1200字范文 > 档案中介组织 agency organ of archives英语短句 例句大全

档案中介组织 agency organ of archives英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-02 23:29:25


档案中介组织 agency organ of archives英语短句 例句大全

档案中介组织,agency organ of archives

1)agency organ of archives档案中介组织

1.In this article,the research ofagency organ of archives is illuminated from five aspects.文章对当今档案中介组织所处的社会发展环境进行综合论述,指出影响档案中介组织发展的社会环境因素,对影响档案中介组织的客观环境进行全面的分析并找出缘由,指出对策,全文分为五章加以论述:一、分析研究的意义以及国内研究的现状,指出研究的方法以及目前我国档案中介组织的发展现况;二、是档案中介组织的概述,通过比较社会中介组织分析其定义、类型、特征、功能;三、是档案中介组织的客观环境的分析,包括档案中介组织生存的外部环境和内部环境;四、是研究档案中介组织发展环境方面所面临的困难及成因,档案中介组织的发展困境分析包括外部困境和内部困境,成因分析包括客观原因和主观原因;五、是分析档案中介组织发展环境方面的对策,包括如何营造有利于档案中介组织发展的外部环境与内部环境。

2)Archive Organization档案组织


1.Development And Expectation Of Chinese Archives Institutional Framework当代中国档案组织机构的建设发展及展望

2.a clerk who is employed to maintain the files of an organization.被雇来保管一个组织机构的文件档案的职员。

3.Research on Resource Organization and Management of Archives Information System;档案信息化系统的资源组织与管理研究

anization and Management of Personnel Archive in Colleges and Universities under the Network Environment;网络环境下高校人事档案的组织与管理

5.Medium Service Industry of File and Its Mode Optimization;我国档案中介服务业及其组织优化模式

6.The System Modeling Technology of Organizational and Personnel File Management in Universities and Colleges Based on UML基于UML的高校组织人事档案管理系统建模研究

7.Web site: Collection of files and related resources accessible through the World Wide Web and organized under a particular domain name网站:经由全球信息网及特定域名下组织存取档案集合或相关资源。

munication in Organization Code Electronic Filing Management“沟通”在组织机构代码电子档案信息管理中的应用

9.Archives and Records Management Working Group档案和记录管理工作组

10.It also operates Records Centres as central repositories for storage of inactive records transferred from government departments.档案管理组管理的档案中心,集中储存各政府部门的非常用档案。

11.brick wall design砖墙组织图案《印》

12.Discussion on the Filing Standards and Volume Arrangement of the Basic-level Highway Engineering Archives基层公路工程档案归档的规范及组卷探略

13.Fail to arrange the occupational health examination, fail to establish the occupational health record or fail to faithfully inform the laborer concerned of the examination result.(四)按照规定组织职业健康检查、立职业健康监护档案或者未将检查结果如实告知劳动者的。

14.Article 14 The competent forestry authorities at various levels shall be responsible for sorting out forest resources, establish the resources archives system and take hold of the situation in terms of resources changes.第十四条 各级林业主管部门负责组织森林资源清查,建立资源档案制度,掌握资源变化情况。

15.The competent forestry authorities at various levels shall be responsible for sorting out forest resources, establish the resources archives system and take hold of the situation in terms of resources changes.各级林业主管部门负责组织森林资源清查,建立资源档案制度,掌握资源变化情况

16.Article 15 The departments of wildlife administration shall regularly carry out surveys of wildlife resources and keep records of them.第十五条 野生动物行政主管部门应当定期组织对野生动物资源的调查,建立野生动物资源档案。

17.Factual information, especially information organized for analysis or used to reason or make decisions.档案资料事实资料,尤指为分析或用作推理或做决定而组织起的信息

18.Applied Research of the Theory of Systems Engineering in Digital Archives of Code Allocation to Organizations系统工程理论在全国组织机构代码电子档案系统建设中的应用研究


Archive Organization档案组织

3)Intermediary organization中介组织

1.A consideration of developing the rural women intermediary organizations;培育和发展农村妇女中介组织的思考

2.Intermediary Organization Agglomerated as Professional Services Market under the GME-service-pattern;GME服务模式下的中介组织专业市场集聚

3.Try to analyze problems existed in intermediary organization of our country and countermeasures;试论我国中介组织存在的问题及对策


1.The think about theintermediary development of Qingdao;青岛市中介组织发展思考

2.Theintermediary is an important supporting system that guarantees the steady high-efficient operates of modern market economy.中介组织是保证现代市场经济平稳高效运转的重要支持系统,具有"市场经济的看门人"的重要作用。

3.On basis of the analysis, this text, combining the actual conditions of our country, puts forwardintermediary s standardized way represented by legal profession.并在此基础上,结合我国的实际情况,提出了以律师行业为代表的中介组织规范化途经。


1.This paper evaluates the marketing status of Chineseagency from the perspectives of law status, nongovernmental market admittance, foreign capital s market admittance and independency based on the full and accurate data.本文在我国中介组织规模现状概述的基础上,通过大量翔实的数据,从法律地位、对民间和外资的市场准入以及中介组织的独立性等几个方面,对我国中介组织的市场化程度做出了判断,得出我国中介组织市场化地位大大提高的结论。

2.The evaluation of product quality made by a clear propertyagency is one of the effective methods to transfer quality information of the experience goods, while an unclear propertyagency, during quality assessment, may generate opportunistic behavior.在经验品市场上 ,消费者对产品质量具有不完全信息 ,一个产权清晰的中介组织对产品质量的有效评定则是传递质量信号的有效手段之一。

6)agency organization中介组织

1.Reinforcing social self-discipline,enhancing governmental supervistion——the discussion on mighty cultivating and developing firefightingagency organizations;加强社会自律 提升政府监管——培育和发展消防中介组织的探讨

2.The Study of Current Situation of the Development and Countermeasure of Agency Organization in Shenyang;沈阳市中介组织发展现状及对策研究

3.Analysis of Agency Organization of Contract Hire System of Agricultural Machinery on Neo-institutional Economics;农机作业委托中介组织的制度经济学分析


《中国第一历史档案馆馆藏档案概述》档案 专业工具资料书。中国第一历史档案馆 编著,1985年档案出版社出版。该书分16章71节。第 1章介绍中国第一历史档案馆建馆60年工作概况;第 2章介绍该馆所藏明代档案情况;第 3~14章分别介绍该馆所存清代内阁、军机处、内务府、宗人府、宫中各处、中央各部院衙门和地方机关的档案情况;第15章介绍溥仪、端方、醇亲王府等个人及王府档案情况;第16章介绍该馆所藏清代各种舆图情况。全书以主要篇幅,逐个介绍该馆所藏70余个机构(全宗)的档案内容和成分。借助该书,档案馆 工作人员可以熟悉和掌握馆藏档案情况,更好地进行档案管理和提供利用;利用者可以作为入门的向导,了解档案情况和线索,便于查阅利用档案。该书是中华人民共和国建国以来公开出版的第一部档案馆指南。
