1200字范文 > CNN News:超级星期二落幕 拜登赢下10个州桑德斯仍有机会

CNN News:超级星期二落幕 拜登赢下10个州桑德斯仍有机会

时间:2019-07-09 10:02:20


CNN News:超级星期二落幕 拜登赢下10个州桑德斯仍有机会

Results are coming in from Super Tuesday when more delegates are awarded than any other day in the U.S. presidential nomination process.

And former Vice-President Joe Biden and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont are now the two clear front-runners for the Democratic party.

Analysts say they can have a long battle for delegates in the months ahead. Republicans will not. Incumbent President Donald Trump won all of the states that held primaries on Tuesday so it"s a forgone conclusion that he"ll defeat his Republican challenger former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld.

But we"re focusing on the Democrats today because their race is less certain. When we produced this show, former Vice-President Biden had won in 10 of the 14 states holding Democratic primaries on Super Tuesday. Senator Sanders won in at least three states. And in the one caucus held on Tuesday in the territory of American Samoa, the victory went to former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Despite that though, he dropped out of the race on Wednesday leaving four Democrats still in it. Bloomberg said the delegate math just didn"t add up for him to get his party"s nomination.

The math we had last night was incomplete. Biden was leading with 435 delegates to Sanders 381. But California is the biggest prize from Super Tuesday with the most delegates and Sanders was leading there though final results may not be known for weeks. So it"s possible he could catch or even pass Biden in the Super Tuesday delegate count. The process of counting delegates is a complicated one.





