1200字范文 > 水能资源开发 hydropower resources development英语短句 例句大全

水能资源开发 hydropower resources development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-30 12:58:53


水能资源开发 hydropower resources development英语短句 例句大全

水能资源开发,hydropower resources development

1)hydropower resources development水能资源开发


1.The analysis of Yalong river hydropower development based on the characteristics of Sichuan energy structure;从四川能源结构特点看雅砻江水能资源开发

2.Study on the Implementation of Micro-Hydropower Recources Development in the Republic of Burundi;布隆迪共和国微水能资源开发的研究

3.Suggestions on Speeding up the Exploitationof Jinsha River s Water Energy Resources;关于加快金沙江水能资源开发的建议

4.Study on framework of eco-compensation policy for development of water energy resources水能资源开发生态补偿政策框架研究

5.Thinking on Sastainable Development of Waterpower on the Middle and Lower Reaches of Lancang River;澜沧江中下游水能资源开发的可持续发展思考

6.The Exploitation of Hydroelectric Resources in Nu River and the Sustainable Development of Minority Area;怒江水能资源开发与民族地区可持续发展

7.On water power development of Lancang river basin in Qinghai province;青海境内澜沧江流域水能资源开发利用浅析

8.Probe into the Paid Transfer of Water Energy Resources Development Access;水能资源开发权有偿转让若干问题探讨

9.Discussion of Instructing Hydropower Resources Exploitation;以循环经济理念指导水能资源开发的探讨

10.exploit oil reserves, water power, solar energy, etc开发石油资源、 开发水利资源、 利用太阳能.

11.Article 16: The State shall encourage the development and utilization of hydropower potential.第十六条 国家鼓励开发利用水能资源。

12.Research on Regional Water Resources Development and Carrying Capacity;区域水资源开发利用与承载能力研究

13.Develop water resources in clond,strengthen the regional capacity of defending and lightening disaster;开发云水资源,增强区域防灾减灾能力

14.The Countermeasures of Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources in Sanxi Energy Resource Base;山西能源基地水资源的持续开发利用对策

15.Studies on Allocation Mechanism of Hydropower Resource in the Development of Small Hydroelectric Stations in Zhejiang;浙江省小水电开发中水能资源配置机制的研究

16.Islamic Network of Water Resources Development and Management伊斯兰水资源开发和管理网(水资源网)

17.Developing hydropower resources reasonably, promoting economy and society sustainable development;合理开发水能资源 促进经济社会可持续发展

18.Bureau of Flood Control and Water Resources Development防洪和水资源开发局


hydropower resources development in river basin流域水能资源开发

3)waterpower development planning水能资源开发规划

4)water power resources can be development in technology技术可开发水能资源

5)water power resources can be development in economy经济可开发水能资源

6)development of water resources水资源开发

1.This pape based on the development and utilization of water resources in Inner Mongolia status,using the method of AHP,analyzed thedevelopment of water resources and utilization in cities in Inner Mongolia.根据内蒙古水资源开发利用现状,利用模糊综合评判的方法分析了内蒙古各盟市水资源开发利用所处阶段。


