1200字范文 > 原则任务 principles and missions英语短句 例句大全

原则任务 principles and missions英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-02 00:03:09


原则任务 principles and missions英语短句 例句大全

原则任务,principles and missions

1)principles and missions原则任务

2)task and principle任务与原则

3)task designing principles任务设计原则

1.This paper gives a general overview of thetask designing principles,and also exemplifies the application of Task-based Approach in higher vocational college English teaching.文章在对任务型英语课堂任务设计原则进行概述的基础上,举例说明了任务型教学法在高职英语教学中的具体运用。


1.On the Task Designing Principles of the Task-based Approach and its Implication in Higher Vocational College English Teaching;任务型教学中的任务设计原则在高职英语教学中的运用

2.A Discussion on Principles of Tasks Designing for Polytechnic Students English Learning;试论高职英语任务型教学中任务设计的原则

3.Principles of Designing Task-Based Activities in High School;中学英语“任务型”课堂活动的设计原则

4.Schema Theory and Some Criteria in Designing Pre-reading Tasks;图式理论及阅读前期任务的设计原则

5.The Implementation of Task-based Language Teaching--The Designing Principles and key concerns;任务教学法的实施:设计原则和关键问题

6.Principles and Methods of Game Task Design in Educational Game;教育游戏中游戏任务设计的原则与方法

7.Classroom Designing Principles of Task-based Language Teaching in Audio-Visual-Oral Course of College English;大学英语视听说课中任务型教学的教学设计原则

8.On the Enforcement of Faculty Employment-Appointment System in Chinese Western higher institutions;论西部高校教师聘任制度的设计原则

9.assignment of project计划任务书(设计任务书)

10.Principles are applied throughout the design process, helping us to translate tasks and requirements that arise from scenarios into formalized structures and behaviors in the interface.原则贯穿设计始终,帮助我们将情境中发生的任务与需求转化为界面的形式结构与行为。

11.Finally, the simulation on clustering task is given to show the application of swarm intelligence to multi-robot systems.最后,通过一个物体搜集任务的仿真实例来说明群体智能设计原则在多机器人系统中的应用。

12.Principles of Design Defect in American Product Liability Law;美国产品责任法中的设计缺陷归责原则探析

13.Design and Implementation of Rule-based Management of Data Collection Task基于规则的数据采集任务的管理的设计与实现

14.On Design Principles of Site Business Logic Function Based on .Net;基于.net的网站业务逻辑函数设计原则初探

15.The Design Principles of the E-government Network of Jincheng City s Administra tive Examination and Approval Center;晋城市行政审批中心电子政务网络设计原则

parison between tax accounting principles and financial principles;税务会计原则、财务会计原则的比较与思考

17.On the Principles and Designining of Information Task in FLT Classroom;论外语教学课堂中信息差任务的原理与设计

18.Apply principles and patterns运用设计原则和模式


task and principle任务与原则

3)task designing principles任务设计原则

1.This paper gives a general overview of thetask designing principles,and also exemplifies the application of Task-based Approach in higher vocational college English teaching.文章在对任务型英语课堂任务设计原则进行概述的基础上,举例说明了任务型教学法在高职英语教学中的具体运用。

4)Principles of Task-based Teaching Mode任务型教学原则

5)principles of assigning tasks设计任务原则

6)Task rule任务规则


