1200字范文 > 复模糊数 complex fuzzy numbers英语短句 例句大全

复模糊数 complex fuzzy numbers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-09 20:36:33


复模糊数 complex fuzzy numbers英语短句 例句大全

复模糊数,complex fuzzy numbers

1)complex fuzzy numbers复模糊数

1.Operations of Complex Fuzzy Numbers Based on Fuzzy Structured Element;基于结构元的复模糊数四则运算

plex fuzzy-valued functions mean that the functions are defined in real numbers field R and take values in F(C)(the set of allcomplex fuzzy numbers).复模糊值函数是定义在实数集R上取值于F(C)(所有的复模糊数的集合)中的复模糊数的函数。

3.In the sense of this new fuzzy numbers ovder relation,this paper will extend the distance on the set of all real fuzzy numbers to the distance on the set of allcomplex fuzzy numbers and take this as the foundation is extended.在新的模糊数序关系意义下,将定义在所有实模糊数上的模糊距离推广到所有复模糊数集上的模糊距离。

2)fuzzy complex number模糊复数

1.This paper mainly deals with the limit theory offuzzy complex number.本文研究模糊复数值变量的极限定理。

2.This paper analyzed based on the concepts of fuzzy number,the properties for set of the bounded closedfuzzy complex numbers are discussed,and then the two new theorems for this set are given.在分析模糊复数概念的基础上,进一步讨论了有界闭模糊复数所成集的性质,得到了两个新的结论,为模糊复数理论的研究工作奠定了一定的基础。


1.Some Properties of the Mapping on the Set of the Bounded Closed Fuzzy Complex Numbers;有界闭模糊复数集上映射的一些性质

2.Copy the layer now( Layer- Duplicate Layer) and blur it out with Filter- Blur- Gaussian Blur.将图层复制(层-复制图层)点击滤镜-模糊-高斯模糊,参数如下。

3.Copy the layer now (Layer -Duplicate Layer) and blur it out with Filter -Blur -Gaussian Blur.将图层复制(图层-复制图层),点击滤镜-模糊-高斯模糊,参数如下。

4.Ranking Fuzzy Numbers and Fuzzy Programming;模糊数的Ranking与模糊规划

5.Study of PSF and Restoration of Image Blurred by Motion;运动模糊的点扩展函数及图像恢复研究

6.Study on Digital Image Auto-focusing and Restoration Technology of the Defocused Image数字图像自动聚焦与离焦模糊复原技术研究

7.Levels of Complexity of Electromagnetic Environment Based on Fuzzy Mathematics基于模糊数学的电磁环境复杂程度评估

prehensive Evaluation of Formula of Compound Functional Drink Made from Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.Leaves Based on Fuzzy Math模糊数学评判杜仲叶复合保健饮料的生产配方

9.Fuzzy BCH-algebras and Ω-fuzzy BCH-algebras;模糊BCH-代数与Ω-模糊BCH-代数(英文)

10.Arithmetic of Fuzzy Number and Fuzzy Value Function with Equality Constraints模糊数和模糊值函数的等式限定运算

11.Application of Modified Variational PDE Model to Blind Digital Image Restoration of Vehicle License Plate Number模糊车牌号数字图像盲复原中基于变分的偏微分方程模型的应用

12.Copy now the mask layer, applying to it Filter -Blur -Gaussian Blur.复制面膜层,点击滤镜-模糊-高斯模糊。

13.The Representation of Fuzzy Structured Element for Fuzzy Number Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Operations模糊数直觉模糊集运算的模糊结构元表示

14.Research on Data Collecting System and Fuzzy Control Foundation for Liquid-Solid Extrusion;液—固挤压复合材料数据采集系统及其模糊控制基础研究

15.Fuzzy Mathematical Analysis on Stability of Complex Double Orifice Tunnel and Its Application复杂双孔隧道施工安全稳定模糊数学分析及初步应用

16.Application of Fuzzy Mathematical Method on Structural Complexity Assessment in Tangzhuang Coalmine模糊数学方法在唐庄煤矿构造复杂性评价研究中的应用

17.Research on the Application of the Intelligent Self-adaptive Fuzzy-PID Hybrid Control Technology in CNC Machine Tool智能自适应模糊-PID复合控制技术在数控机床中的应用研究

18.Fuzzy Newton Interpolation and the Representation of Fuzzy Spline Function模糊牛顿插值及模糊样条函数的表示


fuzzy complex number模糊复数

1.This paper mainly deals with the limit theory offuzzy complex number.本文研究模糊复数值变量的极限定理。

2.This paper analyzed based on the concepts of fuzzy number,the properties for set of the bounded closedfuzzy complex numbers are discussed,and then the two new theorems for this set are given.在分析模糊复数概念的基础上,进一步讨论了有界闭模糊复数所成集的性质,得到了两个新的结论,为模糊复数理论的研究工作奠定了一定的基础。

3)complex fuzzy series复模糊级数

4)fuzzy complex function模糊复函数

5)complex fuzzy functions复模糊函数

1.Notes on the limit ofcomplex fuzzy functions;关于复模糊函数的注记(英文)

6)series of Fuzzy complex number模糊复级数

1.The article gives a similar definition to theseries of Fuzzy complex number from the definition of the series of real number, and gives the definition of theseries of Fuzzy complex number convergence.由模糊实级数收敛性定义 ,对模糊复级数作出相仿定义 ,给出模糊复级数的收敛


