1200字范文 > 景观 landscape英语短句 例句大全

景观 landscape英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-15 23:00:17


景观 landscape英语短句 例句大全



1.Study onlandscape classification and ecological restoration strategies of Shangyi county;尚义县景观生态分类和生态建设方略

2.Analysis on land use and eco-landscape of estuary of Yellow River delta;黄河三角洲河口地区土地利用及生态环境景观分析

3.Assessment of the regionallandscape ecological impact with project of controlling desertification in the southern suburb of Datong City;大同市南郊区治沙工程对区域景观生态影响的评价


1.visit famous or interesting sights.参观著名或有趣的景观。

2.Longnan has unique natural and man-made landscape.陇南有独特的自然景观和人文景观。

3.Landscape Pattern Analysis and Landscape Ecological Planning in Chengdu;成都市景观格局分析与景观生态规划

4.Study on Landscape Pattern and Landscape Ecological Planning of Nantong;南通市景观格局与景观生态规划研究

5.Research of Landscape Health and Aesthetic Landscape Qulity of Fuzhou;福州市景观健康与景观美学质量研究

6.Study on Meaning of Landscape in Symbolic--With Pavement Landscape as an Example;论景观的符号学含义——以铺地景观为例

7.The Actuality and Principle of the Landscape Design in Small Towns;小城镇景观设计现状与景观设计原则

8.On Aesthetic Characteristics of Sights and Tourist Developing in Yueyang;岳阳景观的旅游美学特征及景观开发

9.Landscape and Vision: Landscape Study in the Domain of Visual Culture景观与视觉:视觉文化域中的景观研究

10.Scenic Beauty Evaluation and Establishing Techniques For Sightseeing Tea Gardens观光茶园景观美景度评价及营建技术

11.Manmade sceneries on Wudang Mountain compliment natural ones.武当山风景自然景观与人文景观融为一体。

12.The Landscape Pattern Dynamics Analyst and Landscape Ecological Planning in Laoshan Scenery Spot;崂山风景区景观格局动态分析及景观生态规划

13.Objective Carrier of Landscape Design--Lumber in Landscape Utilization景观设计的客观载体——木材在景观中的运用

14.Junshan Specific Area Landscape Transformation Program;君山景区景观具体改造方案——君山景区景观改造方案研究之二

15.An Analysis of Current Situation of Junshan Island Landscape--One of the Reform Projects of Junshan Island Landscape;君山景区景观的现状分析——君山景区景观改造方案之一

16.Landscape Diversity and the Value of Tourism of Areas of Scenic Beauty A General Analysis of the Landscape of Xianju scenic area in Zhejiang Province;景观多样性与景区旅游价值——浙江仙居风景名胜区景观格局分析

17.Archaize timberwork pontoon,landscape pontoon,steel structure pontoon bridge,waterfront architecture.三、仿古木浮桥、景观浮桥、钢结构浮桥、景观亲水栈桥、滨水景观建筑。

18.Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas“三江并流”自然景观



1.Discussion on landscape small townscenery molding;浅谈山水小城镇景观塑造

2.Ancient city waterscenery s recovery;古代城市水景的景观恢复

3.How to form unique style of gardenscenery construction;小议园林景观建设应如何形成独特的风格


1.Discussion on thesight coordination of expressway;论高速公路绿化的景观协同性

2.Introduction on History Site and Part Seismic Geological Sight of 1604 s Large Earthquake in West Shore of Taiwan Strait;台湾海峡西岸经过1604年大震考验的古迹和部分地震地质景观介绍

4)landscape architecture景观

1.Analysis of space design and construction oflandscape architecture,a case study of oil depot area landscape design in Beijing;浅析景观设计中空间的设计与营造——以北京某部油库区景观规划设计为例

2.Studies on Landscape Architecture of Creative Industry Parks in Shanghai and Hangzhou;沪杭创意产业园区景观研究

3.Based on the study of the entironment and tradition in regional culture,this paper investigates that Italian style garden and traditional Chinese garden have relations with regional culture,and shows that regional culture andlandscape architecture design do good to each other.本文从地域文化的自然环境和历史文化传统的角度,以意大利台地园和中国古典园林为例,探讨了地域文化与园林景观的限定关系,以及地域文化和设计的相互促进作用。


1.Analysis and evaluation on highwaylandscaping;公路建设项目景观分析评价

2.Based on the ecological environment and natural geography features of the highway on limestone-mountain area,the evaluation of the highway landscape is studied,the selection principle and method of evaluating indices are presented,the evaluating indices system is developed from three aspects,the three elements oflandscaping,the function of environment and the aesthetics.基于山区公路的生态环境及自然地理特性,遵循评价指标选取的原则和方法,运用景观三元论,从环境功能和美学3个方面构建山区公路景观评价的指标体系。

3.By investigating the scene of Baohe Garden,Yinghe Gerden,Westhill Garden,Heichiba Garden and Hupo Pond,the author tries to analyse thelandscaping of Hefei City-Circling Garden,and give out some suggestions for its design and ecology offect.通过对其中包河、银河、西山、黑池坝、琥珀潭等诸景区的考察和调研,对合肥市环城公园进行景观分析,提出景区设计和生态效应改进的若干建议。

6)scenery and landscape景区景观

1.Reconstruction and ecological remediation:scenery and landscape project of Guilin"s water system;桂林环城水系整治及生态修复——景区景观工程


