EDA. Economic Development Administration(EDA) of the US Department of Commerce.美国商业司经济发展局


commercial economy商业经济

1.On the Rise and Decline of Spain and Portugal s Commercial Economy in the Early Modern Times;近代早期西班牙和葡萄牙商业经济的兴起与衰弱

2.In modern China,thecommercial economy of the Hui people not only kept traditional commercial acts of the Ming dynasty and late Qing dynasty,but also developed to a higher mode ofcommercial economy.近代回族的商业经济继承了明清时期的传统向更高层次发展,不仅门类众、数量多且逐步走上现代商业机制。

3.It disparages the present in the light of the past, and advances that thecommercial economy cannot develop without thriving politics, manageme.本文从商品市场开辟、商务活动倡导、商界巨子脱颖、商战理论成就、商路网络连接、商贸中心规模、商业兴衰跌宕等方面归纳中原古代商业经济的地位 ,并借古鉴今 ,提出当今发展商业经济 ,离不开政治昌明、规模经营、市场规则、商路畅通、腐败惩治和轻重通变。

3)business economy商业经济

1.The relation between the ancient trade road in the central plains andbusiness economy is a topic which is worth studying during the present changing development time of economy.中原古代商路与商业经济关系是在当前经济发展转型期一个很值得研究的课题。

4)industrial and commercial economy工商经济

1.The emergence and development ofindustrial and commercial economy under slave system in ancient Egypt, the valley of two rivers, China and Greece have different historical features and economic content.世界上古史中的工商经济是古典经济时代的一颗灿烂的明星。

5)business economics商业经济学

6)new marketing economy新商业经济

1.This paper will discuss that knowledge worker management innew marketing economy.新商业经济是知识经济与市场经济互相影响互相推动而形成的新经济形态,它既不是知识经济,也不是市场经济,它是科学技术发展和经济自由化相结合的结果。


