1200字范文 > 刮刀卸料机构 scraper discharge mechanism英语短句 例句大全

刮刀卸料机构 scraper discharge mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-28 13:25:25


刮刀卸料机构 scraper discharge mechanism英语短句 例句大全

刮刀卸料机构,scraper discharge mechanism

1)scraper discharge mechanism刮刀卸料机构

2)peeler centrifuge刮刀卸料离心机


1.The application and improvement of TLL1150 vertical type scraper centrifugeTLL1150型立式刮刀卸料离心机的应用及改进

2.inertial discharge centrifuge惯性卸料离心脱水机

3.Application of Siphon Scraper Centrifuges in Gypsum Salt Processing浅析虹吸刮刀离心机在制盐石膏处理中的应用

4.underdriven automatic batch centrifuge三足式自动间歇卸料离心机

5.concentrator with nozzle discharge有卸料喷嘴的离心浓缩机

6.The Theory Research and Simulation Analysis on Scroll Discharge Screen Centrifuge;螺旋卸料过滤离心机的理论研究与仿真分析

7.Desingn of Three-phase Decanter Centrifuge;三相卧式螺旋卸料沉降离心机的设计研究

8.Blade coater: Machine for blade coating.刮刀涂布机:用刮刀把涂剂涂布的机器。

9.Design and Realization of the Control System of Horizontal Screw-conveyor Centrifuge;卧式螺旋卸料离心脱水机控制系统的设计与实现

10.Research on Rapid Design System of Centrifuge;卧式螺旋卸料离心脱水机快速设计系统的研究开发

11.Strength and Vibration Analysis of Screw Conveyor of Decanter Centrifuge;卧式螺旋卸料沉降离心机的螺旋强度和振动分析

12.transverse moving blade shaper横向移动刮刀式整形机

13.The machine is consisted of big drum, applicator rolls, scraper and automatic control system.整机由大滚筒系统、布料系统、刮刀系统和自控系统等组成。

14.Research on Plasma Spraying in the Preparation of Ceramic Coating Blade等离子喷涂制备陶瓷涂布刮刀的研究

position doctor小刀,铜[刮]刀(用以刮除印花机花筒上的棉纱、棉絮、棉屑等带浆杂质)

16.knockout actuated stripper打料机构带动的卸料板

17.hermetic pressure-feed type centrifuge密闭加压进料式离心机

18.suspended basket bath centrifugal吊篮式间歇出料离心机


peeler centrifuge刮刀卸料离心机

3)vertical scraping centrifuge立式刮刀卸料离心机

4)peeler centrifuge卧式刮刀卸料离心机

5)knife-discharge centrifugal clarifier刮刀卸料沉降离心机

6)coolers and flakers刮刀机构

1.This article tells about the problems and reasons of the scraper oncoolers and flakers in the process so scraping.分析了结片机刮刀机构刮料过程中存在的问题和产生的原因,结合引进装置刮刀机构的特点,进行了改进并取得良好效果。


