1200字范文 > 海外扩张 Overseas expansion英语短句 例句大全

海外扩张 Overseas expansion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-13 07:30:09


海外扩张 Overseas expansion英语短句 例句大全

海外扩张,Overseas expansion

1)Overseas expansion海外扩张

1.Christianity acted as an invasive tool in the overseas expansion of modern Europe.基督教在近代欧洲的海外扩张中充当了侵略工具,它的海外扩张是近代欧洲海外扩张的产物。


1.They shouldn"t have tried to expand overseas.他们不应该力图向海外扩张。

2.The Capital Operation of Telecom Operators in Overseas Expands;电信运营企业海外扩张中的资本运作

3.Overseas Expansion Policy Research of Theodore Roosevelt西奥多·罗斯福的海外扩张政策研究

4.An Analysis of the Motivation and Manner of the British Empire s Overseas Expansion in 19th Century;"心不在焉"式的版图扩张?——19世纪英帝国海外扩张形式与动因浅析

5.Expansion Abroad:A Strategic Choice of Our Commercial Banks;海外扩张:我国商业银行发展的战略选择

6.Transnational Merger and Acquisition and the Overseas Development of the Chinese State-owned Commercial Banks跨国并购与我国国有商业银行的海外扩张

7.Japanese Professional Diplomats and Japan s Expansion Abroad in Modern Times?With the Japanese Diplomat Named 堀口九万 as an Example;近代日本职业外交官与日本的海外扩张——以堀口九万一为例

8.Market Proximity Model: One of Theoretical Explanation of Choosing Overseas Market of International Retailers;市场邻近性模型:国际零售商海外扩张市场选择的一种理论解释

9.The study of American Overseas Expansion at the Turn of the (19-20)~(th) Centuries by American Historians;美国史学对19、20世纪之交美国海外扩张的思考与认识

10.China Mobile has been seeking to expand overseas for at least two years amid a government campaign to push leading Chinese companies to “go global”.中国移动寻求海外扩张至少已有两年时间。其间,中国政府大举推动国内主要企业“走向全球”。

11.The expansion ambition of overseas banks is easy to see in Shanghai.在上海,外资银行的扩张野心显而易见。

12.The Survey of Some Internal and External Factors of Portugal and Spain s Leading Overseas Colonial Expansion;西、葡率先海外殖民扩张的若干内外因素分析

13.He also says the country has never sought military expansion or built overseas military bases.他还说,中国从未寻求军事扩张,也不曾在海外建立军事基地。

14.On the Changes of Bismarck s Attitude to Oversea Expansion and its Influence;浅析俾斯麦对海外殖民扩张的态度转变及其影响

15.From the Vacuum Tube Factory to Display Aircraft Carrier;从电子管厂到显示航母——京东方的海外并购扩张之路

16.The negative impact and the governance of the expansion of foreign-funded hypermarket aggregation外资大卖场扎堆扩张的负面影响及规制——以上海市为例

17.outward-spreading lithospheric plate向外扩张的岩石圈板块

18.Suburbs are exploding outward.市郊迅速地向外扩张。


international expansion海外扩张

1.The paper traces the potential benefits to an bank frominternational expansion.基于金融全球化的大环境以及我国加入WTO的有利时机 ,面对着多重压力和挑战的我国商业银行必须改革过去立足于国内的旧式经营模式 ,走国际化、市场化、多元化的道路 ,将海外扩张作为我国商业银行发展的一项战略选择。

3)the overseas expansion theory海外扩张论

1.Japan\"s"continental policy"originates from its traditional culture and modern Japan\"s thought,among them,"the god country principle","the overseas expansion theory",and"the militarism"constitute its backbone.日本"大陆政策"形成的理论、思想来源,始于其传统文化和近代日本思想观念,其中以皇国史观为核心的日本"神国主义"、"海外扩张论"和由尚武思想、武士道精神演变而来的"军国主义"思想构成了"大陆政策"思想来源的支柱。

4)seabed spreading南海扩张

5)Sea floor spreading海底扩张

1.Tidal model of sea floor spreading is proposed on the basis of observational and calculated data.根据观测和计算数据提出了海底扩张的潮汐模

6)sea ice extension history海冰扩张


极大扩张和极小扩张极大扩张和极小扩张maximal and minimal extensions极大扩张和极小扩张匡.习的司出目.公油抽lex妇心.旧;MaKcl.Ma刀‘.oe H Mll.”M田.妇oe PaC山一Pe皿朋]一个对称算子(s笋nr贺苗c opemtor)A的极大扩张和极小扩张分别是算子牙(A的闭包,(见闭算子(cfo“月。详mtor”)和A’(A的伴随,见伴随算子(呐。int opera.tor)).A的所有闭对称扩张都出现在它们之间.极大扩张和极小扩张相等等价于A的自伴性(见自伴算子(义休.adjoint operator)),并且是自伴扩张唯一性的必要和充分条件.A.H.J’Ior朋oB,B.c.lll户、MaR撰
