1200字范文 > 乡土教育 Local education英语短句 例句大全

乡土教育 Local education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-16 22:04:31


乡土教育 Local education英语短句 例句大全

乡土教育,Local education

1)Local education乡土教育

1.With the constant deepening of educational reform and the concept of local education growing concern of educators,Hakka culture is used in the curriculum resources to educate Taiwanese Hakka young people so that they understand their own,local knowledge,the development of a sound local concepts,so as to have a positive local identity,and help them establish a correct concept of ethnic groups.随着我国教育改革的不断深入,乡土教育这个理念逐渐引起教育界人士的关注。


1.Native Education & Cultural Quality:Teaching Experiences from Special Topic of Shanxi History & Culture;乡土教育与文化素质:《山西历史文化专题》教学的一些体会

2.We should pay attention to the effect of the homeland education curriculum from the media on students.7.六、视媒体中之乡土教育课程对学生所生成的影响。

3., in an effort to train young opera-lovers.同时,很多学校都把粤剧纳入小学生”乡土教育“课程。

4.The Compilation of Local Records and the Education of Local History and Geography in Jiangsu Province During Late Qing Dynasty;清末江苏乡土志的编纂与乡土史地教育

5.Discussion on local geography education revolution within the latest curriculum standard;新课标实施中乡土地理教育改革探讨

6.The Primary Study of Home Geography Education and Textbook Construction in Middle School;中学乡土地理教育及教材建设初步研究

7.Research of STS Education and Native Geography Teaching of Teachers College高师乡土地理教学与STS教育的整合研究

8.The Practical Research of Local Geography during Creactive Education for Senior Geography;乡土地理在高中地理创新教育中的实践研究

9.Ruralization? Urbanization?--The Dilemma of Rural Educational Development in China and its Solutions;乡土化? 城市化?——我国农村教育发展的困境与出路

10.Strengthening the Education of Provincial Subject Knowledge and Serving the Construction of Harmonious Guangxi;加强乡土知识教育 为构建和谐广西服务

11.Developing Local Fine Arts Education in Tianshui Human Landscape;利用天水的人文景观进行乡土美术教育

12.The significance of folk and local art education in Teachers Colleges;高师美术中开展民间乡土美术教育的意义

13.Introducing agrestic games into athletics teaching in schools of poverty-stricken area;贫困地区学校体育教学中引入乡土游戏的探讨

14.Study on the Education of Local History in the High School Influenced by Quanzhou Regional Culture泉州地域文化影响下的高中乡土历史教育研究

15.Based on Grassland Folk Culture Tradition to Probe the Contemporary Fine Arts Education in Middle School立足草原民族文化传统,探索中学乡土美术教育

16.Several Considerations of Primary and Middle School Country Music Education有关农村中小学乡土音乐教育的若干思考

17.The New Curriculum Teaching of Local Geography is the Important Channel of Carrying on Quality Education;乡土地理新课程教学是进行素质教育的重要渠道

18.On the Shared Characteristics of Dialect and Culture of Fujian and Taiwan: Also a Discussion on the Local Language Teaching of Taiwan;论闽台两省方言和文化的共同特点——兼评台湾的乡土语言教育


native education乡土教育

1.For example in Shanxi,native education can become a typical content of cultural quality education of university students.乡土教育对提高大学生文化素质和培养爱国主义精神有重要的作用。

3)Xiangtu history and geography education乡土史地教育

4)education of provincial subject knowledge乡土知识教育

1.Theeducation of provincial subject knowledge plays an important role in improving college students cultural qualities and cultivating their patriotic spirit.乡土知识教育对提高大学生文化素质和培养爱国主义精神有重要的作用。

5)Local geography education乡土地理教育

1.The quality of local geography teaching affects directly local geography education and the education to love country and homeland.乡土地理教育是中学地理教育的一个重要组成部分。

6)Education of Local History乡土历史教育


