1200字范文 > 家族控制 family control英语短句 例句大全

家族控制 family control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-26 10:47:10


家族控制 family control英语短句 例句大全

家族控制,family control

1)family control家族控制

1.Using the data of questionnaire from family businesses in Zhejing and Chongqing, this paper tests the relationship amongfamily control, business objective and equity financing of family business.结果显示:家族控制是实现以家族利益为中心的企业目标(家族目标)的基础,对实现以企业增长为中心的企业目标(增长目标)无显著影响;家族控制对股权融资有显著的"U型"和负向影响;增长目标对股权融资有显著的正向影响。

2.British enterprise management clings to the traditionalfamily control in a long history period.美国是企业职业化管理的先驱和典型代表,英国企业管理在较长的历史时期里固守家族控制传统。

3.Based on fundamental theories of corporate governance, this paper makes a theoretic and empirical study on the relationship between the governance structure and firm value offamily control listed companies.本文基于公司治理的基本理论,对家族控制性上市公司的治理结构与企业价值的关系进行了理论探讨和实证研究。


1.Propping,Tunneling and Pyramid Structure Controlled by Family;支持、掏空与家族控制的金字塔结构

2.The Puzzles of Family-controlling Mechanism: an Empirical Study of Family Enterprises in Zhongshan City;家族控制的困境——基于广东中山市家族企业的实证研究

3.Family Control and Consideration Ratio:An Empirical Study Based on Chinese Family-controlled Listed Companies家族控制与对价支付——一项基于中国家族上市公司的实证研究

4.Family Control,Business Objective and Equity Financing:Based on the Analysis of Family Business of Zhejiang and Chongqing;家族控制、企业目标与家族企业股权融资——基于浙江和重庆两地家族企业的实证

5.An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Family Control Right s Characters and Firm Performance in Private Control Firms;中国民营企业中家族控制权特征与企业绩效

6.Family Control and Firm Value: Evidence from China Private Listed Companies;我国上市公司家族控制与企业价值研究

7.An Empirical Analysis on Listed Firms of Family Controlled and Corporation Performance;上市公司家族控制与公司绩效关系的实证分析

8.Family Inheritance,Firm"s Control Right Shifting and Family Council家族传承、企业控制权转移与家族理事会

9.Research on the Family-controlled Tunneling Behavior of Chinese Private Listed Companies;上市公司控制性家族的隧道行为研究

10.Regulatory Effect of IGFs Family on Osteogenesis;IGFs家族对骨骼发育的调控机制研究

11.The Social Control of Chieftain in the Region of Tujia Nationality in Historcal Period;历史时期土家族地区土司的社会控制

12.Trust and Control:Cases study of Family Firms;信任与控制:来自家族企业的案例研究

13.To Analyse on Questions of Internal Controlling for Family Business of China对我国家族企业内部控制问题的探析

14.Influencing Factors on the Control Allocation in Family Enterprises家族企业控制权配置的影响因素研究

15.Family-owned Idealism,Controlling Form and Trusting--Triangle Frame of Family-owned Business;家族主义、控制形式与信任关系——家族企业的三维分析框架

16.The Separation of Control Rights and Cash-Flow Rights among Listed Family Firms-Empirical Evidence from China;上市家族企业控制权与现金流权分离研究

17.Research on Control Transferring in Growing Process of Family Business in China;我国家族企业成长过程中的控制权转移研究

18.Credit risk,control power and staged financing mode of family business;信用风险、控制权与家族企业分阶段融资模型


Family Controlled Enterprises家族控制

1.Family Controlled Enterprises gradually take as an important part of the listed SMEs,and the pyramid model is the most common style inFamily Controlled Enterprises in our country.家族控制企业越来越成为中小上市公司的重要组成部分,金字塔型家族控制模式又是中国中小上市家族所普遍采用的形式。

3)controlling family控制性家族

4)family control right"s characters家族控制权特征

5)family-controlled business家族控制企业

6)family holding家族控股

1.The agency conflicts infamily holding listed companies are mainly between holding families and minority stock holders.家族控股上市公司的代理冲突主要是控股家族和中小股东之间的代理冲突,突出表现在:非法占用上市公司资金;大量使用关联交易;对外过度担保;高额派现获取丰厚回报等方面。


反馈控制(见控制系统)反馈控制(见控制系统)feedback control于。。伙。]伙ongZ片}反馈控制(几edbaekcontrol)见拉制系统。
