1200字范文 > 城乡教育公平 the education justice between city and countryside英语短句 例句大全

城乡教育公平 the education justice between city and countryside英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-19 20:02:04


城乡教育公平 the education justice between city and countryside英语短句 例句大全

城乡教育公平,the education justice between city and countryside

1)the education justice between city and countryside城乡教育公平


1.Education Justice between the Urban and Rural Areaunder Information Technology;信息技术环境下的城乡教育公平探究

2.Educatonal Equality between the City and the Countryside from the Perspective of the Building of a Harmonious Society;从建立和谐社会的视角看城乡教育公平

3.Reduces the gap between urban and rural education promotion education to be fair;缩小城乡教育差距 促进教育公平

4.From educational equality principle to Chinese urban and rural educational disparity;从教育公平原则看中国城乡教育差距

5.Balanced development of physical education teaching in elementary schools in urban and rural areas from the perspective of educational fairness;教育公平视野下城乡小学体育教育的均衡发展

6.Studies on the Urban and Rural Higher Education Equity from the Perspective of Life-long Education;终身教育视野下城乡高等教育公平问题研究

7.The Research of the Urban-Rural Differences of School P.E.in Shaanxi in a View of Educational Equity教育公平视野下陕西省中学体育城乡差异研究

8.Educational Equality and the Circulation of Teachers in Rural and Urban Areas;教育公平视野下的城乡教师流动机制的构建

9.Fair Education:Explanation of the Key to the Effect of City and Countryside Generation Inheritance--A Study of Fair Education;教育公平:破解城乡代际继承效应的关键——关于推进教育公平的思考

10.Equal Education,Competitive Market and Increasing Income to Be Shared by Town and Country;公平教育、竞争市场与收入增长的城乡分享

11.Educational Equality in the Harmonious Development of Rural and Urban Areas: Problems and Solutions;城乡和谐发展中的教育公平问题与对策

12.The Education Fairness From the View of the Cost Gap Between Urban and Rural Families;城乡家庭相对成本视角下的教育公平问题

13.China"s Urban and Rural Compulsory Education, the Allocation of Resources Equity Research我国城乡义务教育资源分配公平问题研究

14.Influential Factor Analysis on Preschool Education Equality in Guangdong广东省城乡学前教育公平影响因素的探析

15.Starting Points of Fairness: A Deliberation of the Ways to Realize Overall Reform of Urban and Rural Education in China公平的基点:中国城乡教育统筹改革的路径思考

16.It is only natural that this program should face the problems of" dualism in regard to urban and rural difference", educational funds, equality and actual effects.当然公平的城乡统筹教育可能要面临解决"城乡二元思维"、育经费、平与实效等问题。

17.Analysis of P.E Education Differences in Urban and Rural Schools in Shaanxi in Terms of Fair Education教育公平视野下陕西省中学体育城乡差异的归因分析

18.The Analysis of Urban and Rural Differences in the Level of Education in the Western Region;西部地区城乡教育发展水平差异分析


urban-rural higher education equity城乡高等教育公平

3)urban and rural education城乡教育

1.From the perspective of historical sociology, the paper discusses the relationship evolution betweenurban and rural education, and the historical causes why the rural education modes come into dilemma:"leaving rural" , "l for rural" .从历史社会学的视角探讨城乡教育关系的演变,以及城乡教育模式陷入"离农"与"为农"两难困境的历史成因。

2.Priority of urban education enhances the unbalance ofurban and rural education, which violates the fair principle of social development and influences the efficiency as well.城市教育优先发展战略强化了城乡教育发展的不平衡,不仅违背了社会发展的公平原则,也在一定程度上损失了效率。

3.Realizing the overall reform ofurban and rural education comprehensively is the key point of realizing fair education and improving education efficiency.教育公平是社会公平的基础和民族振兴的基石,统筹城乡教育综合改革是实现教育公平和提升教育效率的关键环节。

4)fairness between city and village城乡公平

5)the gap between urban and rural education城乡教育差距

1.Reducesthe gap between urban and rural education promotion education to be fair;缩小城乡教育差距 促进教育公平

6)compulsory education in urban and rural areas城乡义务教育

1.The essential approach to realizing the fairness of thecompulsory education in urban and rural areas is proportioned,or balanced,development.义务教育公平是最基本的教育公平,实现城乡义务教育公平最根本的途径是城乡义务教育的均衡发展。

2.We should define the fund input responsibility for rural compulsory education of governments at all levels further,improve the financial input mechanism further,realize the balance thecompulsory education in urban and rural areas is.城乡义务教育均衡发展是落实科学发展观,缩小城乡公共产品供给差距的客观要求。




