1200字范文 > 冲击应力波 impact stress wave英语短句 例句大全

冲击应力波 impact stress wave英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-12 17:53:00


冲击应力波 impact stress wave英语短句 例句大全

冲击应力波,impact stress wave

1)impact stress wave冲击应力波

1.Theoretical evidence thatimpact stress wave can travel in standing trees and the research development of using the wave for the detection of mechanical properties of standing trees are stated.论述了应力波在活立木中传播的理论依据以及在检测活立木力学性质方面的研究进展,以一套典型的检测装置为例说明实际的检测方法,并对冲击应力波评价活立木力学性质的发展趋势进行了预测。


1.Stress Wave Method to Detect Veneer"s Modulus of Rapture;单板抗弯强度冲击应力波检测法的研究

2.Stress wave propagation and impact energy absorption in 3D textile composites and Aluminum三维纺织复合材料和铝中冲击应力波传播与能量吸收(英文)

3.finite impulse response filter有限冲击响应滤波器

4.infinite impulse response filter无限冲击响应滤波器

5.Dynamic Response of Large Diameter Cylinder Breakwater Structure under the Wave Impact;大直径圆筒防波堤在冲击荷载下的动力响应

6.An Research of New Impact Tapper Based on Stress Wavetheory;基于应力波理论的新型冲击攻丝机的研究

7.Study on Dynamic Response of Ship Structure under Underwater Explosive Impact Loading舰船水下爆炸冲击波载荷作用下动力响应研究

8.Grout quality testing in prestressed ducts with impact-echo method冲击回波法检测预应力束孔管道压浆质量

9.Analysis of Stress in Reactor Core Vessel under Effect of Pressure Lose Shock Wave反应堆堆芯容器在泄压冲击波作用下的应力分析

10.Studies on Influence of Laser Focus and Environment Parameters on Mechanical Effect of Laser Plasma Shock Wave;聚焦和环境参数对激光等离子体冲击波力学效应影响的研究

11.Dynamic Response and Sliding Isolation of Structures on the Ground Subjected to Underground Explosion Waves;地下爆炸波冲击下地面结构动力响应及滑移隔震研究

12.Stress Wave Propagation in Fluid-Saturated Porous Media under Impact Loading;冲击载荷作用下含液饱和多孔介质中应力波传播问题的研究

13.Application of Neural Network Based on Genetic Algorithm on Wave Impact Force Prediction;基于遗传算法的神经网络在波浪冲击力计算中的应用

14.Numerical Investigation on the Dynamic Response of Rock and Steel Structures under Impact Loading岩石和钢结构受冲击波作用动力学响应的计算研究

15.Model Test Study for Quality Checks of Pre-stressed Pipe Grouting by Means of Scanning Type Shock Echo Method扫描式冲击回波法检测预应力管道灌浆质量的模型试验研究

16.Mechanical Analysis of Initiator in Loading of Shock Wave;冲击波加载过程中火工品的受力分析

17.Analysising the failure effect of tunnel under the act of blast impact wave爆炸冲击波对地下巷道破坏效应分析

18.The Euro Shock Wave欧元冲击波——欧元启动的国际经济效应


Impact stress wave method冲击应力波法

3)impact stress冲击应力

1.It is difficult to measure dynamicallyimpact stress and impact strain of centrifugal attritor directly by using existing experiment equipment.利用现有的实验设备难以对离心磨矿机介质冲击应力、应变进行直接的动态测试 ,本文通过动静转化法 ,先从理论上推导出介质和衬板间的静应变、静应力和动载荷系数 ,然后据此导出动应力、动应变及动载荷的表达式 ,最后通过试验 ,测出介质和衬板间的静应变 ,将理论计算的动应变与同一动载荷大小下实测的静应变进行比较 ,证明了公式的正确性 ,达到利用静态测试检验动态冲击应力、应变的目

2.The finite element stress analysis was carried out on the wheel by the use of finite element analytical software Ansys,which contains the contrast on the values ofimpact stresses when different gear tooth was chosen for the driving wheel.对液下搅拌机器人在水煤浆储罐中工作时驱动轮的动态性能与结构进行了研究,使用有限元分析软件Ansys对车轮进行了有限元应力分析,其中包括驱动轮选择不同轮齿时冲击应力值的对比。

4)shock stress冲击应力

1.Experimental study on electrical response of PZT95/5 subjected toshock stress;冲击应力加载下PZT95/5电响应的试验研究

2.Study on electrical response of PZT95/5 subjected toshock stress;冲击应力作用下PZT95/5铁电陶瓷电响应的理论分析

3.The flatpacked sensor can efficiently reduce stirring to stress field of measured medium,the sensor can be widely applied to theshock stress measurement in concrete or rock under cartridge explosion and weapon penetration.扁平式的传感器结构能有效地减小传感器对被测介质应力场的扰动,可广泛应用于弹药爆炸和武器侵彻过程中混凝土或岩石等介质中的冲击应力的测试。

5)impact load stress冲击应力

1.Theimpact load stress on the working process of the ring valve of reciprocating compressor is analyzed in this paper.本文对往复式压缩机环状阀工作过程冲击应力进行了分析。

6)slamming stresses波击应力


标准操作冲击电压波形(见冲击电压发生器)标准操作冲击电压波形(见冲击电压发生器)standard switching impulse voltage waveformb .oozhun CooZuo ChongJld,onyo boxlng标准操作冲击电压波形(standard switchingimpulse voltage waveform)见冲击电压发生器。
