1200字范文 > 吴鞠通医案 Wu Jutongs Collection of Case Histories英语短句 例句大全

吴鞠通医案 Wu Jutongs Collection of Case Histories英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-13 02:41:50


吴鞠通医案 Wu Jutongs Collection of Case Histories英语短句 例句大全

吴鞠通医案,Wu Jutong"s Collection of Case Histories

1)Wu Jutong"s Collection of Case Histories吴鞠通医案

2)WU Ju-tong吴鞠通

1.Discussion on the Feature ofWU Ju-tong Treating Disease of Dampness-heat吴鞠通论治湿热病特点探析

2.To carry out literature unscrambling and analysis on clincal medication experience of Panax ginseng application onWU Ju-tong and explore the application regularity of Panax ginseng in WENBINGTIAOBIAN in order to educing directions meaning for clinical treatment of Wenbing.对吴鞠通运用人参的临证用药经验进行文献整理和分析,吴鞠通对人参的运用具有独到之处。

3.WU Ju-tong had thoroughly discussed about damp-heat syndrome using triple warmer as the key link in Item Differentiation of Warm Febrile Diseases,and formed systemic and completed treating damp theory.吴鞠通在《温病条辨》中以三焦为纲对湿热证进行了系统详尽的论述,在继承前人理论基础上,倡导分利三焦:湿在上焦者以轻宣,重宣肺气化湿;湿在中焦者重辛开苦降,分解湿热;湿在下焦者甘淡渗下,通利水道。


1.A Study on Therapeutic Methods and Formulae for Dampness Disease in Treatise on Differentiation and Treatment of Epidemic Febrile Diseases Written by Wu Jutong;吴鞠通《温病条辨》湿邪治法及方药研究

2.Exploration on Wu Jutong"s Yin-Nourishing Theory for Seasonal Febrile Diseases and Clinical Application吴鞠通温病养阴思想探析及临床应用心得

3.Review on the experiences of Wu Jutong making the prescription theory to treat Luobing on the basis of view that diseases are in the Xueluo but not in the Qijing吴鞠通基于病在“血络”异于“气经”而制方论治络病之心法述评

4.Review on the Experiences of Wu Ju-tong Making the Prescription Theory to Treat Luobing on the View of that Diseases are in the Xueluo but not in the Qijing吴鞠通以“血络”与“气经”病位之异而制络病方心法述评

5.I will go to Angkor Thom for the official business.我因公事要去吴哥通。

6.Col.Lei bowed and came over to her, the sound of his measured tread finally bringing her back to earth.可是一鞠躬以后的雷参谋走近来了,受过训练的脚步声打入吴少奶奶的耳朵,她完全清醒过来了。

7.To bow or curtsy.鞠躬鞠躬或行弯身屈膝的鞠躬礼

8.Revenge Ideas in Demotic Historical Novel of the Records of Three States and the Culture of Sun-Wu Areas;《三国志通俗演义》复仇观与孙吴文化

9.When you bow to somebody next time,“下次鞠躬的时候,

10.He took off his hat and bowed.他脱帽,然後鞠躬。

11.As it happened, this particular prejudice of his father"s was the one of which Wu Sun-fu had always most strongly disapproved.而这种顽固的憎恨,又是吴荪甫所认为最“不通”的。

12.A Research into the Land Communication between the State of Wu and Jin in the Late Spring and Autumn Period;从季札出使看春秋晚期吴晋的陆路交通

13.Research and Explanation of Four Unpublished Letters from Liu Yong,Zhou Yongnian,Wu Dazheng and Ye Changchi;刘墉、周永年、吴大澂、叶昌炽未刊信札四通考释

14.Reseach on Wu Yinsun s Cehai Mansion in Yangzhouof Late Qing Dynasty and Its Collection of Popular Fiction;晚清扬州吴引孙测海楼及所藏通俗小说考

15.A Concise and Readable General History --Reading Wu Chengquan and Others Gangjianyizhilu;一部简明易读的通史——读吴乘权等辑《纲鉴易知录》

16.Textual Research on Words and Expressions of "Jiahelimintianjiabie" (wooden Slips Excavated in Zoumalou Area in 1990"s)《长沙走马楼三国吴简·嘉禾吏民田家莂》词语通释

17.Simulation Analysis and Evaluation of Traffic Risk in Wusongkou Water Area吴淞口水域船舶交通风险的模拟分析与评估

18.Jeff: Not one bow. You should give each of us a bow.杰夫:不能鞠一个,给每人鞠一个!


WU Ju-tong吴鞠通

1.Discussion on the Feature ofWU Ju-tong Treating Disease of Dampness-heat吴鞠通论治湿热病特点探析

2.To carry out literature unscrambling and analysis on clincal medication experience of Panax ginseng application onWU Ju-tong and explore the application regularity of Panax ginseng in WENBINGTIAOBIAN in order to educing directions meaning for clinical treatment of Wenbing.对吴鞠通运用人参的临证用药经验进行文献整理和分析,吴鞠通对人参的运用具有独到之处。

3.WU Ju-tong had thoroughly discussed about damp-heat syndrome using triple warmer as the key link in Item Differentiation of Warm Febrile Diseases,and formed systemic and completed treating damp theory.吴鞠通在《温病条辨》中以三焦为纲对湿热证进行了系统详尽的论述,在继承前人理论基础上,倡导分利三焦:湿在上焦者以轻宣,重宣肺气化湿;湿在中焦者重辛开苦降,分解湿热;湿在下焦者甘淡渗下,通利水道。

3)Wu Jutong吴鞠通

1.The inheritance and development of Shang han lun (Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases) in the perspective ofWu Jutong sWen bing tiao bian (Treatise on Differentiation and Treatment of Seasonal Warm Diseases);吴鞠通《温病条辨》对《伤寒论》的继承与发展

2.Investigation on the life ofWu Jutong, the famous physician of seasonal warm diseases, and his books;温病名家吴鞠通生平著述考

3.A Study on Therapeutic Methods and Formulae for Dampness Disease in Treatise on Differentiation and Treatment of Epidemic Febrile Diseases Written byWu Jutong;吴鞠通《温病条辨》湿邪治法及方药研究

4)Wu Jutong"s purgation theory吴鞠通下法理论

5)the case of Wu Xiang吴湘之案

1.In the first year of Da Zhong,seizing a few mistakes in the verdict,emperor Xuan Zong together with Niu Dang reversed"the case of Wu Xiang".唐宣宗大中元年,宣宗、牛党等利用吴湘案判决中的小失误为吴湘翻案,说李德裕、李绅挟私报复,吴湘之案是一大冤案,而实际上翻案的目的不过是为迫害李德裕、李绅等找一个借口罢了。

6)medicine in Wuzhong District吴中医学


