1200字范文 > 健身栽培 healthy cultivation英语短句 例句大全

健身栽培 healthy cultivation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-18 20:29:10


健身栽培 healthy cultivation英语短句 例句大全

健身栽培,healthy cultivation

1)healthy cultivation健身栽培

1.In accordance with the growth of protected field hot pepper and the pest incidence,this paper discusses thehealthy cultivation and pest control techniques for protected field hot pepper with a view to hot pepper′s good quality,high yield, early marketing and better economic results.根据保护地辣椒生育特点和病虫害发生情况,初步总结了保护地辣椒健身栽培与病虫防控技术,将对保护地辣椒的优质、安全、高产、早上市具有指导意义。

2)cultivation on physiology and psychology身心健康培养


1.College Physical Course Choosing Education and Cultivation on College Students Physiology and Psychology;高校体育选课教学与大学生身心健康培养

2.Train the Students Sports Insterest and Improve Their Physical and Psychological Health;培养学生体育兴趣促进学生身心健康

3.Influences of Mood on Health and the Cultivation of Good Mood试论情绪对身心健康的影响及良好情绪的培养

4.The Health Care Idea of "Wu Qin Xi" and Psychological Health Theory;“五禽戏”健身养生思想与心理健康理念

5.Based on Health to Cultivate Students’ Ability of Lifelong Physical Training;以健康为本培养学生的终身体育能力

6.Viewing the Cultivation of Children"s Mental Health from the Point of their Antagonistic Psychology从儿童逆反心理看健康心理的培养

7.Frustration Adjustment and the Development of Healthy Psychology;论挫折心理的调适和健康心理的培养

8.Enhance the Psychological Health Education and Foster the Healthy Psychological Quality;加强心理卫生教育 培养健康心理素质

9.Strengthen mental health education in schools and foster students psychological quality;加强学校心理健康教育培养学生健全心理素质

10.Reason, Strategy and Teaching Practice to Direct Students to Proper Nutrition--Teaching Research of “Human Nutrition”;引导学生合理营养 促进身心健康发展

11.Contemporary University Students Mental Health Education and Diathesis Cultivation;当代大学生心理健康教育与素质培养

12.On the Role of Art Teaching in Training the students Health Psychology;美术教学对培养学生健康心理的作用

13.Musical Education and College Students Psychological Health;论音乐教育与大学生心理健康的培养

14.On the Training of Students Healthy Psychology in Physical Education;试论体育教学中学生健康心理的培养

15.The Importance of Cultivating the Students Healthy Psychological Quality;浅析培养学生健康心理素质的重要性

16.Conducting Psychology Health Education to Develop New Type Qualified Talent Persons;开展心理健康教育 培养新型合格人才

17.Psychological Health Must Be Stressed on Physical Education;体育教学应重视学生心理健康的培养

18.The research of healthy education and fostering the consciousness of full-life physical education for college students;高校学生的健康教育与终身体育意识的培养


cultivation on physiology and psychology身心健康培养


1.Studies on the contamination of heavy metals and the controllingtechniques during thecultivation of edible fungi;食用菌栽培中重金属污染与控制技术研究进展

2.General Situation in Cultivation and Biochemistry Research of Agrocyb e cylindracea;柱状田头菇的栽培及生物化学研究概况

3.The Study on the Cultivation and Application of Climbing Honeysuckle Resource;忍冬属藤本植物资源的栽培及应用


1.Culture Technique on Lycium barbarum in Area of Chaidamu;柴达木地区宁夏枸杞栽培技术

2.Culture Technique on Nicandra physalisalkengi in Geer-mu;菇娘果在格尔木地区的栽培技术


1.Sugarbeet Planting Trial of 43cm Row Distance;甜菜43cm垄距栽培模式初探

2.The Seed Selection,Breeding,Planting,Management of the Paulownia in Huaibei;淮北地区泡桐育苗、栽培、管理技术


1.Effect on the Yield and Quality of Wettish-cultivated Water Dropwort in Different Cultivate Measures;不同栽培措施对湿栽水芹产量及品质的影响

2.This paper introduced the collection,processing andcultivate technology for toone sinensis,so as to make use of toone sinensis resource and increase economy income for peoples.就香椿的采收、加工和栽培技术作简要介绍,以便充分利用香椿资源,增加经济收入。


