1200字范文 > 交通行业 transportation industry英语短句 例句大全

交通行业 transportation industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-03 21:48:27


交通行业 transportation industry英语短句 例句大全

交通行业,transportation industry

1)transportation industry交通行业

1.Innovational Research on Financial Management System of Transportation Industry in Public Finance Reform;公共财政改革中交通行业财务管理体系的创新研究

2.According to actual condition of key development fields in Gansu provincetransportation industry,talent status in highwaytransportation industry and rural highway maintenance construction departments are introduced.本文结合甘肃省交通行业重点发展领域的实际情况,介绍了道路运输行业及农村公路建设养护部门人才队伍的现状,指出其中主要存在的问题并且提出了具体的对策和建议。

3.With the transformation from traditionaltransportation industry to moderntransportation industry,the range of communications services have continuously extanded and developed,which bring chanllenges and opportunities fortransportation industry development.随着传统交通运输业向现代交通运输业的转变,交通服务的范畴不断延伸和发展,这给交通行业的发展带来了挑战和机遇。


1.Thought About Implementation of Occupational Qualification Appraisal System in Highway and Transportation Industries;公路交通行业推行职业资格制度的思考

2.The Design of the Software of Managing Equipment in Traffic Trade and Its Realizagion;交通行业设备管理软件的设计与实现

3.The Reflection to Privatization Reform in Urban Public Transport;城市公共交通行业市场化改革的反思

4.Research of Legal Problems about Price Control in Public Transport Trade;公共交通行业价格管制法律问题研究

5.SWOT Analysis of Transportation Professional Associations in China;我国交通行业社团发展的SWOT分析

6.Base on Characteristics of Transportation Industries and Devote Major Efforts to Developing Adult Education;立足交通行业特色 大力发展成人教育

7.The Effect of Highway Cost-to-Tax on Transportation Industry in Shandong;公路费改税对山东省交通行业的影响

8.National and Industry Standards of Highway Surveillance & Control System公路监控系统现行国家及交通行业标准分析

9.Situation Analyzing and Power Mechanism for Promoting of Enterprise Standardization in Communication Vocation;交通行业企业标准化现状与推进的动力机制

10.Research on Solutions of Communication Industry in Telecommunication Transformation;电信转型背景下的交通行业解决方案研究

11.Make Full Use of Statistic Data in Monitoring and Management and Decision-Making in Urban Public Transport Industry;统计数据在城市交通行业监管与决策中的作用

12.Exploration and Practice of Innovative Development of Communications Higher Vocational Colleges;交通行业高职院校创新发展之路的探索与实践

13.The Comparison of Integration Mode of Domestic and International Bus Transportation Industry;国内外公共汽车交通行业整合模式比较

14.Talent Situation and Strategy of Key Development Fields in Gansu Province Transportation Industry;甘肃省交通行业重点发展领域人才现状与对策

15.The Research of Bank of Communications on Bancassurance Strategy;交通银行银行保险业务发展策略研究

16.Analysis of Treasury bonds Investment on Transportation and Communication Sectors;交通通信业国债投资分析——行业系列分析之二

17.Lanzhou Branch of Bank of Communications向规范化商业银行迈进——交通银行兰州分行

18.The Research on the Development Strategy of Personal Bank Business of Bank of Communications Huainan Branch;交通银行淮南分行个人银行业务发展策略研究


communication industry交通行业

1.Summary of environmental protection ofcommunication industry in china;中国交通行业环境保护综述

2.It also emphasizes the importances to follow the economic law, set up the reform theory and research reform basis in deepening the reform ofcommunication industry.指出在各种交通方式中已在市场上放开的有公路客运、公路货运和民航等;对改革难度较大的城市公共交通与铁路运输改革提出了建议;强调在交通行业的深化改革中,遵循经济规律、建立改革理论、研究改革依据的重要性。

3.With the development of IT application incommunication industry and telecom operators emphasis on industrial information, the paper depicts the telecom application of communication area in America, Singapore and South Korea, then the need of domestic telecommunication use incommunication industry and research on industrial solution are followed.《电信转型背景下的交通行业解决方案研究》,是在交通行业大力推进信息化建设和电信运营商转型对行业用户的信息化提供这一双重背景下,从电信转型背景研究和交通行业信息化内涵入手,研究了美国、新加坡、韩国的交通行业电信业务应用现状,然后回归到我国交通行业电信业务需求和解决方案研究这两大重点上来。

3)traffic industry standard交通行业标准

4)road communications vocation公路交通行业

1.Our statistic and analytical index system forroad communications vocation was proposed in a and developed long before, there are lots of shortcomings.我国公路交通行业的统计与分析指标体系是在特定的历史背景下产生的 ,尽管经过了多年的发展 ,仍然存在许多不足之处。

5)Shanghai traffic industry上海交通行业

6)traffic engineering industry交通工程行业


