1200字范文 > 海外乡亲 Overseas Chinese英语短句 例句大全

海外乡亲 Overseas Chinese英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-06 12:22:57


海外乡亲 Overseas Chinese英语短句 例句大全

海外乡亲,Overseas Chinese

1)Overseas Chinese海外乡亲

1.Studies on the Donations ofOverseas Chinese to the Development of Education in Guangdong Since 1978;改革开放以来海外乡亲对广东教育事业捐赠活动研究

2.Studies on the Donations ofOverseas Chinese of Taishan Origin Since 1978;改革开放后台山侨乡海外乡亲捐赠活动研究

3.Donations on the production and construction fromOverseas Chinese go through five stages including starting,development,climax,continuance,and decline,showing the characteristics of the centralization of areas,the diversification of modes,the collectivization of the recipient.改革开放以来,在中国政府的大力鼓励和支持下,海外乡亲积极地捐款捐物,支持广州侨乡的工农业生产。


1.Studies on the Donations of Overseas Chinese of Taishan Origin Since 1978;改革开放后台山侨乡海外乡亲捐赠活动研究

2.Studies on the Donations of Overseas Chinese to the Development of Education in Guangdong Since 1978;改革开放以来海外乡亲对广东教育事业捐赠活动研究

3.The travelling overseas Chinese think of local flavour.海外游子思念家乡风味。

4.I Traveled Among Unknown Men我曾在海外异乡漫游

5.The clan genealogy museum has attracted many overseas Hakkas who come to the place to review the genealogies in hopes of finding their own roots. Last year alone, the museum had more than 100 visits from Taiwanese compatriots.族谱馆吸引了许多海外客家乡亲前来阅谱寻根,仅去年就接待台湾同胞100多人次。

6.Father wanted to go to the country, but the children were whooping it up for the beach.父亲想到乡下去,可是孩子们吵着要去海滨。

7.Studies on the investment of overseas capital in Qiaoxiang:On the case of Guangdong Qiaoxiang;海外华资对侨乡的投资探讨——以广东侨乡为例

8.You see Taiwanese who resemble your foreign friends and relatives back home.看见长相神似外国朋友和家乡亲友的台湾人。

9.Far away from home, the overseas student dreamt of returning to his own fireside.这位远离家乡的海外学生渴望着回家。

10.The other pirates were looking their last, too;另外两个海盗也在和故乡惜别,

11.He boasted to the up-country woman that he was an all-round man.他对外乡女人夸海口说他是多面手。

12.Renewed Emigration in Mountainous Rural Areas and Social Transformation of Areas with High Emigration Incidence;山区农村海外新移民与侨乡社会变迁

13.Drifting Homebound Path: Sensibility Rhythm in Bei Daos Poems Overseas;归乡的迷途:北岛海外诗歌的情感旋律

14.The Characteristics of Development of the Relations between Overseas Chinese and Their Hometowns;海外华侨华人与侨乡关系演变的特点

15.Utility Analysis on the Donations from Overseas Chinese and Its Contribution to the Urban and Rural Economy in Guangzhou海外捐赠及其对广州城乡经济的效用

16.A Study of the Collective Character of Overseas Chinese in Guangdong-Fujian Qiaoxiang before World War Ⅱ-with special reference to Wuyi Qiaoxiang;从粤闽侨乡考察二战前海外华侨华人的群体特征——以五邑侨乡为主

17.Spring Festival is drawing near.The Chinese students abroad sigh for home and friends.春节将至,海外的中国留学生思念家乡和朋友。

18.Later, homesickness was a low tomb, I stood outside, and my mother lied inside.后来啊!乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓,我在外头,母亲在里头。


person of hometown乡亲

3)yearning for hometown and relatives思乡念亲

1.The poetryyearning for hometown and relatives of Huang Zhongze,poet of Qing Dynasty,mainly reflected his sadness.清代诗人黄仲则,其思乡念亲诗歌,是其愁绪的集中体现。

4)mothers from rural and urban城乡母亲

5)"Fellow Villager Kang Tiangang"《乡亲-康天刚》

6)honest folk.淳朴的乡亲


乡亲1.指同乡的人。 2.农村中对当地人的通称。 3.同乡亲戚。
