1200字范文 > 高等教育化 teacher education transferred to the level of higher education英语短句 例句大全

高等教育化 teacher education transferred to the level of higher education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-14 21:37:12


高等教育化 teacher education transferred to the level of higher education英语短句 例句大全

高等教育化,teacher education transferred to the level of higher education

1)teacher education transferred to the level of higher education高等教育化

2)Higher Education of Chemical Engineering化工高等教育

1.Some Features ofHigher Education of Chemical Engineering in the United Kingdom;英国化工高等教育的特点

3)High chemistry Education高等化学教育


1.Scientific Thinking in Advanced Chemistry Teaching;高等化学教育应重视科学方法的培养

2.Quality view of education and teaching in higher education massification;论高等教育大众化的教育教学质量观

3.The Popularity and Self-study Examination of Higher Edlucation;试论高等教育大众化与高等教育自学考试

4.China"s higher education system and modernization of higher education我国近代高等教育学制与高等教育现代化

5.HVTE-Education Supermarket in Learning Society;高等教育——学习化社会的教育大超市

6.Expansion and Equality in Chinese Higher Education;规模扩大与高等教育入学机会均等化

7.The Transformation of Teacher Education into Higher Education Level and its Universitization in Turkey土耳其教师教育的高等教育化与大学化转型

8.Enhancement of Teaching Reform and Quality of Higher Vocational Education;深化教学改革 提高高等职业教育教学质量

9.tertiary educationph.1. 高等教育,大学教育

10.Studied on the Teaching Mode Which Suits Higher Education Internationalization;适应高等教育国际化的教学模式研究

11.On Information Construction of Adult Education Approaches;论成人高等教育教学手段信息化建设

12.Teaching Reform is Motive Power of Developing Higher Education;深化教学改革是高等教育发展的动力

13.Function of Multi-media Teaching in Higher Vocational Education;论电化教学在高等职业教育中的作用

14.The View of Teaching Quality to Be Established in the "Popular" Higher Education;“大众化”高等教育应树立的教学质量观

15.Strengthening Adults Higher Education Concept, Improving Its Teaching Level;强化成人高等教育质量意识 提高成人高等教育教学水平

16.On the Change of Attributes of Higher Education from the Perspective of the Change of Universities’ Functions;从大学职能变化看高等教育属性变化

17.Training Mode of Higher Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Education in Germany and its Enlightenment;德国高等化学化工类教育模式及启示

18.Discipline-institutionalized research and multidisciplinary research of higher education;高等教育的学科化研究与多学科研究


Higher Education of Chemical Engineering化工高等教育

1.Some Features ofHigher Education of Chemical Engineering in the United Kingdom;英国化工高等教育的特点

3)High chemistry Education高等化学教育

4)Higher education internationalization高等教育国际化

1.The development trent of higher education internationalization and countermeasures in China;高等教育国际化的发展态势与中国大学的应对

2.WTO and China s Higher Education Internationalization;WTO与中国高等教育国际化

3.At present,higher education internationalization is a trend for the development of higher education.高等教育国际化是我国高等教育发展的必然趋势,留学生教育的广泛开展对留学生管理提出了更高的要求。

5)popularization of higher education高等教育大众化

1.On vocational guidance for university graduates in thepopularization of higher education;高等教育大众化背景下的高校就业指导初探

2.Steadily advance thepopularization of higher education in Guangdongon the basis of a comprehensive understandingof the implications ofpopularization of higher education;对广东高等教育大众化的思考

3.Study on the potential issues affecting the "popularization of higher education" in Henan province;影响河南“高等教育大众化”的若干潜在问题研究

6)Mass higher education高等教育大众化

1.On the challenges and strategies in the process of mass higher education of China;我国高等教育大众化进程中的挑战与对策

2.The exploration on the development of Chinese local higher education on the background of the progress towards mass higher education我国高等教育大众化进程中地方高等教育的发展

3.Mass higher education is an objective inevitability of the economic and social development.在我国正式加入世界贸易组织之际,我国也即将进入高等教育大众化阶段。


