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物品 goods英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-11 11:48:05


物品 goods英语短句 例句大全



1.Influence of Goods" Spatial Agglomeration upon Regional Development;物品空间集聚对区域发展的影响研究

2.Through analyzing thegoods storing space of the indoor design of house,it emphasizes that it should make the living content whole live in it as the design reference,represent the behavior of human and base on human of the indoor design of house,and makes design on base of solving the utility function,to build the good and temperamental living atmosphere.通过对住宅室内设计中物品储物空间的分析,强调了住宅室内设计应以居住者的生活内容为设计依据,表现人的活动,以人为本,在解决使用功能的基础上进行设计,以营造良好的、个性化的家居氛围。

3.In market economy,every economic social region is covered bygoods of different exterior economic character,so regional structure can be considered as space structure ofgoods.市场经济条件下地球上各种经济社会区域实际上是被不同属性的物品所占据或分割着,因而,区域构成又可以看成物品的空间构成。


1.An article or product used in a demonstration.示范品,样品用于展示的物品或产品

bustible goods [dangerous goods]可能燃烧物品〔危险品〕

3.Nondurable items such as paper products.如纸制品,不耐用物品

:Mail cc:Mail C4 - CPHO claims (Clothing, personal effects, household furnishings and other personal items) C4-衣物、个人物品、家具和其他物品的索赔

5.a Class II article if it is of the opinion that the article is indecent;如认为该物品为不雅物品,可评定为第Ⅱ类物品;

6.Class III article [obscene]第 iii 类物品〔淫亵〕

7.Patents: Importation of Articles;专利:物品的进口;

8.Class II article [indecent]第 II 类物品〔不雅〕

9.a product made from plant material.用植物原料制成的物品。

10.Exempt Items of Radioactive Substances放射性物质的豁免物品

11.perishable commodity易腐物,保管困难的物品

12.Something made or produced by a workman.作品,工艺品由工人制造或生产的物品

13.How good are these accessories?那些装饰品部位的物品的品质如何?

14.Is there anything valuaBle or BreakaBle in the case?箱子里有没有贵重物品或易碎物品?

15.guarantee(sth)as genuine保证(某物)为真品或正品

16.Canned foods, pet foods, health protection foods, cosmetic, nutritious foods, etc.罐头食品,宠物食品,保健品,化妆品,营养产品等。

17.hazardous cargo危险货物, 危险品

18.and necessities (food, water).必需品(食物,水)。



1.How to distinguish the cargos andarticles in the crime of smuggling ordinary cargos andarticles should comply with the criterion of whether the smuggled cargos andarticles are intended for sales or not.如何区别走私普通货物、物品罪中的“货物”与“物品”,应以是否用于销售作为标准;行为人一次性走私不同对象,应遵循“从一重罪处断”的原则,按其犯罪行为所触犯的数罪中最重的犯罪论处;应从立法上对走私普通货物、物品罪的罪名进行完善。

3)Article packge物品品包装

4)public goods公共物品

1.On the Charges of Library from the Angle of Public goods;从公共物品角度看图书馆收费问题

2.News Is "Public Goods":An Analysis from Economics;新闻即“公共物品”——一种经济视域的分析路径

3.Strategies for the Provision of Public Goods in Rural China——A Comparative Analysis;农村公共物品提供策略:一个比较分析

5)Biological sample生物样品

1.Solid Phase Extraction and Spectrophotometric Determination of Mercury in Biological Sample with 4-Nitro-6-Sulfophenolazorhodanine;磺硝酚偶氮若丹宁固相萃取光度法测定生物样品中的汞

2.Utrasonic reflected tomographic imaging to a simulated biological sample;模拟生物样品的反射式超声CT成像

3.A method for the determination of Cl,S,N,P,K,Cu,Zn and Br in biological samples by XRF with pressed-powder pellet sample preparation was proposed in this paper.研究了用微晶纤维素垫底镶边粉末压片制样-X射线荧光光谱测定生物样品中的Cl、S、N、P、K、Cu、Zn和Br的分析方法。

6)crop variety作物品种


