1200字范文 > 板材性能 Board properties英语短句 例句大全

板材性能 Board properties英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-13 09:27:34


板材性能 Board properties英语短句 例句大全

板材性能,Board properties

1)Board properties板材性能


1.The Effect of the Hydrothermal Pretreatment on Properties of the E.grandis×E.urophylla Lumber;水热预处理对巨尾桉板材性能的影响

2.Effect of Pre-Mixing Cu Powder on Performance of 85W-Cu Sheet预加铜粉对85W-Cu板材性能的影响

3.Performance comparison of magnesium compound side gate and Al_2O_3-ZrO_2-C side gate镁质复合滑板材料与铝锆碳滑板材料性能比较

4.Research on Flexible Materials and Adhesives for Rigid-Flex Boards刚挠结合板用挠性材料和粘结材料性能研究

5.Research on the Soundproof of the Folder-filler Core and Honeycomb Core Sandwich Panel;皱褶芯材和蜂窝芯材夹层板隔声性能研究

6.Study on preparation of composite plates with neutron shielding function中子屏蔽复合材料板材研制及性能研究

7.Research on Drawability and Processing of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Sheet;AZ31镁合金板材冲压性能与工艺研究

8.Hot Formability of Ti-Ni Alloy Sheet;Ti-Ni合金板材热成形性能研究

9.Research on Gas Bulging Forming of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Sheet in High Temperature;AZ31镁合金板材高温气胀成形性能研究

10.The Research on the Mechanics Properties of Plybamboo Material and Structure;竹胶合板材料力学性能及结构的研究

11.Study on Microstructures and Properties of Super-Hardness Aluminum Alloy Plate Materials;超硬铝合金板材微观组织及性能研究

12.Synthesis of Functional Core/shell Materials Using the Template of SiO_2 Particles;以SiO_2粒子为模板合成功能性核壳材料

13.Preparations and Properties of One-dimension Nanomaterials by Template Method;模板法制备一维纳米材料及性能研究

14.Preparetion, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Tial Based Alloy Sheet;TiAl基合金板材制备与组织性能研究

15.Research on Tribological Properties of the Material of Hydraulic Turbine Facing Plate;水轮机抗磨板材料的摩擦学性能研究

16.Investigation of the Heat Conduction and Thermoelasticity for Functionally Graded Material Plates功能梯度材料板热传导及热弹性研究

17.Fabrication of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Sheet and Its Microstructure and Stamping FormabilityAZ31镁合金板材制备及组织与性能研究

18.Research on the Drawability Properties of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy Sheets on Warm FormingAZ31B镁合金板材温成形冲压性能研究


material property材料性能

1.Experimental study on influence ofmaterial property on corrosion fatigue life of drill pipes材料性能对钻杆腐蚀疲劳寿命影响的试验研究

2.A series ofmaterial property of poplar laminated veneer lumber has been examined,and convert the testing value ofmaterial property into design strength according to the method in code for design of timber structures,the results show that the poplar LVL could be used as structural material.对速生杨木制作的单板层积材(Laminated Veneer Lumber,简称LVL)的各项材料性能指标进行测试,将测试验值按《木结构设计规范》确定设计值方法换算,结果表明杨木LVL可作结构材使用。

3.When the Weibull modulus is big,the strength distribution concentrates,and thematerial property repeats excellently.Weibul模数m值越大,强度分布越集中,材料性能重复性越好。

3)material properties材料性能

1.In this paper,up-to-date developments and applications over the past few years in using a spherical indentation to evaluatematerial properties with a small volume are briefly discussed.简介了近几年采用球形压痕法在测试材料性能方面的最新发展和应用。

2.Thematerial properties including tensile strength,toughness of this component had been degraded by long-term operation at elevated temperature.对1080管线进行了现场取样,通过试验研究了强度、韧性等材料性能的变化,结果表明材料的塑性和韧性指标下降明显。

3.Thematerial properties,including tensile strength and toughness of this component,had been degraded by long-term operation at elevated temperature.对F1101加热炉出口管线进行了现场取样,通过试验研究了强度、韧性等材料性能的变化,结果表明材料损伤主要由碳化物的析出和球化所致。

4)material characteristics材料性能

1.This new general method for studying the influence of alloy adding upon thematerial characteristics is presented in detail.根据RMTong把模糊模型看作是模糊条件命题的集合这一基本思想,通过精确量的模糊化,确定了合金元素加入量与材料性能指标组成的模糊系统的结构,建立了该系统的模糊模型,为研究合金加入量对材料性能的影响提供了一种普遍意义下的新方法。

5)properties of materials材料性能

1.Moreover, the rules of construction,properties of materials used, construction technique for different types of cracks and notes have been briefly discussed.介绍了万家寨水利枢纽廊道混凝土渗漏水缺陷分类及特征,且就渗水裂缝施工原则、材料性能、不同渗漏水裂缝施工工艺进行简要论述。

6)steel performance钢材性能


