1200字范文 > 著作权集体管理组织 copyright collective management organization英语短句 例句大全

著作权集体管理组织 copyright collective management organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-08 01:54:05


著作权集体管理组织 copyright collective management organization英语短句 例句大全

著作权集体管理组织,copyright collective management organization

1)copyright collective management organization著作权集体管理组织

1.On Issues of Perfecting Copyright Collective Management Organization in Network Environment;网络环境下的著作权集体管理组织初探

2.Discussion on characteristics ofcopyright collective management organization;论著作权集体管理组织的性质

3.Copyright law uses the pattern whichcopyright collective management organization rises to lawsuit to protect the copyright owner legitimate rights and interests,which is different from the pattern the civil procedure law stipulated.我国著作权法采用著作权集体管理组织提起诉讼的方式保护著作权人合法权益,是与民事诉讼法规定的代表人诉讼不同的模式,承认著作权集体管理组织的当事人资格是维护著作权人的合法权益和促进著作权的合法、合理使用的需要。


1.Analysis of Characteristic of Collective Management for Copyright in China;我国著作权集体管理组织的性质分析

2.On Abusing the Rights of Copyright Collective Management Organizations Referring a Case;从一则案例谈著作权集体管理组织的权利滥用

3.On the System of Copyright Collective Management Societies in China;我国著作权集体管理组织法律制度研究

4.On Issues of Perfecting Copyright Collective Management Organization in Network Environment;网络环境下的著作权集体管理组织初探

5.Anti-monopoly Law Regulation of Copyright Collective Management Organization著作权集体管理组织的反垄断法律规制

6.On the Establishment of Competitive and Collective Management Organization for Copyright in China我国应当确立竞争性的著作权集体管理组织

7.Copyright licenses and copyright collective management organization in the construction of digital library;数字图书馆建设中的版权许可与著作权集体管理组织

8.Establishment and consummation of copyright collective management organization needs two steps.建立和健全我国的著作权集体管理组织应分两步走。

9.A Comparative Study on the Systems of Copyright Collective Administration Organizations: From the Perspective of Civil Law System;著作权集体管理组织制度比较研究——以大陆法系为中心

10.A Study of the Litigant Suitable Standard under the Community Lawsuit Pattern--From the perspective of Copyright Collective Management Organization;群体诉讼模式下的当事人适格问题研究——以著作权集体管理组织为视角

11.Copyright law and administrative rules authorize copyright administrative organization the qualification of client.著作权法与著作权管理条例能够赋予著作权管理组织诉讼主体资格。

12.On the Copyright Collective Management System through a Case of Copyright Infringement由一件著作权侵权案谈著作权集体管理制度

13.The research on collective managerial system of copyrights of works on networks;初析网络作品的著作权集体管理制度

14.Research on the Mode of Collective Management of Intellectual Property in Information Network;信息网络中著作权集体管理模式研究

15.A Ponder on Issues Relevant to Copyright Collective Management System;著作权集体管理制度若干问题的研究

16.The Copyright Collective Management system under Anti-monopoly law著作权集体管理制度的反垄断法规制

17.Analysis on the Economical Significance of < the Regulations of Collective Management for the Copyright> on the Use of the Copyright by the Library;《著作权集体管理条例》对图书馆使用著作权的经济意义分析

18.The Effect of the Centralized Management of Copyright on Digital Library;著作权集体管理对数字图书馆的作用与影响


collective management of copyright著作权集体管理

1.Thecollective management of copyright is one of the essential ways for the authors to realize their copyrights.著作权集体管理是现代社会中实现著作权人和邻接权人权利的一种重要途径。

2.There are three measures for protecting the network publishing copyright: strengthening awareness of copyright protection;improving the protection of technological measure;perfecting the copyright law system;improving thecollective management of copyright.要发展文化艺术与高新技术紧密结合的数字版权产业,解决网络出版存在的版权问题,首先要增强出版单位的版权保护意识,提高出版单位的技术保护水平;其次则必须及时更新、完善相关法律制度,尽快与国际保护接轨;同时,还要通过尽快完善著作权集体管理组织以保护网络环境下的版权利益。

3.Thecollective management of copyright is one of indispensable measures for authors to realize their rights.著作权集体管理制度是著作权制度的重要组成部分,是著作权制度发展到一定阶段的产物。

3)copyright collective management著作权集体管理

1.This paper analyzed the character of thecopyright collective management organization,explained the difference of the organization and copyright agency,thought that thecopyright collective management organization was the monopolistic and nonprofit social group which was established by copy right owner.本文分析了我国著作权集体管理组织的法律属性,阐述了著作权集体管理组织与版权代理机构的区别,认为该组织是由著作权人发起设立的具有垄断性的非营利性社会团体。

2.The new challenges come tocopyright collective management system under the Anti-monopoly law.《反垄断法》的实行对我国现行的著作权集体管理制度提出了新的挑战。

4)Management on Collective Copyright集体著作权管理

5)"collective management rule of the copyright"《著作权集体管理条例》

6)copyright collective management system著作权集体管理制度

pared with developed countries long history ofcopyright collective management system, China has no experience on it.相对于发达国家上百年的著作权集体管理组织的发展历史,我国在著作权集体管理制度方面没有太多的经验,于是在建立自己的著作权集体管理制度时选择了垄断型的模式,这也是我国比较熟悉的运作方式。


