1200字范文 > 骨代谢指标 bone metabolic index英语短句 例句大全

骨代谢指标 bone metabolic index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-30 04:07:57


骨代谢指标 bone metabolic index英语短句 例句大全

骨代谢指标,bone metabolic index

1)bone metabolic index骨代谢指标

1.Objective To Observe the influence of partiallybone metabolic index,insulin shape growth factor-1(IGF-1) and bone density for2 type diabetic controls blood sugar before and after.目的观察2型糖尿病患者血糖控制前后对部分骨代谢指标、胰岛素样生长因子-1(IGF-1)及骨密度的影响。


1.Effects of Nordic Walking on Elder People s Bone Mineral Density and Bone Metabolism Markers;越野行走对老年人骨密度和骨代谢指标的影响

2.Effects of aeronautical environmental on Bone Mineral Density and Bone Metabolism marker in Aircrew Members of Civil Aviation民航飞行人员骨密度和骨代谢指标的测定

3.The Changes of Part Biochemical Elements and Biochemical Markers of Bone Metabolism in Normal Pregnancy;妊娠期部分生化元素与骨代谢指标的研究

4.Influence of Taiji Softball to Postmenopausal Women s Bone Mineral Density and Bone Metabolism Index;太极柔力球运动对绝经后妇女骨密度和骨代谢指标的影响

5.Influences on bone mineral density and biochemical markers in patients with idiopathic hypercalciuria特发性高尿钙症对病人骨密度及骨代谢指标的影响

6.A Research on Preventing Disuse Osteoporosis in the Indicator of Bone Metabolism Biochemistry through Passive Movement and Electricity Stimulation被动运动和电刺激预防废用性骨质疏松的骨代谢指标研究

7.Bone metabolism and insulin resistance in obese children肥胖男童骨密度变化与骨代谢指标及胰岛素抵抗的关系探讨

8.The Clinical Significance of Determining Bone Metabolism Index and Serum Leptin Levels in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis;肝硬化患者骨代谢指标与血清瘦素水平测定的临床意义

9.Change and relative analysis of serum levels of insulin-like growth factor-1and bone metabolization indexes in idiopathic short stature children青春期前特发性矮小儿童IGF-1、骨代谢指标水平变化及相关分析

10.Analysis on the correlation between the levels of Ca~(2+) and Mg~(2+) and bone gla protein and deisoxypyridoxine hydrochloride in blood and urine in pregnant women孕妇血尿钙镁与骨代谢指标BGP和DPD的相关性临床研究

11.Changes of Bone Mass and Biochemical Markers of Bone Metabolism in Postpartum Women;产后妇女骨量和骨代谢生化指标变化的研究

12.Effects of Jump on BMD and Biochemical Indexes of Bone Metabolism and BMP-2 in the Growing Rat;纵跳对生长期大鼠骨密度、骨代谢生化指标及股骨BMP-2的影响

13.Age related changes in biochemical markers of hone metabolism and their clinical significances骨代谢生化指标随年龄的变化及其临床意义

14.The Research of Bone Metabolism Clinical Indexes of Patients with Chronic Renal Disease;慢性肾脏病患者骨代谢临床指标的研究

15.Study on Influence of Superfine Grinded Eggshell Powder on Biochemical Markers of Bone Metabolism in Rats超微蛋壳粉对大鼠骨代谢生化指标影响的研究

16.The Effect of Bone Metabolize Chemistry Indexs Through Strengthen Kidney and Activating the Circulation the Blood to the Old Aged Fracture of Hip;补肾活血法对老年性髋部骨折骨代谢生化指标的影响

17.Effects of Vertical Jump on BMD and Biochemical Indexes of Bone Metabolism of the Growing Rat;纵跳对生长期大鼠骨密度、骨代谢生化指标的影响

18.Effects of Pioglitazone on Bone Mineral Density and Some of Bone Metabolism Biochemicalmarkers in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus吡格列酮对2型糖尿病患者骨密度和部分骨代谢生化指标的影响


Bone metabolic markers骨代谢指标

1.Clinical value of bone metabolic markers in diagnosis and treatment of primary osteoporosis;骨代谢指标在原发性骨质疏松症诊治中的临床价值

3)bone metabolic biochemical markers骨代谢生化指标

1.Objective To explore the clinical significance of changes of serumbone metabolic biochemical markers levels in elderly subjects with subclinical hypothyoridism.目的:测定老年亚临床甲减患者骨代谢生化指标及探讨其临床意义。

4)Bone metabolite骨代谢相关指标

5)Biochemical markers of bone metabolism骨代谢生化指标

1.Objective To investigate the clinical significance of changes of levels of biochemical markers of bone metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.目的 :探讨 2型糖尿病患者骨代谢生化指标的临床意义。

2.To study the effect of the GUMIPAI calcium table and the Cornu Cervielaphi on BMD andBiochemical markers of bone metabolism in the homozygous(-/-) OPG knockout mice.目的:观察蓇密牌钙片及马鹿角对鼠胚成骨细胞MC3T3-E1的增殖分化作用及细胞内OPG、RANKLmRNA的表达;观察蓇密牌钙片及马鹿角对OPG-/-小鼠的骨密度及骨代谢生化指标的作用。

6)Bone density/Bone metabolism target骨密度/骨代谢指标


骨代谢生化指标骨代谢生化指标是反映骨转换状态的指标,升高示骨转换增加,丢失加速,用以定期检查并计算骨丢失率,选出预防对象、判断病情发展,以及监测疗效,却非诊断骨质疏松症的可靠手段。骨形成指标有:①血内碱性磷酸酶(AKP)及特异性骨碱性磷酸酶(BAKP)。②骨钙素(BGP,osteocalcin)。③前胶原Ⅰ延伸肽(procollagen Ⅰ extension peptide)。骨吸收指标有:①尿钙/肌酐(Ca/Er)比值在空腹的第2次晨尿测定。②尿羟脯氨酸/肌酐(HYP/Cr)比值在空腹第2次晨尿测定。③尿吡啶并啉(pyridinoline,pyr,吡啶酚)。④脱氧吡啶并啉(Deoxypyridinoline,Dpyr)。⑤血抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶。
