1200字范文 > 人事争议 personnel dispute英语短句 例句大全

人事争议 personnel dispute英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-21 14:52:56


人事争议 personnel dispute英语短句 例句大全

人事争议,personnel dispute

1)personnel dispute人事争议

1.On the Location and Value Orientation of the Personnel Dispute Arbitration System;略论人事争议仲裁制度的定位与价值取向

2.Application of law topersonnel disputes in the institutions事业单位人事争议法律适用问题探讨

3.Along with the reform of economic system and personnel system,personnel dispute in all sorts is increasing.目前我国各类人事争议的数量不断增多,但由于人事争议立法不尽完善,解决机制存在诸多缺憾,导致实践中人事争议案件的解决困难重重,因此,完善人事争议解决机制已迫在眉睫。


1.On How to Solve the Subject Conflict between the Labour Disputes and the Personnel Disputes;劳动争议与人事争议的主体冲突及解决对策

2.Application of law to personnel disputes in the institutions事业单位人事争议法律适用问题探讨

3.Defects and remedies of China s personnel arbitration;我国人事争议仲裁制度的缺陷及完善

4.Analyze on Perfecting The Manner of Settling Personnel Dispute in The Enterprise;浅析事业单位人事争议解决方式的完善

5.Personnel Dispute Arbitration System in Teachers Employment Disputes;教师聘任纠纷中的人事争议仲裁制度研究

6.On the Location and Value Orientation of the Personnel Dispute Arbitration System;略论人事争议仲裁制度的定位与价值取向

7.Personal Views on Doing Well the Work of Patching up Labor Disputes;做好高校劳动人事争议调解工作之我见

8.The Interpersonal Dispute Arbitration Regime in China: It s History, Problems and Future;我国人事争议仲裁制度建设的回顾、问题和前景

9.Application Scope of Settlements of Personnel Disputes in Government-sponsored Institution;事业单位人事争议解决方式及其适用范围上的协调

10.In case of any dispute between the parties concerning the construction of a contract term,当事人对合同条款的理解有争议的,

11.If an agreement has been reached after mediation, the parties to the disputes are obliged to carry out.劳动争议经调解达成协议的,当事人应当履行。

12.Person is not concerned with a dispute who is chosen by both side to try to settle it.与争议无关的被双方当事人挑选出来努力解决争议的人。

13.Person not concerned with a dispute who is chosen by both sides to try to settle it与争议无关的被双方当事人挑选出来努力解决争议的人

14.Multi-Party Disputes Arbitration Proceedingsin LondonMaritime Arbitration;伦敦海事仲裁中的多方当事人争议仲裁程序

15.On Administrative Dispute;论行政争议——兼论行政争议与民事争议之区分

16.evidence (usually the testimony of a witness) directly related to the fact in dispute.与争议中的事实直接相关的证据(通常是人证)。

17.The parties may resolve a contractual dispute through settlement or mediation.当事人可以通过和解或者调解解决合同争议。

18.Research on the Law Problems of Consolidated Arbitration of the Multi-Party Dispute;合并仲裁解决多方当事人争议的法律问题探讨


personnel disputes人事争议

pared with those in other countries,Chinese Civil Service have to choose limited relief measures when they meet withpersonnel disputes.随着中国公务员制度改革的不断深化,公务员人事争议成为亟待解决的突出问题。

2.Speaking from the broad sense, civil servantpersonnel disputes mean disputes resulting from civil servants dissatisfaction with government agency just because of such internal act related to its personal interests that occurs during the process of government office to employ, examine, appoint or dismiss, reward or punish its relevant personnel.从广义上讲,公务员人事争议是指公务员对国家机关作出有关人事录用、考核、任免、奖惩、开除等涉及其人身利益的内部行为不服而引发的纠纷。

3)disputing parties争议当事人

4)multi-party disputes多方当事人争议

1.This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of consolidated arbitration as a feasible measure in resolvingmulti-party disputes in international commercial transactions today and discusses how to regulate it by means of developing its advantages and removing its disadvantages.为更好地解决国际商事交易中的多方当事人争议 ,合并仲裁不失为一种可行的办法 ,首先对合并仲裁的利与弊进行分析 ,然后通过扬利除弊的方法探讨如何对其进行规制 ,其中重点谈到合并关键是条件问题 ,并且提出一些建议 ,从而促进合并仲裁这个新事物的健康发展。

2.How to solve themulti-party disputes with proper p roceedings is a problem in the commercial arbitration.对多方当事人争议采用何种适当的仲裁程序予以解决是仲裁领域中的一大难题。

3.With the international economy development, multi-party transactions andmulti-party disputes were increasing.随着经济关系的复杂化,多方当事人交易日趋增多,多方当事人争议也随之增多,对于多方当事人争议,如果采用传统的仲裁方式予以解决会面临很多困难甚至导致矛盾裁决的后果,长期以来,对多方当事人争议采用何种适当的仲裁程序予以解决一直是国际商事仲裁理论争议的热点以及实践操作的难题。

5)personnel dispute arbitration人事争议仲裁

1.However,the related policies and regulations ofpersonnel dispute arbitration in force have a good deal of administrative characteristics.我国仲裁法律制度是从建国初期发展起来的,人事争议仲裁就是继劳动争议仲裁之后出现的解决事业单位人事争议的一种重要途径,而现行人事争议仲裁政策具有一定的行政特征的弊端,由此改进完善我国人事争议仲裁制度的措施对更好地解决人事争议具有非常重要的作用。

6)Personnel Dispute Resolution人事争议救济


