1200字范文 > 古典教育 classical education英语短句 例句大全

古典教育 classical education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-26 15:46:40


古典教育 classical education英语短句 例句大全

古典教育,classical education

1)classical education古典教育

1.On the reforms of Cambridge University during the 19th century——Transition fromclassical education stronghold to scientific educational center19世纪剑桥大学改革研究——从古典教育堡垒到科学教育中心的转变

2.The educationist of Britain, Livingstone, considered thatclassical education could play the key role of training students reason and molding students national spirits, traditional liberal education not only had the reason for existing in the era in which science and technology had been developing rapidly but also should hold the dominant position in education.英国的古典教育在“一战”期间受到人们的抨击。


1.The Narrative Paradigm of Chinese Classical Pedagogical Discourse by Attentively Reading of the Text;文本细读:中国古典教育话语的叙事范型

2.A Profound Classic Education View Analysize Platon s “On State”;一种内涵深刻的古典教育观——柏拉图《国家篇》教育思想述评

3.Debates of science education and classic education in the 19th century19世纪英国科学教育与古典教育的论争及其影响

4.Ancient Mode for Education of General Talents--Education Practice in Ancient Athens通才教育的古代范式——古典时代雅典的教育实践

5.A Brief Exposition of the Sentiment Education of Classical Poetry Teaching;简论中学古典诗歌教学中的情感教育

6.Middle School Classic Poemtry Teaching under the Creative Education Background;创新教育背景下的中学古典诗歌教学

7.Personality Education in the Classic Verse Teaching;试论中国古典诗歌教学中的人格教育

8.Classical Tradition vs. English Model:Reflections on College Education古典传统与英吉利典型:关于大学教育的思考

9.Educational Function of Aesthetic Appreciation of Classic Poetry;古典诗词的审美教育功能——浅谈中等艺术学校语文课古典诗词教学

10.Develop Aesthetics Education Through Reading Classic Poesy;在古典诗歌阅读鉴赏中发展审美教育

11.Knowledge is Virtue:Implications of Classical Education Reaffirmed重申知识即美德:古典主义教育的蕴含

12.Classical Concept of Civic Education: Exploration of the Civic Education Thought in "The Republic";古典公民教育观:《理想国》的公民教育思想解析

13.The Value Paradox of Schooling --A Comparative Study of the Critiques of Ancient Schooling;学校教育的基本价值——古典学校教育批判的批判

14.A Research on Emotional Education of Classical Poems Teaching in Senior Chinese;高中语文古典诗歌教学中情感教育之探讨

15.Elementary Research on Sentiment Education during the Chinese Classical Poetry Teaching in Middle School;简论中学语文古典诗歌教学中的情感教育

16.A Comment on the Implementation of Psychologically Healthy Education in Classical Poetry Teaching for Secondary Profession Technical School;论心理健康教育在中职古典诗词教学中的实施

17.On the Teaching Method of Classical Literature in Continuing Education;对继续教育古典文学课教学方法的思考

18.His education was defective, especially in the classics.他所受的教育是不全面的,特别在古典著作方面。


classical pedagogical discourse古典教育话语

1.Under the context of traditional Chinese culture,Chineseclassical pedagogical discourse is formed with the specific cultural background.在中国传统文化语境下,中国古典教育话语具有相应特点的话语范式。

3)classical culture and education古典文化教育


5)classic humanism education古典人文教育

6)American classic and modern moral education美国新古典道德教育


