1200字范文 > 感染复数 multiplicity of infection英语短句 例句大全

感染复数 multiplicity of infection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-30 03:28:55


感染复数 multiplicity of infection英语短句 例句大全

感染复数,multiplicity of infection

1)multiplicity of infection感染复数

1.Determination of human cytomegalovirus AD169 strainmultiplicity of infection;HCMV AD169株感染复数(MOI)的确定

2.To clarify the effects of cell density at infection andmultiplicity of infection (MOI) on SARS coronavirus propagation in Vero cell cultures and lay a foundation for SARS-CoV vaccine development.阐明宿主细胞密度和病毒感染复数(MOI)对SARS冠状病毒增殖的影响,为SARS灭活疫苗的研究奠定基础。

3.To discuss the relativity between HCMV proliferate infection of MF andmultiplicity of infection(MOI).目的:研究人巨细胞病毒(human cytomegalovirus,HCMV)在体外可以增殖性感染鼠胚成纤维细胞(mouse embryo fibroblast,MF),探讨HCMV体外增殖性感染MF细胞与感染复数(multiplicity of infection,MOI)的相关性,为HCMV跨种属感染的分子机制研究奠定实验基础。


1.Study on Relativity between Human Cytomegalovirus Infection of Mouse Embryo Fibroblast in Vitro and Multiplicity of Infection;HCMV体外感染鼠胚成纤维细胞与感染复数相关性的实验研究

2.Effects of Compound Chinese Herbal Medicine on the Stimulation Indexes of the Lymphocytes in the Chicks Infected by Nephropathogenic Infectious Bronchitis Virus复方中药对感染NIB鸡淋巴细胞刺激指数的影响

3.50 tissue culture infective dose半数组织培养感染量

4.Recovery: Restore the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data on infected systems, and reverse containment measures.恢复:恢复被感染系统中数据的保密性,完整性和可用性,并翻转封闭措施。

5."Chronic pyelonephritis results from repeated Bacterial infections, which may have no symptoms But destroy more and more tissue over years."慢性肾盂肾炎起因于反复的细菌感染,可能无症状出现,但数年下来有越来越多的组织被破坏。

6.This applies to most respiratory infections (e. g mycoplasma infections, infectious coryza, laryngotracheilis) .大多数呼吸道感染都如此,如枝原体感染,传染性鼻炎,喉气管炎。

7.This applies to most respiratory infections (e.g. mycoplasma infections, infectious coryza, laryngotracheitis).大多数呼吸道感染都如此,如支原体感染,传染性鼻炎,喉气管炎。

8.2.Sharing or reusing contaminated needles;2.共用或重复使用已经被感染的针头;

9.Study on Inhibition SARS-CoV Replication and Infection by RNA Interference;RNAi抑制SARS病毒复制与感染的实验研究

10.TCM Treat Children Recurrent Respiratory Infection中医治疗小儿反复呼吸道感染的体会

11.Study on the Syndrome Feature of Children Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infection in Non-acute Infective Stage儿童反复呼吸道感染非急性感染期证候特点的研究

12.This measures the number of computers that are known to be infected.这测量了已知的被感染的电脑数量。

13.New cases have been cropping up daily in the double digits.每天都有双位数字的新增感染个案。

14.The goal is to reduce the number of infected babies by 40%.目标是使受感染婴儿的数量减少40%。

15.Application of WBC Count in Prediction of Non-social Infection白细胞计数在医院感染预测中的应用

16.Development of Hospital Infection Date Share Platform by JAVE使用JAVE开发感染数据共享网站

17.Remember the vast majority of people who are HIV+ don"t know their status切记大多数爱滋病毒感染者并不知道他们的感染情况

18.Evaluation of cytomegalovirus IgG avidity index in differentiation of primary infection from reactivation测定抗HCMV-IgG抗体亲合力指数鉴别原发感染和再激活感染


Optimal multiplicity of infection最佳感染复数

1.Objective To identify some basic biological properties, morphology and size, type of nucleic acid, lytic capacity, optimal multiplicity of infection (MOI), and one-step growth kinetics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage PaP1.目的确定铜绿假单胞菌噬菌体PaP1的形态大小、核酸类型、裂菌特性、最佳感染复数和一步生长曲线等基本生物学特性。

2.Objective To identify some basic biological properties: morphology and size, lytic or lysogenic capacity, optimal multiplicity of infection (MOI) and one-step growth kinetics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage PaP2.目的确定铜绿假单胞菌噬菌体PaP2的形态与大小、裂菌特性、最佳感染复数、一步生长特性等基本的生物学特性。

3)recurrent infection反复感染


1.Serological investigation on thecoinfection of spotted fever group of Rickettsia and Borrelia burgdorferi among livestock in a forest area of Jilin,province;吉林省林区家畜中斑点热群立克次体与莱姆病螺旋体复合感染的血清学调查

5)Repetitive infection重复感染

1.Objective: To discuss the mechanism of ventricular remodeling in viral myocarditis caused by repetitive infection and the effect of MMP family on ventricular remodeling and the relationship between the MMP family and the correlative cytokines.目的:探讨重复感染致病毒性心肌炎心室重构的发生机制,MMPs家族在心肌炎心室重构过程的作用及与相关的细胞因子之间的作用。


1.Analysis of an epidemic model with vaccination and two-strainsuperinfection;一个带接种重复感染两种病毒的流行病模型分析


conidium (复数conidia)分子式:CAS号:性质:常指由真菌产生的一种形小、量大、外生的无性繁殖体。多为单细胞、色较深、不运动、抗干燥。一般由分生孢子梗等特殊菌丝通过断裂形成,成熟后分生。形态、构造、大小、颜色和排列等特征因种而异,是菌种鉴定的重要依据。实践上可用于分离、筛选、育种、保藏和接种扩大等。放线菌也有类似的分生孢子。
