1200字范文 > 市县 Cities & counties英语短句 例句大全

市县 Cities & counties英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-02 06:43:18


市县 Cities & counties英语短句 例句大全

市县,Cities & counties

1)Cities & counties市县

2)county regional scale县市


1.A Comparative Study on the Competitive Power of the Counties and Cities in Mountain Areas in Fujian:A Case in Dehua County;福建省山区县市竞争力比较研究——以德化县为例

2.Analysis of Economic Devolopment Disparity in Dezhou;德州市各县市经济发展水平差异探析

3.Autonomous prefectures are divided into counties, autonomous counties, and cities.自治州分为县、自治县、市。

4.Chairman, the City People"s Congress市人大主任(县级市)

5.The periphery area includes Anyi county, Yongxiu county, Fengcheng city, Dean county and Jingan county;外围区城市包括安义县、永修县、丰城市、德安县和靖安县;

6.States are subdivided into counties, which are divid- ed into cities and townships.州下面又分县,县下面分城市或镇。

7.(2) Provinces and autonomous regions are divided into autonomous prefectures, counties, autonomous counties and cities;(二)省、自治区分为自治州、县、自治县、市;

8.The Paradox of "City Administrating County" and the Feasibility of "Province Administrating County";“市管县”的悖论与“省管县”的可行性研究

9.Xinjin County Master Plan Compilation成都市新津县县域总体规划编制探讨

10.International CityCounty Management Association国际城市郡县管理协会

11.It currently has jurisdiction over 11 districts and 10 counties (cities).现辖十一区、十县(市)。

12.The Municipality of Jinzhou, and Jinxi City, Xingcheng City, Jinxian County, Suizhong County under its jurisdiction;锦州市及所辖的锦西、兴城市、锦县、绥中县;

13.The county design of Donghai county as example to discuss the county design以东海县的城市设计为例谈县城的城市设计

14.Research on Plan of Nation-level Ecologic Experimental Area Construction in Da Yi County;成都市大邑县国家级生态示范县建设规划研究

15.The Research on the Integrated Competitiveness of County Economy in Dehua County, Quanzhou City;泉州市德化县县域经济综合竞争力研究

16.A Structural Analysis of the Travel Market in the County Areas--Take Zi Yuan County of Guangxi as an Example;县域旅游客源市场结构分析:以广西资源县为例

17.Municipalities directly under the Central Government and other large cities are divided into districts and counties.直辖市和较大的市分为区、县。

18.Researsh on the Power Mechanism of Contryside Urbanization of Suburban Counties in Xi An;西安市郊县农村城市化动力机制研究


county regional scale县市

3)Cities Governing Counties (Cities)市管县(市)

1.Analysis on the Administration System of Cities Governing Counties (Cities) and the Tentative Plan of the Reform;市管县(市)行政体制剖析与改革设想

4)Wuxian City吴县市

1.Harmorization between eco-rehabilitation of open mining and eco-tourism along Taihu Lake area,Wuxian City.;吴县市露采矿区生态重建与环太湖地区生态旅游模式的契合

2.Based on the definition of eco-tourism, the article analyzed the tourism development state, characteristics and superiority inWuxian City along Taihu Lake area, and put forward the idea that the development of tourism in Wuxian must depend on Wu culture.从生态旅游定义入手 ,结合吴县市环太湖景区旅游业的现状、特色和优势等 ,提出了该市旅游业应以丰富的吴文化内涵为依托的发展模式 ,即以生态化为线索 ,建设一个与之相配套的生态服务体系 ,融生态于衣、食、住、行及购物、娱乐、交通、教育之中 ,使文化、经济、社会、生态成为有机的整体 ,促使生态旅游的可持续性 ,以推动环太湖循环经济的发

5)agricultural counties农业县(市)

1.On the basis of analyzing the environmental advantages, resources advantages, favorable social and economic conditions, and existing problems of developing green-food inagricultural counties of China, the authors put forward some countermeasures of developing green-food inagricultural counties of China.本文分析了我国农业县(市)发展绿色食品普遍存在的问题,在此基础上提出了发展绿色食品的对策。

6)Wanxian City万县市

1.In this paper, the basic regularities of geo-hazards inWanxian City of Chongqing are presented through systematic analysis.万县市滑坡地质灾害发生有一个规律,在分析此规律的基础上,将万县市各种有关与滑坡地质灾害的信息输入计算机,基于地理信息系统(ARCVIEW)建立万县市滑坡地质灾害属性数据库,实现对滑坡灾害的空间信息管理、查询、更新以及滑坡稳定性分析和灾害发生的易损性分析,为万县市地质灾害的防治和管理提供了方便、可靠的平台。

2.Depending on the road network topological graphs of Wanxian city in 1956,1983 and 1991 andwith the use of the indices of network conectivity and circurity,the author studied the developmentsand problems of the city road netword.根据1956,1983和1991年万县市城市道路网络拓扑图,运用连接度、环通度等指标研究该市城市道路网络的发展变化及存在的问题。


