1200字范文 > 抗病新种质 Disease-resistant new germplasm英语短句 例句大全

抗病新种质 Disease-resistant new germplasm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-08 01:11:33


抗病新种质 Disease-resistant new germplasm英语短句 例句大全

抗病新种质,Disease-resistant new germplasm

1)Disease-resistant new germplasm抗病新种质


1.Deriving of Transgenic Wheat Line with Disease Rssistance by the Pollen Tube Pathway;利用花粉管通道技术创造小麦抗病新种质

2.A Red High Quality and Resistance Wine Grape Cultivar "Beimei"优质抗寒抗病酿酒葡萄新品种‘北玫’

3.A High-resistantance and Quality Wine Grape Cultivar "Beihong"优质抗寒抗病酿酒葡萄新品种‘北红’

4.Breeding for the Disease-Resistant Seedless Grape Novel Varities and Innovating of New Germplasms Using Embryo Rescue;抗病无核葡萄胚挽救育种及种质创新

5.A High quality,Disease resistant and Late Mature Red Chinese Pear Variety - Hongxiangsu优质抗病晚熟红皮梨新品种——红香酥

6.Genetic Analysis of the Resistance Gene of Wheat Germplasm N9659 to Powdery Mildew;小麦新种质N9659抗白粉病的遗传分析

7.Breeding of a new super sweet corn variety "Zhengtian 68" with high yield, elite quality and diseases resistance高产、优质、抗病新品种正甜68的选育

8.Breeding of A New Tomato Variety Tangyou No.1 with High Quality and Disease Resistance优质抗病番茄新品种唐优1号的选育

9.Screening of New Germplasm Resistant to Cercospora Sojina Hara and Utilization of Resistant Resource;抗大豆灰斑病新种质的筛选与抗源利用

10.Identification of New Germplasm for the Resistance to Powdery Mildew and Genetic Analysis in Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)小麦抗白粉病新种质的鉴定及抗性遗传分析

11.The Study on Pathogen and Pathogenicities of Wheat Black Point Disease and Resistance Evaluation to Wheat Varieties in Xinjiang;新疆小麦黑胚病病原、病原致病力及种质抗病性研究

12.Breeding and evaluation of new superior early-maturing watermelon germplasms with disease resistance抗病早熟优质的西瓜新种质选育与评价

13.Germplasm Innovation of Disease Resistant and Seedless Grape and Molecular Marker-assisted Breeding;抗病无核葡萄新种质创制及分子标记辅助育种

14.The Theory and the Practice of New Cotton Variety Breeding for Disease-resistance and High-quality;抗病优质棉花新品种选育的理论与实践

15.Development of Novel Germplasm with Resistance to Sclerotinia Stem Rot and Lodging in Brassica Napus甘蓝型油菜耐菌核病抗倒伏新种质的创建

16.Study on the Selection of New Watermelon Germplasm for Resistance to Fusarium Wilt Disease by Introducing Pumpkin DNA导入南瓜DNA选育抗枯萎病西瓜新种质的研究

17.Genetic Analysis of the Resistance Gene of Wheat Germplasm N9659 to Powdery Mildew小麦新种质N9659抗白粉病基因的遗传分析

18.Development of New Wheat Germplasm Resistant to Powdery Mildew and Chromosome Location and Molecular Markers of Their Resistance Genes;小麦抗白粉病新种质创制及其抗性基因的染色体定位和分子标记


new germplasm resistant to stripe rust抗条锈病新种质

3)Resistant germplasm抗病种质

4)Wilt-resistance new germplasm抗枯黄萎病新种质

5)New blast resistance germplasm抗瘟新种质

6)Genotypes with bacterial wilt resistance抗青枯病种质


扁桃种质资源(germplasm resources of almond)扁桃种质资源(germplasm resources of almond)具有一定的遗传物质,在扁桃生产和育种上有利用价值植物的总称。扁桃在世界约有40种。原产小亚细亚、叙利亚、伊朗以至中细亚一带。人工栽培的仅为普通扁桃(Prunus communis Fritsch.)。扁桃主产国目前所用的栽培种多为杂交种。中国新疆少量扁桃栽培中包括有数十个农家品种和类型。中国的几种扁桃野生种均为灌木型。主要分布在浅山带阳坡、半阳坡和开阔谷地。喜光、耐旱、耐瘠薄土壤,能在砾土、砾质土、石壁上生长。移栽不易成活,通常用种子繁殖主要的种有:蒙古扁桃(Prunus mongolica Maxim.)、西康扁桃(P.tangutica Korsh.)、长柄扁桃(P.pedunculatus Pall.)、矮扁桃(P.tenella Rehd.)。
