1200字范文 > 加筋挡墙 reinforced retaining wall英语短句 例句大全

加筋挡墙 reinforced retaining wall英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-11 01:43:45


加筋挡墙 reinforced retaining wall英语短句 例句大全

加筋挡墙,reinforced retaining wall

1)reinforced retaining wall加筋挡墙

1.With the application and study on thereinforced retaining wall in highway construction,the study of the reinforced mechanism and the mechanics response of thereinforced retaining wall are paid more attention.随着加筋挡土结构在我国公路建设中被广泛研究和应用,加筋挡墙的加筋机理及其力学响应分析越来越引起重视。

2.This paper studies the reinforcing mechanism of geotextile with the aid of centrifugal modelling test and FEM as well as practical application of geotextile toreinforced retaining walls.从土工织物加筋挡墙的离心模型试验,有限元法分析以及实际工程运用三个方面来研究其加筋机理;用有限元法对试验模型进行了分析研究,并将墙顶沉降,墙面侧位移以及土工织物上最大拉力点连线的试验和计算结果进行了对比,从而检验了计算中的假设;工程实例分析,所得结果与实测结果较吻合,从而进一步探讨了土工织物的加固机


1.A Study on Designing Theory and Method of The Network of Reinforced Earth Bulkhead Structure;网状加筋挡墙结构的设计理论与方法研究

2.Application and Finite Element Analysis of Double-Face Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall;双面加筋挡墙结构的应用及其有限元分析

3.Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrent Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall;钢筋混凝土加筋挡土墙的有限元分析

4.Reinforcement Technology of Sprayed Concrete with Bar Nets and Anchor Grouting on Failure Earth Retaining Walls失稳加筋土挡土墙喷网锚注加固技术

5.Uses Steel Bar Frame to Carry on the Reinforcement to the Reinforcement Earth Retaining Wall Abutment采用钢筋砼框梁对加筋土挡墙桥台进行加固

6.Design and Ultimate Loading Capacity Research of Multip-Levels High Retaining Wall Reinforced with Geogrid;分级加筋土高挡墙设计及承载力研究

7.Summary on Finite Element Method Model of Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall;加筋土挡墙有限元分析材料模型综述

8.Experimental Studies on RSRW and Analysis of Deformation Mechanism加筋土挡墙试验研究及变形机理分析

9.Study on the plate rigidity effect on stiffened earth-retaining wall operating characteristics面板刚度对加筋挡土墙工作特性研究

10.The Application of CAT reinforced retaining wall in the building slopeCAT加筋土挡墙在建筑边坡中的应用

11.Laying of bar strip of reinforced earth retaining wall for Dali Special Railway大理铁路专用线加筋土挡墙筋带铺设施工技术

12.Interaction between Soil and Inclusions in Retaining Wall Reinforced with Horizontal and Vertical Inclusions水平-竖向组合式加筋土挡墙土-筋相互作用机理


14.Centrifuge Modeling Test to Working Mechanism of Reinforced Aeolian Sand Retaining Wall加筋风积沙挡墙工作机理的离心模型试验

15.Study on Structural Characteristics and Failure Mechanism of Geogrid RSRW;格栅加筋土挡墙结构特性及破坏机理研究

16.Experimental Study on Double Reinforced Retaining Wall and Its Numerical Simulated Analysis;双面加筋挡土墙的试验研究及数值模拟分析

17.Elasto-Viscoplasticity Dynamic FEM Analysis for Geogrid Reinforced Soil Retaining Wall;格栅加筋土挡墙弹粘塑性动力有限元分析

18.The Research on the Dynamical Property and Anti-seismic Design Method of Reinforced Earth Retaining Walls;加筋土挡墙动力特性及抗震设计方法研究


reinforced retaining wall加筋土挡墙

1.Design of geotextile-reinforced retaining wall on weak foundation;软弱地基土工织物加筋土挡墙设计

