1200字范文 > 双重主体 dual subjects英语短句 例句大全

双重主体 dual subjects英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-07 14:04:23


双重主体 dual subjects英语短句 例句大全

双重主体,dual subjects

1)dual subjects双重主体

1.Therefore,the roles of teacher and student are that they aredual subjects and meanwhile reciprocal cognitive objects.因而,师生之间是双方既为双重主体而又彼此互为认知客体的关系。


1.An Argument on “The Theory of Teaching Subject”;“教学主体论”辨析——兼论“双重主体说”

2.Dual Subject Dimensions of Sustainable Development: Individual and Human;可持续发展的双重主体维度:个体和类

3.On the Relationship between the Roles of Teacher and Student-the Structure of Dual Subjects and Reciprocal cognitive Objects师生关系中的双重主体及互为认知客体结构

4.On the Double Subjectivity of the Capital--Series of Studies on Economic Action Theory of the Capital(Ⅰ);论《资本论》的双重主体性——《资本论》经济行为理论系列研究之一

5.Openness-Interaction-Double Subjectivity-First Investigation on Teaching Innovation Model in "Contemporary Chinese Literature History "Course;开放性·互动性·双重主体性——“中国当代文学史”课程教学改革模式初探

6.Connotation & Subject: Double-dimensions of the Party s Governing Capacity;内涵与主体:执政能力建设的双重维度

7.Twofold Evaluation of Merleau - Ponty s Theory of Intersubjectivity;梅洛-庞蒂主体间性理论的“双重”视域

8.The Reforming of the Qualities of Audiences in the Hope of Win-win;“双赢”期待下的受众主体意识重构

9.The Dual Themes of the Three Represents and Their Theoretical System;“三个代表”重要思想的双重主题及其理论体系

10.Writing On Body Under Double Context of Feminism and Physical Aestheticism;女性主义与身体美学化双重语境下的身体写作

11.The Contradiction Between the Double Identities of Policy and its Countermeasures;政策主体与客体双重身份的矛盾性及其对策

12.The reconstruct of the double-subject teaching mode of the high education of PE;高等体育教育双主体教学模式的重新构建

13.On the Significance and Measures of Setting up a Dual-subject Teacher-student Relation;论确立师生双主体关系的重要意义与措施

14.The Dual Effect of the Market Economy on the Subjectiveness of the individual;市场经济对人的主体性发挥的双重效应

15.Research on the AAB-type Overlap in the Two-syllable Separable Verbs以AAB式为主体的双音节“离合动词”重叠式研究

16.The Duality of Thomas Hardy"s Writing-On Tess of the D"Urbervilles《德伯家的苔丝》中体现的哈代的现实主义与现代主义双重文学倾向

17.On Double Attribute of Peasant Subject and Disequilibrium of Development: Concurrent Analysis of General Trend from Traditional Subjectivity to Modern Subjectivity农民主体的双重属性与发展的不平衡性——兼析传统主体性向现代主体性发展的总趋势

18.To Avoid the Logical Contradiction between Corruption Offender and Its Object--On redefining of the denotation of the corruption offender;跳出贪污罪主体和客体双向背离的逻辑怪圈——论贪污罪主体应当重新界定


the theory of dual-subject双重主体论

3)Double decision-making agent双重决策主体

4)double subject identity双重主体身份

5)lyrical expression of a dual-theme双重主体抒情

6)double theme双重主题

1.The paper tries to interpret the art and structure of the book from the three aspects of narration,dual structure and thedouble theme.《呼啸山庄》是一部永具神奇魅力的文学瑰宝,本文试从叙事方式、双重结构和双重主题三个方面来解读这部作品的艺术结构,再次欣赏《呼啸山庄》独特的艺术魅力。