2.Experimental study onreinforced retaining wall by artificial textile on super-soft soil foundation;超软地基上土工布加筋土挡墙的试验研究

3)reinforced earth wall加筋挡土墙

1.Field study and analysis ofreinforced earth wall for expansive soils;膨胀土加筋挡土墙现场试验研究与分析

2.Based on thereinforced earth wall project of a transformer substation,field test was conducted.结合某变电站基础工程,对膨胀土加筋挡土墙开展了一系列的现场试验研究。

4)reinforced retaining wall加筋挡土墙

1.Limit analysis and centrifuge model tests ofreinforced retaining wall;加筋挡土墙的极限分析方法及离心模型试验验证

2.A finite difference software(FLAC 3D) was used to carry on numerical simulation ofreinforced retaining wall which had engineering observed data.应用有限差分软件FLAC 3D对有实测工程资料的加筋挡土墙进行数值模拟,在数值模拟的基础上通过改变加筋的加筋挡土墙来研究加筋长度对挡土墙工作性态的影响,通过模拟分析表明挡墙面板侧向位移及加筋层拉应力随着加筋长度的增加而减小,且筋材的最大拉应力集中在加筋挡土墙的底部,可能剪切破坏面随着加筋长度的增加而向远离面板的方向移动。

3.The author introduces the constructing technique ofreinforced retaining wall,compares its economic benefits with the traditional rolled earth fill dam construction method,and put forward some notices in the construction ofreinforced retaining wall.着重介绍了加筋挡土墙的施工工艺,对加筋挡土墙施工方法与传统碾压式土坝施工方法进行了经济效益比较,说明了加筋挡土墙施工的优点。

5)reinforced soil retaining wall加筋土挡墙

1.Research actuality and prospect ofreinforced soil retaining wall;加筋土挡墙研究现状及展望

2.Application ofreinforced soil retaining wall in municipal highways加筋土挡墙在市政道路中的应用

3.The potential failure surface of thereinforced soil retaining wall(RSRW) is the connection line of the points where layers of reinforcement have the maximal pull,its rational addressing is the pivotal problem for structural calculation of RSRW.加筋土挡墙的潜在破裂面为筋带最大拉力点的连线,其合理确定是加筋土挡墙结构设计的关键。

6)reinforced earth retaining wall加筋土挡墙

1.Structure optimization ofreinforced earth retaining wall based on finite element analysis;基于有限元分析的加筋土挡墙结构优化设计

2.Earth pressure computation method ofreinforced earth retaining wall;加筋土挡墙土压力计算方法

3.Centrifugal model test study on tension of CAT reinforcement inreinforced earth retaining wall of three steps;三级加筋土挡墙CAT拉筋的离心模型试验研究


鹿筋五加炖菜 名: 鹿筋五加炖主 料: 猪骨脊骨(连尾)约300克,猪皮100克,鹿筋15克,五加皮3克,牛膝3克,独活3克。配 料: 料酒50毫升,盐适量,冰糖1颗。做 法: 1、用火将鹿筋烤软,切成小段,用料酒浸发。2、猪尾骨洗净,斩件,装入炖盅。3、把浸发后的鹿筋置放于炖盅的一边,五加皮、牛膝、独活用纱布包裹、扎紧后,置放于炖盅的另一边。4、将洗净去毛的猪皮置于其上,放入盐、冰糖和适量沸水,隔水炖2小时,至烂即可。5、食用时先除去药渣、猪皮。特 点: 香味浓郁,汤汁浓稠。药用价值: 鹿筋味咸,性温,可壮骨益髓,活络筋骨;五加皮味苦辛,性温,可祛风除温,利水消肿;牛膝味苦、苦、酸、性平,可活血祛瘀,利尿通淋,引火行血下行;独活味苦辛,性微温,可解表散寒和止痛。数药与鹿筋、猪尾脊骨合炖,对风湿性关节炎或虚火牙痛、口舌生疮等疾病极有疗效。
